Computer Programme Protection in the U. S. S. R.:New Era for Socialist Copyright Law

Book Description

This book is the best in-depth study of a narrow topic of Soviet law published in recent years. The book provides important insights into the dynamics of the development of Soviet law in general and intellectual property law in particular during the last days of the old regime. Because of its attention to historical background and underlying policy issues, the book retains its value despite the disappearance of both the USSR and Soviet law.

The Revival of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe

Book Description

During the last years of its life the Soviet Union turned to law like a dying monarch to his withered God. Its successor, the Russian Federation, has adopted the same posture. In public discourse the phrases civil society and law-governed state have acquired hortatory force, the judges are bidden by law to wear robes, and the Congress and the Supreme Soviet enact and amend statutes with the fervor of one who sees in legislation the path to paradise. (Bernard Rudden, Civil Society and Civil Law, The Revival of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe.) Somewhat less dramatically, perhaps, the picture is repeated throughout the rest of the post-communist constituency.

Copyright, Freedom of Speech, and Cultural Policy in the Russian Federation

Book Description

The book provides a detailed analysis of the freedom of expression, and of copyright legislation in Russia, always with an eye on historic comparisons and evolutions . At the same time it gives a synthetic overview of the main changes in constitutional, civil and economic law in the last 15 years.

What is Protected in a Computer Program

Book Description

The first few years of the 90s have been extremely important for the development of software copyright both in the United States and Europe. In the United States, major decisions redefined the idea/expression dichotomy in different cases. In Europe, countries are still in the process of harmonizing their national laws with the EC Software Directive. The study compares traditional and evolving copyright standards as applied to computer programs on both sides of the Atlantic. It may well be said that recent case law has brought America closer to Europe. On the other hand, American experience turns out to be a useful guideline for distinguishing between the concepts of idea and expression in the sense of the software directive.

Copyright and Consequences

Book Description

An overview of developments in copyright law in Eastern and Central Europe during the 1990s. Also covered are major issues in international copyright negotiations and copyright in the USA. Underlying these discussions is an examination of the role of copyright in economic and social development.

Computers and Law

Book Description


Book Description