Complexity Reduction in HEVC Intra Coding and Comparison with H.264/AVC

Book Description

ITU-T (VCEG) and ISO/IEC (MPEG) collaborated and formed the joint collaborative team on video coding (JCT-VC) in April 2010 to develop the next-generation video coding (NGVC) standard.. HEVC standard doubles the coding efficiency and the approximately 50% less bit rate with respect to H.264/AVC, at nearly the same video quality at expense of increased complexity. In this thesis, a technique is proposed to reduce the complexity of HEVC intra coding to get better encoding time, involving two steps - first by optimizing the PU (prediction unit) size decision process using texture complexity analysis by intensity gradients and second to obtain the reduced prediction modes by applying a combination of rough mode decision (RMD) and most probable modes (MPM) thereby reducing the number of modes based on rate distortion optimization (RDO) followed by residual quad-tree (RQT) which is used to simplify the entire process The technique developed in this thesis achieved an average gain of 47.25% encoder time when implemented for several test sequences at very less loss in performance with high complexity reduction.

Implementation of Complexity Reduction Algorithm for Intra Mode Selection in H.264/AVC

Book Description

For applications with low computational capabilities like handheld devices, it is necessary that the encoding complexity is minimal. But H.264, which is the most widely accepted video platform employs several powerful coding techniques that increase encoding complexity. Hence, the objective of this thesis is to implement an algorithm which reduces the encoding complexity by about 25%, but retains the quality of the existing intra prediction algorithm. H.264 offers nine modes for intra prediction of 4x4 luminance blocks, which includes DC prediction and eight directional modes (N4). For regions with less spatial detail, H.264 supports 16x16 intra coding, where in one of the four prediction modes (DC, vertical, horizontal and planar) is chosen for the prediction of the entire luminance component of the macro-block (N16). In addition, H.264 supports intra prediction for the 8x8 chrominance blocks which also use the similar four prediction modes as 16x16 luminance blocks (N8). The existing intra prediction algorithm uses Rate Distortion Optimization(RDO) to examine all possible combinations of coding modes. Therefore the number of mode combinations for each macro-block would be N8x (16xN4 + N16) = 4 x (16 x 9 + 4), which sums up to 592. Thus, to select the best mode for one macro-block in the intra prediction, the H.264/AVC encoder carries out 592 RDO calculations. As a result, the complexity of the encoder increases extremely. This thesis adopts a complexity reduction algorithm using simple directional masks and neighboring modes where in, the number of mode combinations are reduced to 132 at the most, with negligible loss of PSNR(peak signal to noise ratio) and bit-rate increase compared with the H.264 exhaustive search.

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)

Book Description

This book provides developers, engineers, researchers and students with detailed knowledge about the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard. HEVC is the successor to the widely successful H.264/AVC video compression standard, and it provides around twice as much compression as H.264/AVC for the same level of quality. The applications for HEVC will not only cover the space of the well-known current uses and capabilities of digital video – they will also include the deployment of new services and the delivery of enhanced video quality, such as ultra-high-definition television (UHDTV) and video with higher dynamic range, wider range of representable color, and greater representation precision than what is typically found today. HEVC is the next major generation of video coding design – a flexible, reliable and robust solution that will support the next decade of video applications and ease the burden of video on world-wide network traffic. This book provides a detailed explanation of the various parts of the standard, insight into how it was developed, and in-depth discussion of algorithms and architectures for its implementation.

Fast Intra-frame Coding Algorithm for HEVC Based on TCM and Machine Learning

Book Description

High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the latest video coding standard. Compared with the previous standard H.264/AVC, it can reduce the bit-rate by around 50% while maintaining the same perceptual quality. This performance gain on compression is achieved mainly by supporting larger Coding Unit (CU) size and more prediction modes. However, since the encoder needs to traverse all possible choices to mine out the best way of encoding data, this large flexibility on block size and prediction modes has caused a tremendous increase in encoding time. In HEVC, intra-frame coding is an important basis, and it is widely used in all configurations. Therefore, fast algorithms are always required to alleviate the computational complexity of HEVC intra-frame coding. In this thesis, a fast intra-frame coding algorithm based on machine learning is proposed to predict CU decisions. Hence the computational complexity can be significantly reduced with negligible loss in the coding efficiency. Machine learning models like Bayes decision, Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used as decision makers while the Laplacian Transparent Composite Model (LPTCM) is selected as a feature extraction tool. In the main version of the proposed algorithm, a set of features named with Summation of Binarized Outlier Coefficients (SBOC) is extracted to train SVM models. An online training structure and a performance control method are introduced to enhance the robustness of decision makers. When applied on All Intra Main (AIM) full test and compared with HM 16.3, the main version of the proposed algorithm can achieve, on average, 48% time reduction with 0.78% BD-rate increase. Through adjusting parameter settings, the algorithm can change the trade-off between encoding time and coding efficiency, which can generate a performance curve to meet different requirements. By testing different methods on the same machine, the performance of proposed method has outperformed all CU decision based HEVC fast intra-frame algorithms in the benchmarks.

High Efficiency Video Coding and Other Emerging Standards

Book Description

High Efficiency Video Coding and Other Emerging Standards provides an overview of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) and all its extensions and profiles. There are nearly 300 projects and problems included, and about 400 references related to HEVC alone. Next generation video coding (NGVC) beyond HEVC is also described. Other video coding standards such as AVS2, DAALA, THOR, VP9 (Google), DIRAC, VC1, and AV1 are addressed, and image coding standards such as JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JPEG XR, JPEG XS, JPEG XT and JPEG-Pleno are also listed.Understanding of these standards and their implementation is facilitated by overview papers, standards documents, reference software, software manuals, test sequences, source codes, tutorials, keynote speakers, panel discussions, reflector and ftp/web sites – all in the public domain. Access to these categories is also provided.

Video coding standards

Book Description

The requirements for multimedia (especially video and audio) communications increase rapidly in the last two decades in broad areas such as television, entertainment, interactive services, telecommunications, conference, medicine, security, business, traffic, defense and banking. Video and audio coding standards play most important roles in multimedia communications. In order to meet these requirements, series of video and audio coding standards have been developed such as MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-21 for audio and video by ISO/IEC, H.26x for video and G.72x for audio by ITU-T, Video Coder 1 (VC-1) for video by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and RealVideo (RV) 9 for video by Real Networks. AVS China is the abbreviation for Audio Video Coding Standard of China. This new standard includes four main technical areas, which are systems, video, audio and digital copyright management (DRM), and some supporting documents such as consistency verification. The second part of the standard known as AVS1-P2 (Video - Jizhun) was approved as the national standard of China in 2006, and several final drafts of the standard have been completed, including AVS1-P1 (System - Broadcast), AVS1-P2 (Video - Zengqiang), AVS1-P3 (Audio - Double track), AVS1-P3 (Audio - 5.1), AVS1-P7 (Mobile Video), AVS-S-P2 (Video) and AVS-S-P3 (Audio). AVS China provides a technical solution for many applications such as digital broadcasting (SDTV and HDTV), high-density storage media, Internet streaming media, and will be used in the domestic IPTV, satellite and possibly the cable TV market. Comparing with other coding standards such as H.264 AVC, the advantages of AVS video standard include similar performance, lower complexity, lower implementation cost and licensing fees. This standard has attracted great deal of attention from industries related to television, multimedia communications and even chip manufacturing from around the world. Also many well known companies have joined the AVS Group to be Full Members or Observing Members. The 163 members of AVS Group include Texas Instruments (TI) Co., Agilent Technologies Co. Ltd., Envivio Inc., NDS, Philips Research East Asia, Aisino Corporation, LG, Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd., Nokia (China) Investment (NCIC) Co. Ltd., Sony (China) Ltd., and Toshiba (China) Co. Ltd. as well as some high level universities in China. Thus there is a pressing need from the instructors, students, and engineers for a book dealing with the topic of AVS China and its performance comparisons with similar standards such as H.264, VC-1 and RV-9.

Versatile Video Coding

Book Description

Video is the main driver of bandwidth use, accounting for over 80 per cent of consumer Internet traffic. Video compression is a critical component of many of the available multimedia applications, it is necessary for storage or transmission of digital video over today's band-limited networks. The majority of this video is coded using international standards developed in collaboration with ITU-T Study Group and MPEG. The MPEG family of video coding standards begun on the early 1990s with MPEG-1, developed for video and audio storage on CD-ROMs, with support for progressive video. MPEG-2 was standardized in 1995 for applications of video on DVD, standard and high definition television, with support for interlaced and progressive video. MPEG-4 part 2, also known as MPEG-2 video, was standardized in 1999 for applications of low- bit rate multimedia on mobile platforms and the Internet, with the support of object-based or content based coding by modeling the scene as background and foreground. Since MPEG-1, the main video coding standards were based on the so-called macroblocks. However, research groups continued the work beyond the traditional video coding architectures and found that macroblocks could limit the performance of the compression when using high-resolution video. Therefore, in 2013 the high efficiency video coding (HEVC) also known and H.265, was released, with a structure similar to H.264/AVC but using coding units with more flexible partitions than the traditional macroblocks. HEVC has greater flexibility in prediction modes and transform block sizes, also it has a more sophisticated interpolation and de blocking filters. In 2006 the VC-1 was released. VC-1 is a video codec implemented by Microsoft and the Microsoft Windows Media Video (VMW) 9 and standardized by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). In 2017 the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) released a call for proposals for a new video coding standard initially called Beyond the HEVC, Future Video Coding (FVC) or known as Versatile Video Coding (VVC). VVC is being built on top of HEVC for application on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR), High Dynamic Range (HDR) and 360° Video. The VVC is planned to be finalized by 2020. This book presents the new VVC, and updates on the HEVC. The book discusses the advances in lossless coding and covers the topic of screen content coding. Technical topics discussed include: Beyond the High Efficiency Video CodingHigh Efficiency Video Coding encoderScreen contentLossless and visually lossless coding algorithmsFast coding algorithmsVisual quality assessmentOther screen content coding algorithmsOverview of JPEG Series

Encoder Complexity Reduction with Selective Motion Merge in HEVC

Book Description

The High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard is the latest video coding project developed by the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC) which involves the International Telecommunication Unit (ITU-T) Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and the ISO/IEC Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) standardization organizations. The HEVC standard is based on the previous widely used H.264/AVC (Advance Video Coding) standard [10] but includes many new tools and improvements in different key areas which has resulted in achieving a 50% bitrate reduction compared to its predecessor amidst maintaining the same visual quality [11] at a cost of increased complexity. Among the different vital blocks of a video codec the motion estimation and motion compensation blocks are considered as the key and the most complex section. The calculations involving the derivation of motion estimation followed by predictor picture derivation leading to a residual image which is in turn followed by motion compensation using the previously encoded motion information is responsible for consuming a large part of the encoding time and device resource. Since the video signal largely consists of real world objects which have regions of homogeneous motion, the encoder tries to make use of these regions of common motion to bring about a reduction in bitrate. To achieve this reduction the encoder adapts the technique of motion merging which exploit the redundancies among the motion information data obtained through motion estimation. Although the present algorithm used in HEVC is capable of making use of these redundancies they still impose a large computational and encoding time overhead on the codecs affecting the device performance. The thesis proposes an algorithm which selectively performs the motion merging allowing the formation of larger blocks of homogenous motion which reduces the bitrate and also utilizes the typical characteristics of video signal to reduce the encoding time at a cost of little loss of quality. The experimental results based on the proposed algorithm on several test sequences suggest a reduction in encoding time by 14-24%, reduction in bitrate by 2-7% at a little loss of quality by 2-6%. Metrics such as BD-PSNR (Bjontegaard Delta Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), BD-bitrate (Bjontegaard Delta bitrate) are used.

Complexity-Aware High Efficiency Video Coding

Book Description

This book discusses computational complexity of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoders with coverage extending from the analysis of HEVC compression efficiency and computational complexity to the reduction and scaling of its encoding complexity. After an introduction to the topic and a review of the state-of-the-art research in the field, the authors provide a detailed analysis of the HEVC encoding tools compression efficiency and computational complexity. Readers will benefit from a set of algorithms for scaling the computational complexity of HEVC encoders, all of which take advantage from the flexibility of the frame partitioning structures allowed by the standard. The authors also provide a set of early termination methods based on data mining and machine learning techniques, which are able to reduce the computational complexity required to find the best frame partitioning structures. The applicability of the proposed methods is finally exemplified with an encoding time control system that employs the best complexity reduction and scaling methods presented throughout the book. The methods presented in this book are especially useful in power-constrained, portable multimedia devices to reduce energy consumption and to extend battery life. They can also be applied to portable and non-portable multimedia devices operating in real time with limited computational resources.