Computational Methods for Understanding Genetic Variations from Next Generation Sequencing Data

Book Description

Studies of human genetic variation reveal critical information about genetic and complex diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, ultimately leading towards improvements in health and quality of life. Moreover, understanding genetic variations in viral population is of utmost importance to virologists and helps in search for vaccines. Next-generation sequencing technology is capable of acquiring massive amounts of data that can provide insight into the structure of diverse sets of genomic sequences. However, reconstructing heterogeneous sequences is computationally challenging due to the large dimension of the problem and limitations of the sequencing technology.This dissertation is focused on algorithms and analysis for two problems in which we seek to characterize genetic variations: (1) haplotype reconstruction for a single individual, so-called single individual haplotyping (SIH) or haplotype assembly problem, and (2) reconstruction of viral population, the so-called quasispecies reconstruction (QSR) problem. For the SIH problem, we have developed a method that relies on a probabilistic model of the data and employs the sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm to jointly determine type of variation (i.e., perform genotype calling) and assemble haplotypes. For the QSR problem, we have developed two algorithms. The first algorithm combines agglomerative hierarchical clustering and Bayesian inference to reconstruct quasispecies characterized by low diversity. The second algorithm utilizes tensor factorization framework with successive data removal to reconstruct quasispecies characterized by highly uneven frequencies of its components. Both algorithms outperform existing methods in both benchmarking tests and real data.

Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis

Book Description

Introduces readers to core algorithmic techniques for next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis and discusses a wide range of computational techniques and applications This book provides an in-depth survey of some of the recent developments in NGS and discusses mathematical and computational challenges in various application areas of NGS technologies. The 18 chapters featured in this book have been authored by bioinformatics experts and represent the latest work in leading labs actively contributing to the fast-growing field of NGS. The book is divided into four parts: Part I focuses on computing and experimental infrastructure for NGS analysis, including chapters on cloud computing, modular pipelines for metabolic pathway reconstruction, pooling strategies for massive viral sequencing, and high-fidelity sequencing protocols. Part II concentrates on analysis of DNA sequencing data, covering the classic scaffolding problem, detection of genomic variants, including insertions and deletions, and analysis of DNA methylation sequencing data. Part III is devoted to analysis of RNA-seq data. This part discusses algorithms and compares software tools for transcriptome assembly along with methods for detection of alternative splicing and tools for transcriptome quantification and differential expression analysis. Part IV explores computational tools for NGS applications in microbiomics, including a discussion on error correction of NGS reads from viral populations, methods for viral quasispecies reconstruction, and a survey of state-of-the-art methods and future trends in microbiome analysis. Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis: Reviews computational techniques such as new combinatorial optimization methods, data structures, high performance computing, machine learning, and inference algorithms Discusses the mathematical and computational challenges in NGS technologies Covers NGS error correction, de novo genome transcriptome assembly, variant detection from NGS reads, and more This text is a reference for biomedical professionals interested in expanding their knowledge of computational techniques for NGS data analysis. The book is also useful for graduate and post-graduate students in bioinformatics.

Computational Methods for the Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data

Book Description

Recently, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has emerged as a powerful approach and dramatically transformed biomedical research in an unprecedented scale. NGS is expected to replace the traditional hybridization-based microarray technology because of its affordable cost and high digital resolution. Although NGS has significantly extended the ability to study the human genome and to better understand the biology of genomes, the new technology has required profound changes to the data analysis. There is a substantial need for computational methods that allow a convenient analysis of these overwhelmingly high-throughput data sets and address an increasing number of compelling biological questions which are now approachable by NGS technology. This dissertation focuses on the development of computational methods for NGS data analyses. First, two methods are developed and implemented for detecting variants in analysis of individual or pooled DNA sequencing data. SNVer formulates variant calling as a hypothesis testing problem and employs a binomial-binomial model to test the significance of observed allele frequency by taking account of sequencing error. SNVerGUI is a GUI-based desktop tool that is built upon the SNVer model to facilitate the main users of NGS data, such as biologists, geneticists and clinicians who often lack of the programming expertise. Second, collapsing singletons strategy is explored for associating rare variants in a DNA sequencing study. Specifically, a gene-based genome-wide scan based on singleton collapsing is performed to analyze a whole genome sequencing data set, suggesting that collapsing singletons may boost signals for association studies of rare variants in sequencing study. Third, two approaches are proposed to address the 3'UTR switching problem. PolyASeeker is a novel bioinformatics pipeline for identifying polyadenylation cleavage sites from RNA sequencing data, which helps to enhance the knowledge of alternative polyadenylation mechanisms and their roles in gene regulation. A change-point model based on a likelihood ratio test is also proposed to solve such problem in analysis of RNA sequencing data. To date, this is the first method for detecting 3'UTR switching without relying on any prior knowledge of polyadenylation cleavage sites.

Computational Methods for the Analysis of Genomic Data and Biological Processes

Book Description

In recent decades, new technologies have made remarkable progress in helping to understand biological systems. Rapid advances in genomic profiling techniques such as microarrays or high-performance sequencing have brought new opportunities and challenges in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. Such genetic sequencing techniques allow large amounts of data to be produced, whose analysis and cross-integration could provide a complete view of organisms. As a result, it is necessary to develop new techniques and algorithms that carry out an analysis of these data with reliability and efficiency. This Special Issue collected the latest advances in the field of computational methods for the analysis of gene expression data, and, in particular, the modeling of biological processes. Here we present eleven works selected to be published in this Special Issue due to their interest, quality, and originality.

Computational Methods for Analyzing and Visualizing NGS Data

Book Description

Advancements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology have enabled the rapid growth and availability of large quantities of DNA and RNA sequences. These sequences from both model and non-model organisms can now be acquired at a low cost. The sequencing of large amounts of genomic and proteomic data empowers scientific achievements, many of which were thought to be impossible, and novel biological applications have been developed to study their genetic contribution to human diseases and evolution. This is especially true for uncovering new insights from comparative genomics to the evolution of the disease. For example, NGS allows researchers to identify all changes between sequences in the sample set, which could be used in a clinical setting for things like early cancer detection. This dissertation describes a set of computational bioinformatic approaches that bridge the gap between the large-scale, high-throughput sequencing data that is available, and the lack of computational tools to make predictions for and assist in evolutionary studies. Specifically, I have focused on developing computational methods that enable analysis and visualization for three distinct research tasks. These tasks focus on NGS data and will range in scope from processed genomic data to raw sequencing data, to viral proteomic data. The first task focused on the visualization of two genomes and the changes required to transform from one sequence into the other, which mimics the evolutionary process that has occurred on these organisms. My contribution to this task is DCJVis. DCJVis is a visualization tool based on a linear-time algorithm that computes the distance between two genomes and visualizes the number and type of genomic operations necessary to transform one genome set into another. The second task focused on developing a software application and efficient algorithmic workflow for analyzing and comparing raw sequence reads of two samples without the need of a reference genome. Most sequence analysis pipelines start with aligning to a known reference. However, this is not an ideal approach as reference genomes are not available for all organisms and alignment inaccuracies can lead to biased results. I developed a reference-free sequence analysis computational tool, NoRef, using k-length substring (k-mer) analysis. I also proposed an efficient k-mer sorting algorithm that decreases execution time by 3-folds compared to traditional sorting methods. Finally, the NoRef workflow outputs the results in the raw sequence read format based on user-selected filters, that can be directly used for downstream analysis. The third task is focused on viral proteomic data analysis and answers the following questions: 1. How many viral genes originate as "stolen host" (human) genes? 2. What viruses most often steal genes from a host (human) and are specific to certain locations within the host? 3. Can we understand the function of the host (human) gene through a viral perspective? To address these questions, I took a computational approach starting with string sequence comparisons and localization prediction using machine learning models to create a comprehensive community data resource that will enable researchers to gain insights into viruses that affect human immunity and diseases.

Biological Sequence Analysis

Book Description

Probabilistic models are becoming increasingly important in analysing the huge amount of data being produced by large-scale DNA-sequencing efforts such as the Human Genome Project. For example, hidden Markov models are used for analysing biological sequences, linguistic-grammar-based probabilistic models for identifying RNA secondary structure, and probabilistic evolutionary models for inferring phylogenies of sequences from different organisms. This book gives a unified, up-to-date and self-contained account, with a Bayesian slant, of such methods, and more generally to probabilistic methods of sequence analysis. Written by an interdisciplinary team of authors, it aims to be accessible to molecular biologists, computer scientists, and mathematicians with no formal knowledge of the other fields, and at the same time present the state-of-the-art in this new and highly important field.

Computational Methods for Efficient Processing and Analysis of Short-read Next-Generation DNA Sequencing Data

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DNA sequencing has transformed the discipline of population genetics, which seeks to assess the level of genetic diversity within species or populations, and infer the geographic and temporal distributions between members of a population. Restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (RADSeq) is a NGS technique, which produce data that consists of relatively short (typically 50 to 300 nucleotide) fragments or "reads" of sequenced DNA and enables large-scale analysis of individuals and populations. In this thesis, we describe computational methods, which use graph-based structures to represent these short reads obtained and to capture the relationships among them. A key challenge in RADSeq analysis is to identify optimal parameter settings for assignment of reads to loci (singular: Locus), which correspond to specific regions in the genome. The parameter sweep is computationally intensive, as the entire analysis needs to be run for each parameter set. We propose a graph-based structure (RADProc), which provides persistence and eliminates redundancy to enable parameter sweeps. For 20 green crab samples and 32 different parameter sets, RADProc took only 2.5 hours while the widely used Stacks software took 78 hours. Another challenge is to identify paralogs, sequences that are highly similar due to recent duplication events, but occur in different regions of the genome and should not to be merged into the same locus. We introduce PMERGE, which identifies paralogs by clustering the catalog locus consensus sequences based on similarity. PMERGE is built on the fact that paralogs may be wrongly merged into a single locus in some but not all samples. PMERGE identified 62%-87% of paralogs in the Atlantic salmon and green crab datasets. Gene flow is the movement of alleles, specific sequence variants at a given locus, between populations and is an important indicator of population mixing that changes genetic diversity within the populations. We use the RADProc graph to infer gene flow among populations using allele frequency differences in exclusively shared alleles in each pair of populations. The method successfully inferred gene flow patterns in simulated datasets and provided insights into reasons for observed hybridization at two locations in a green crab dataset.

Computational Methods for Solving Next Generation Sequencing Challenges

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In this study we build solutions to three common challenges in the fields of bioinformatics through utilizing statistical methods and developing computational approaches. First, we address a common problem in genome wide association studies, which is linking genotype features within organisms of the same species to their phenotype characteristics. We specifically studied FHA domain genes in Arabidopsis thaliana distributed within Eurasian regions by clustering those plants that share similar genotype characteristics and comparing that to the regions from which they were taken. Second, we also developed a tool for calculating transposable element density within different regions of a genome. The tool is built to utilize the information provided by other transposable element annotation tools and to provide the user with a number of options for calculating the density for various genomic elements such as genes, piRNA and miRNA or for the whole genome. It also provides a detailed calculation of densities for each family and sub-family of the transposable elements. Finally, we address the problem of mapping multi reads in the genome and their effects on gene expression. To accomplish this, we implemented methods to determine the statistical significance of expression values within the genes utilizing both a unique and multi-read weighting scheme. We believe this approach provides a much more accurate measure of gene expression than existing methods such as discarding multi reads completely or assigning them randomly to a set of best assignments, while also providing a better estimation of the proper mapping locations of ambiguous reads. Overall, the solutions we built in these studies provide researchers with tools and approaches that aid in solving some of the common challenges that arise in the analysis of high throughput sequence data.

Next Generation Sequencing

Book Description

Next generation sequencing (NGS) has surpassed the traditional Sanger sequencing method to become the main choice for large-scale, genome-wide sequencing studies with ultra-high-throughput production and a huge reduction in costs. The NGS technologies have had enormous impact on the studies of structural and functional genomics in all the life sciences. In this book, Next Generation Sequencing Advances, Applications and Challenges, the sixteen chapters written by experts cover various aspects of NGS including genomics, transcriptomics and methylomics, the sequencing platforms, and the bioinformatics challenges in processing and analysing huge amounts of sequencing data. Following an overview of the evolution of NGS in the brave new world of omics, the book examines the advances and challenges of NGS applications in basic and applied research on microorganisms, agricultural plants and humans. This book is of value to all who are interested in DNA sequencing and bioinformatics across all fields of the life sciences.