Computational Methods for Option Pricing

Book Description

The authors review some important aspects of finance modeling involving partial differential equations and focus on numerical algorithms for the fast and accurate pricing of financial derivatives and for the calibration of parameters. This book explores the best numerical algorithms and discusses them in depth, from their mathematical analysis up to their implementation in C++ with efficient numerical libraries.

Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance

Book Description

Many mathematical assumptions on which classical derivative pricing methods are based have come under scrutiny in recent years. The present volume offers an introduction to deterministic algorithms for the fast and accurate pricing of derivative contracts in modern finance. This unified, non-Monte-Carlo computational pricing methodology is capable of handling rather general classes of stochastic market models with jumps, including, in particular, all currently used Lévy and stochastic volatility models. It allows us e.g. to quantify model risk in computed prices on plain vanilla, as well as on various types of exotic contracts. The algorithms are developed in classical Black-Scholes markets, and then extended to market models based on multiscale stochastic volatility, to Lévy, additive and certain classes of Feller processes. This book is intended for graduate students and researchers, as well as for practitioners in the fields of quantitative finance and applied and computational mathematics with a solid background in mathematics, statistics or economics.​

Numerical Solution Of The American Option Pricing Problem, The: Finite Difference And Transform Approaches

Book Description

The early exercise opportunity of an American option makes it challenging to price and an array of approaches have been proposed in the vast literature on this topic. In The Numerical Solution of the American Option Pricing Problem, Carl Chiarella, Boda Kang and Gunter Meyer focus on two numerical approaches that have proved useful for finding all prices, hedge ratios and early exercise boundaries of an American option. One is a finite difference approach which is based on the numerical solution of the partial differential equations with the free boundary problem arising in American option pricing, including the method of lines, the component wise splitting and the finite difference with PSOR. The other approach is the integral transform approach which includes Fourier or Fourier Cosine transforms. Written in a concise and systematic manner, Chiarella, Kang and Meyer explain and demonstrate the advantages and limitations of each of them based on their and their co-workers' experiences with these approaches over the years.

Computational Methods for Option Pricing

Book Description

Abstract: This paper aims to practice the use of Monte Carlo methods to simulate stock prices in order to price European call options using control variates. American put options are priced using the binomial model separately. Finally, we use the information to form a portfolio position using an Interactive Brokers paper trading account.

Computational Methods in Finance

Book Description

Helping readers accurately price a vast array of derivatives, this self-contained text explains how to solve complex functional equations through numerical methods. It addresses key computational methods in finance, including transform techniques, the finite difference method, and Monte Carlo simulation. Developed from his courses at Columbia University and the Courant Institute of New York University, the author also covers model calibration and optimization and describes techniques, such as Kalman and particle filters, for parameter estimation.

Tools for Computational Finance

Book Description

The disciplines of financial engineering and numerical computation differ greatly, however computational methods are used in a number of ways across the field of finance. It is the aim of this book to explain how such methods work in financial engineering; specifically the use of numerical methods as tools for computational finance. By concentrating on the field of option pricing, a core task of financial engineering and risk analysis, this book explores a wide range of computational tools in a coherent and focused manner and will be of use to the entire field of computational finance. Starting with an introductory chapter that presents the financial and stochastic background, the remainder of the book goes on to detail computational methods using both stochastic and deterministic approaches. Now in its fifth edition, Tools for Computational Finance has been significantly revised and contains: A new chapter on incomplete markets which links to new appendices on Viscosity solutions and the Dupire equation; Several new parts throughout the book such as that on the calculation of sensitivities (Sect. 3.7) and the introduction of penalty methods and their application to a two-factor model (Sect. 6.7) Additional material in the field of analytical methods including Kim’s integral representation and its computation Guidelines for comparing algorithms and judging their efficiency An extended chapter on finite elements that now includes a discussion of two-asset options Additional exercises, figures and references Written from the perspective of an applied mathematician, methods are introduced as tools within the book for immediate and straightforward application. A ‘learning by calculating’ approach is adopted throughout this book enabling readers to explore several areas of the financial world. Interdisciplinary in nature, this book will appeal to advanced undergraduate students in mathematics, engineering and other scientific disciplines as well as professionals in financial engineering.

Mathematical Modeling and Methods of Option Pricing

Book Description

From the perspective of partial differential equations (PDE), this book introduces the Black-Scholes-Merton's option pricing theory. A unified approach is used to model various types of option pricing as PDE problems, to derive pricing formulas as their solutions, and to design efficient algorithms from the numerical calculation of PDEs.

Novel Methods in Computational Finance

Book Description

This book discusses the state-of-the-art and open problems in computational finance. It presents a collection of research outcomes and reviews of the work from the STRIKE project, an FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) project in which academic partners trained early-stage researchers in close cooperation with a broader range of associated partners, including from the private sector. The aim of the project was to arrive at a deeper understanding of complex (mostly nonlinear) financial models and to develop effective and robust numerical schemes for solving linear and nonlinear problems arising from the mathematical theory of pricing financial derivatives and related financial products. This was accomplished by means of financial modelling, mathematical analysis and numerical simulations, optimal control techniques and validation of models. In recent years the computational complexity of mathematical models employed in financial mathematics has witnessed tremendous growth. Advanced numerical techniques are now essential to the majority of present-day applications in the financial industry. Special attention is devoted to a uniform methodology for both testing the latest achievements and simultaneously educating young PhD students. Most of the mathematical codes are linked into a novel computational finance toolbox, which is provided in MATLAB and PYTHON with an open access license. The book offers a valuable guide for researchers in computational finance and related areas, e.g. energy markets, with an interest in industrial mathematics.

Option Pricing

Book Description

Análisis de los diferentes modelos matemáticos aplicados a los precios de opción. Se estudian además los elementos matemáticos básicos necesarios para el análisis de la ecuación Black-Scholes.