Conceptual Waste Package Interim Product Specifications and Data Requirements for Disposal of Borosilicate Glass Defense High-level Waste Forms in Salt Geologic Repositories

Book Description

The conceptual waste package interim product specifications and data requirements presented are applicable specifically to the normal borosilicate glass product of the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF). They provide preliminary numerical values for the defense high-level waste form parameters and properties identified in the waste form performance specification for geologic isolation in salt repositories. Subject areas treated include containment and isolation, operational period safety, criticality control, waste form/production canister identification, and waste package performance testing requirements. This document was generated for use in the development of conceptual waste package designs in salt. It will be revised as additional data, analyses, and regulatory requirements become available.

Energy Research Abstracts

Book Description

Includes all works deriving from DOE, other related government-sponsored information and foreign nonnuclear information.