Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond

Book Description

Alan Robinson This set of essays pays tribute to Bob Kowalski on his 60th birthday, an anniversary which gives his friends and colleagues an excuse to celebrate his career as an original thinker, a charismatic communicator, and a forceful intellectual leader. The logic programming community hereby and herein conveys its respect and thanks to him for his pivotal role in creating and fostering the conceptual paradigm which is its raison d’Œtre. The diversity of interests covered here reflects the variety of Bob’s concerns. Read on. It is an intellectual feast. Before you begin, permit me to send him a brief personal, but public, message: Bob, how right you were, and how wrong I was. I should explain. When Bob arrived in Edinburgh in 1967 resolution was as yet fairly new, having taken several years to become at all widely known. Research groups to investigate various aspects of resolution sprang up at several institutions, the one organized by Bernard Meltzer at Edinburgh University being among the first. For the half-dozen years that Bob was a leading member of Bernard’s group, I was a frequent visitor to it, and I saw a lot of him. We had many discussions about logic, computation, and language.

Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond

Book Description

Alan Robinson This set of essays pays tribute to Bob Kowalski on his 60th birthday, an anniversary which gives his friends and colleagues an excuse to celebrate his career as an original thinker, a charismatic communicator, and a forceful intellectual leader. The logic programming community hereby and herein conveys its respect and thanks to him for his pivotal role in creating and fostering the conceptual paradigm which is its raison d’Œtre. The diversity of interests covered here reflects the variety of Bob’s concerns. Read on. It is an intellectual feast. Before you begin, permit me to send him a brief personal, but public, message: Bob, how right you were, and how wrong I was. I should explain. When Bob arrived in Edinburgh in 1967 resolution was as yet fairly new, having taken several years to become at all widely known. Research groups to investigate various aspects of resolution sprang up at several institutions, the one organized by Bernard Meltzer at Edinburgh University being among the first. For the half-dozen years that Bob was a leading member of Bernard’s group, I was a frequent visitor to it, and I saw a lot of him. We had many discussions about logic, computation, and language.

Computational Logic

Book Description

This volume spans the whole field of computational logic seen from the point of view of logic programming. The topics addressed range from issues concerning the development of programming languages in logic and the application of computational logic to real-life problems, to philosophical studies of the field at the other end of the spectrum. The articles presented cover the contributions of computational logic to databases and artificial intelligence with particular emphasis on automated reasoning, reasoning about actions and change, natural languages, and learning. Together with its companion volume, LNAI 2408, this book commemorates the 60th birthday of Bob Kowalski as one of the founders of and contributors to computational logic.

Computational Logic

Book Description

Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond

Book Description

Alan Robinson This set of essays pays tribute to Bob Kowalski on his 60th birthday, an anniversary which gives his friends and colleagues an excuse to celebrate his career as an original thinker, a charismatic communicator, and a forceful intellectual leader. The logic programming community hereby and herein conveys its respect and thanks to him for his pivotal role in creating and fostering the conceptual paradigm which is its raison d’Œtre. The diversity of interests covered here reflects the variety of Bob’s concerns. Read on. It is an intellectual feast. Before you begin, permit me to send him a brief personal, but public, message: Bob, how right you were, and how wrong I was. I should explain. When Bob arrived in Edinburgh in 1967 resolution was as yet fairly new, having taken several years to become at all widely known. Research groups to investigate various aspects of resolution sprang up at several institutions, the one organized by Bernard Meltzer at Edinburgh University being among the first. For the half-dozen years that Bob was a leading member of Bernard’s group, I was a frequent visitor to it, and I saw a lot of him. We had many discussions about logic, computation, and language.

Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond

Book Description

The book contains the proceedings of the 12th European Testis Workshop and gives an excellent overview of the state of the art in testicular research. The chapters are written by leading scientists in the field of male reproduction, who were selceted on the basis of their specific area of research. The book covers all important aspects of testicular functioning, for example, Sertoli and Leydig cell functioning, spermatogonial development and transplantation, meiosis and spermiogenesis. Even for those investigators who were not present at the workshop, this volume provides a clear impression of the topics discussed during that meeting.

Computational Logic

Book Description

Handbook of the History of Logic brings to the development of logic the best in modern techniques of historical and interpretative scholarship. Computational logic was born in the twentieth century and evolved in close symbiosis with the advent of the first electronic computers and the growing importance of computer science, informatics and artificial intelligence. With more than ten thousand people working in research and development of logic and logic-related methods, with several dozen international conferences and several times as many workshops addressing the growing richness and diversity of the field, and with the foundational role and importance these methods now assume in mathematics, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, linguistics, law and many engineering fields where logic-related techniques are used inter alia to state and settle correctness issues, the field has diversified in ways that even the pure logicians working in the early decades of the twentieth century could have hardly anticipated. Logical calculi, which capture an important aspect of human thought, are now amenable to investigation with mathematical rigour and computational support and fertilized the early dreams of mechanised reasoning: "Calculemus”. The Dartmouth Conference in 1956 - generally considered as the birthplace of artificial intelligence - raised explicitly the hopes for the new possibilities that the advent of electronic computing machinery offered: logical statements could now be executed on a machine with all the far-reaching consequences that ultimately led to logic programming, deduction systems for mathematics and engineering, logical design and verification of computer software and hardware, deductive databases and software synthesis as well as logical techniques for analysis in the field of mechanical engineering. This volume covers some of the main subareas of computational logic and its applications.

A Computational Logic

Book Description

ACM Monograph Series: A Computational Logic focuses on the use of induction in proving theorems, including the use of lemmas and axioms, free variables, equalities, and generalization. The publication first elaborates on a sketch of the theory and two simple examples, a precise definition of the theory, and correctness of a tautology-checker. Topics include mechanical proofs, informal development, formal specification of the problem, well-founded relations, natural numbers, and literal atoms. The book then examines the use of type information to simplify formulas, use of axioms and lemmas as rewrite rules, and the use of definitions. Topics include nonrecursive functions, computing values, free variables in hypothesis, infinite backwards chaining, infinite looping, computing type sets, and type prescriptions. The manuscript takes a look at rewriting terms and simplifying clauses, eliminating destructors and irrelevance, using equalities, and generalization. Concerns include reasons for eliminating isolated hypotheses, precise statement of the generalization heuristic, restricting generalizations, precise use of equalities, and multiple destructors and infinite looping. The publication is a vital source of data for researchers interested in computational logic.

The Logic Programming Paradigm

Book Description

This exciting new text reveals both the evolution of this programming paradigm since its inception and the impressively broad scope of current research in the field. The contributors to this book are all leading world experts in Logic Programming, and they deal with both theoretical and practical issues. They address such diverse topics as: computational molecular biology, machine learning, mobile computing, multi-agent systems, planning, numerical computing and dynamical systems, database systems, an alternative to the "formulas as types" approach, program semantics and analysis, and natural language processing. XXXXXXX Neuer Text Logic Programming was founded 25 years ago. This exciting book reveals both the evolution of this programming paradigm and its impressively broad scope of current research. The contributions by leading computer scientists deal with both theoretical and practical issues. They address diverse topics such as: computational molecular biology, machine learning, mobile computing, multi-agent systems, numerical computing and dynamical systems, database systems, program semantics, natural language processing, and promising future directions.

A Computational Logic Handbook

Book Description

Perspectives in Computing: A Computational Logic Handbook contains a precise description of the logic and a detailed reference guide to the associated mechanical theorem proving system, including a primer for the logic as a functional programming language, an introduction to proofs in the logic, and a primer for the mechanical theorem. The publication first offers information on a primer for the logic, formalization within the logic, and a precise description of the logic. Discussions focus on induction and recursion, quantification, explicit value terms, dealing with features and omissions, elementary mathematical relationships, Boolean operators, and conventional data structures. The text then takes a look at proving theorems in the logic, mechanized proofs in the logic, and an introduction to the system. The text examines the processes involved in using the theorem prover, four classes of rules generated from lemmas, and aborting or interrupting commands. Topics include executable counterparts, toggle, elimination of irrelevancy, heuristic use of equalities, representation of formulas, type sets, and the crucial check points in a proof attempt. The publication is a vital reference for researchers interested in computational logic.