Computational Studies of Electron Transfer Proteins

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Iron-sulfur proteins are an important class of electron transfer proteins found universally in living organisms, serving vital roles in the electron transport chains of cellular energy utilization. Determining the molecular basis of electron transfer properties of these proteins is important in understanding how they promote fast and efficient energy flow in the cell.

Electron Transfer Proteins

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A molecular understanding of electron transfer is crucial to understanding the molecular basis of metabolic processes in which electron transfer is essential, diseases involving these processes, and drug design targeting these processes. This book provides a cohesive and comprehensive discussion of computational methods used for electron transfer proteins and what has been learned from such studies for the first time in a book. It also gives an overview of results from theory, computation, and experiment about electron transfer proteins. This resource also includes strategies for studying metal sites that have not been examined computationally.

Computational Studies of Electron Transfer in Multi-Heme Proteins

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Multi-heme proteins are fascinating biomolecules that bind several redox-active heme cofactors in close distance to shuttle electrons across the bacterial membrane. Yet, the kinetics and time scales on which these electron transfer (ET) events occur is not well known and difficult to probe experimentally. The central aim of this thesis is to compute and to quantify heme-heme ET rate constants and electron flux through solvated multi-heme proteins. To this end, density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation are deployed to compute heme-heme ET parameters in the framework of (non-adiabatic) Marcus theory, the central theory underlying such ET events. Three ubiquitous multi-heme proteins have been studied, which bind 4 and 10 heme cofactors. Our calculations revealed that electron transfer through these proteins is strongly enhanced by cysteine side chains that are inserted in the space between heme groups. We believe this to be a general design principle in this family of proteins for acceleration of ET steps that would otherwise be too slow for biological respiration. Our computational protocol has been verified via comparing our predicted time scale of heme-heme ET with the corresponding ET rate constant measured from pump-probe spectroscopy. The maximum, protein-limited electron flux is ≈ 10^5 - 10^6 s^-1. Such efficiency in long-range electron transfer indicates that multi-heme proteins are promising candidates for biological nano-electronic devices.


Book Description

Computational modeling can provide a wealth of insight into how energy flow in proteins mediates protein function. Computational methods can also address fundamental questions related to molecular signaling and energy flow in proteins. Proteins: Energy, Heat and Signal Flow presents state-of-the-art computational strategies for studying energy redi

Protein Electron Transfer

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This book melds theory and experiment together in a fundamental aspect of protein biology to develop a framework of ideas that can be applied to a variety of systems. It discusses the crystal structures of electron transfer proteins and complexes.

Computational Studies of Protein Hydration Methods

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It is widely appreciated that water plays a vital role in proteins's functions. The long-range proton transfer inside proteins is usually carried out by the Grotthuss mechanism and requires a chain of hydrogen bonds that is composed of internal water molecules and amino acid residues of the protein. In other cases, water molecules can facilitate the enzymes catalytic reactions by becoming a temporary proton donor/acceptor. Yet a reliable way of predicting water protein interior is still not available to the biophysics community. This thesis presents computational studies that have been performed to gain insights into the problems of fast and accurate prediction of potential water sites inside internal cavities of protein. Specifically, we focus on the task of attainment of correspondence between results obtained from computational experiments and experimental data available from X-ray structures. An overview of existing methods of predicting water molecules in the interior of a protein along with a discussion of the trustworthiness of these predictions is a second major subject of this thesis. A description of differences of water molecules in various media, particularly, gas, liquid and protein interior, and theoretical aspects of designing an adequate model of water for the protein environment are widely discussed in chapters 3 and 4. In chapter 5, we discuss recently developed methods of placement of water molecules into internal cavities of a protein. We propose a new methodology based on the principle of docking water molecules to a protein body which allows to achieve a higher degree of matching experimental data reported in protein crystal structures than other techniques available in the world of biophysical software. The new methodology is tested on a set of high-resolution crystal structures of oligopeptide-binding protein (OppA) containing a large number of resolved internal water molecules and applied to bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully oxidized state and photosystem II from thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus, which both are indispensable for sustaining life on Earth. Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is the terminal enzyme of the respiratory electron transport chain responsible for biological reduction over ninety percent of atmospheric oxygen by means of pumping protons across the inner mitochondrial or bacterial plasma membrane with the use of energy derived from the reduction of O2 to H2O. Photosystem II (PSII) is a membrane protein complex located in the thylakoid membranes of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, and performs a series of light-induced electron transfer reactions leading to the splitting of water into protons and molecular oxygen.

Quantum Computational Studies of Electron Transfer in Respiratory Complex III and Its Application for Designing New Mitocan Drugs

Book Description

Each chapter's material in the current compiled dissertation has been published as following: 1- Hagras, Muhammad A., and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Transition Flux Formula for the Electronic Coupling Matrix Element." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119.24 (2015): 7712-7721. 2- Hagras, Muhammad A., Tomoyuki Hayashi, and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Quantum Calculations of Electron Tunneling in Respiratory Complex III."The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119.46 (2015): 14637-14651. 3- Hagras, Muhammad A., and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Internal switches modulating electron tunneling currents in respiratory complex III." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1857.6 (2016): 749-758. 4- Hagras, Muhammad A., and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Novel Inhibitors for a Novel Binding Site in Respiratory Complex III." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120.10 (2016): 2701-2708. 5- Hagras, Muhammad A., and Alexei A. Stuchebrukhov. "Electron tunneling in proteins program." Journal of Computational Chemistry (2016): 37, 1388-1395. And presented in the following national meetings: 6- Hagras, M., Hayashi, T., Stuchebrukhov, A. (2014). Computational studies of electron tunneling in respiratory complex III. Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting. 7- Hagras, M., Stuchebrukhov, A. (2015). Internal switches modulating electron flow in bc1 complex. Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting.