Sensing and Active Flow Control for Advanced Bwb Propulsion-Airframe Integration Concepts

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In order to realize the substantial performance benefits of serpentine boundary layer ingesting diffusers, this study investigated the use of enabling flow control methods to reduce engine-face flow distortion. Computational methods and novel flow control modeling techniques were utilized that allowed for rapid, accurate analysis of flow control geometries. Results were validated experimentally using the Techsburg Ejector-based wind tunnel facility; this facility is capable of simulating the high-altitude, high subsonic Mach number conditions representative of BWB cruise conditions. Fleming, John and Anderson, Jason and Ng, Wing and Harrison, Neal Langley Research Center NAS1-03066

Advances in Effective Flow Separation Control for Aircraft Drag Reduction

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This book presents the results of a European-Chinese collaborative research project, Manipulation of Reynolds Stress for Separation Control and Drag Reduction (MARS), including an analysis and discussion of the effects of a number of active flow control devices on the discrete dynamic components of the turbulent shear layers and Reynolds stress. From an application point of view, it provides a positive and necessary step to control individual structures that are larger in scale and lower in frequency compared to the richness of the temporal and spatial scales in turbulent separated flows.

Numerical Investigation of Active Flow Control Applied to an Airfoil Leading Edge

Book Description

Objectives: The major objective of the Master Thesis proposal is to perform 2D computational study and compare the enhancement in the global aerodynamic coefficients, mainly lift and drag coefficients, for cases of with and without Active Flow Control (AFC). The focus is also on various cases of parameters of active flow control i.e, frequency of fluid ejection, jet velocity from actuator and location of slots for actuators for delaying the airfoil leading edge separation. Introduction: In the present context, the focused area is an airfoil of a regular commercial plane. The major concern while conducting experimental or numerical fluid dynamics study with the airfoils is to delay the separation of air (fluid) on both of the pressure sides on wing. The two main locations where the separation of fluid have an impact on global lift and drag coefficients include the leading edge boundary layer and the separation on the trailing edge flap.(Ciobaca & Wild, 2013). The techniques to delay the separation layer are of two major types which include Active Flow Control(AFC) and Passive Flow Control (PFC) (Jansen, 2012). The reason to choose AFC for this case is the reliability of the technique for all the future developments in various sectors like aerospace, automobile, wind energy etc (Nasa Website news 2013 [5][6]). Active Flow Control is becoming a viable tool for modifying flows for many practical applications. Active flow control can enable the design of simpler, smaller and more aerodynamically efficient structures that help reduce aircraft weight, drag, and fuel consumption. It typically refers to the use of time-dependent (often periodic) disturbances that are introduced into the flow field by the actuators. Also, AFC modifies the flow by adding energy (blowing) or by removing energy (suction). Methodology: As aforementioned, the proposed thesis focus is on computational study of the airfoil leading edge boundary layer with and without AFC. The variation of global lift and drag coefficients on varying the parameters of Active Flow Control like frequency, jet velocity and location of slots. The research conducted by (Burt Gunther 2010) on AFC for airfoil flap will be used as guidance for conducting the similar test cases for Leading Edge AFC. The preliminary results from the computational model will be compared with the existing experimental results obtained at TU Braunschweig and DLR, Germany (Ciobaca & Wild, 2013) to check the accuracy and reliability of the numerical simulation results in order to further contribute to the existing state of the art results. To develop the computational model, the NACA2412 is chosen. The initial focus is on incompressible flow conditions by choosing the appropriate turbulence model and other numerical methods for solving Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (URANS) Equations. Depending upon the accuracy of the results when compared with the experimental results, there will always be a flexibility to improvise the results using more computationally intensive numerical methods. The major software tools that will be used include a combination of ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM. References: 1. Ciobaca, V., & Wild, J. (2013). An Overview of Recent DLR Contributions on Active Flow-Separation Control Studies for High- Lift Configurations, (6), 1-12. 2. Generators, V., & Jansen, D. P. (2012). Passive Flow Separation Control on an Airfoil-Flap Model, (August). 3. Nagib, P. H. M., Kiedaisch, J. W., Wygnanski, P. I. J., Stalker, A. D., Wood, T., & Mcveigh, M. A. (n.d.). First-In- Flight Full-Scale Application of Active Flow Control : The XV-15 Tiltrotor Download Reduction.

Control of Unsteady Separated Flow Associated with the Dynamic Stall of Airfoils

Book Description

The two principal objectives of this research were to achieve an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the onset and development of dynamic stall under compressible flow conditions, and to investigate the feasibility of employing adaptive airfoil geometry as an active flow control device in the dynamic stall engine. Presented here are the results of a quantitative (PDI) study of the compressibility effects on dynamic stall over the transiently pitching airfoil, as well as a discussion of a preliminary technique developed to measure the deformation produced by the adaptive geometry control device, and bench test results obtained using an airfoil equipped with the device. Wilder, Michael C. Unspecified Center NCC2-637...

Recent Progress in Flow Control for Practical Flows

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This book explores the outcomes on flow control research activities carried out within the framework of two EU-funded projects focused on training-through-research of Marie Sklodowska-Curie doctoral students. The main goal of the projects described in this monograph is to assess the potential of the passive- and active-flow control methods for reduction of fuel consumption by a helicopter. The research scope encompasses the fields of structural dynamics, fluid flow dynamics, and actuators with control. Research featured in this volume demonstrates an experimental and numerical approach with a strong emphasis on the verification and validation of numerical models. The book is ideal for engineers, students, and researchers interested in the multidisciplinary field of flow control.

Computational Analysis of Circulation Control Airfoils

Book Description

Current projections for future aircraft concepts call for stringent requirements on high-lift and low cruise-drag. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of circulation control, through trailing edge blowing, to meet both requirements. This study was conducted in two stages: (i) validation of computational fluid dynamic procedures on a general aviation circulation control airfoil and (ii) a study of an adaptive circulation control airfoil for controlling lift coefficients in the low-drag range. In an effort to validate computational fluid dynamics procedures for calculating flows around circulation control airfoils, the commercial flow solver FLUENT was utilized to study the flow around a general aviation circulation control airfoil. The results were compared to experimental and computational fluid dynamics results conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center. This effort was conducted in three stages: (i) a comparison of the results for free-air conditions to those from previously conducted experiments, (ii) a study of wind-tunnel wall effects, and (iii) a study of the stagnation-point behavior. In general, the trends in the results from the current work agreed well with those from experiments, some differences in magnitude were present between computations and experiments. For the cases examined, FLUENT computations showed no noticeable effect on the results due to the presence of wind-tunnel walls. The study also showed that the leading-edge stagnation point moves in a systematic manner with changes to the jet blowing coefficient and angle of attack, indicating that this location can be sensed for use in closed-loop control of such airfoil flows. The focus of the second part of the study was to examine the use of adaptive circulation control on a natural laminar flow airfoil for controlling the lift coefficient of the low-drag range. In this effort, adaptive circulation control was achieved through blowing over a small mechanical flap that can be deflec.