Computation of a Delta-wing Roll-and-hold Maneuver

Book Description

This report presents computations of the flowfield around an 80 degree sweep delta wing undergoing a constant roll-rate maneuver from 0 to 45 degrees. The governing equations for the problem are the unsteady, three- dimensional Navier-Stokes equations. The equations are solved using the implicit, approximately-factored algorithm of Beam-Warming. Fixed roll angle results are also presented and compared with experimental measurements to demonstrate the ability of the numerical technique to accurately capture the flowfield around a rolled delta wing. The dynamic behaviors of the vortex position and strength, as well as their corresponding effect on surface pressure, lift and roll moment, are described. A simple, quasi-static explanation of these vortex behaviors based on effective angle-of-attack and sideslip angle is proposed ... Delta wing roll, Vortex dynamics, Vortical flow, Unsteady maneuver.

Flight Stability and Automatic Control

Book Description

This edition of this this flight stability and controls guide features an unintimidating math level, full coverage of terminology, and expanded discussions of classical to modern control theory and autopilot designs. Extensive examples, problems, and historical notes, make this concise book a vital addition to the engineer's library.

Introduction to Aircraft Flight Mechanics

Book Description

Based on a 15-year successful approach to teaching aircraft flight mechanics at the US Air Force Academy, this text explains the concepts and derivations of equations for aircraft flight mechanics. It covers aircraft performance, static stability, aircraft dynamics stability and feedback control.


Book Description