Conceptualising an Organisational Innovation Capability

Book Description

"Innovation is regarded as the principal source of sustainable competitive advantage, yet many firms approach innovation haphazardly and without discipline. These firms appear poorly equipped to implement a comprehensive innovation strategy as they focus only on incremental innovation and are committed to preserving the status quo. A dynamic capabilities approach was selected because of its focus on the development of management capabilities. This research has answered the call for fine-grained qualitative case studies to look at the detail of how dynamic capabilities are deployed to better understand how these capabilities work in practice and whether and how they might differ across firms. By the analysis of three embedded business units in the one case organisation this research has opened the innovation “black box” and provided a capability framework for strategic managers to build, systematise and replicate within their organisations. It is a higher order capability which provides managers with the capacity to manage the component capabilities of the Organisational Innovation Capability framework together with their linkages and interdependencies to impact the firm's existing resource base. It also identifies strategic entrepreneurship, organisational learning capability and alliance building capability as the essential preconditions for innovation capability renewal.In summary, this research is part of the increasing momentum in understanding the “how” of dynamic capabilities. It provides learning for management practice on how dynamic capabilities originate, how firms built and deployed their Organisational Innovation Capability and how distinctive processes support the creation, modification, reconfiguration and augmentation of firm resources to achieve competitive advantage. Most importantly, it has provided a framework for an Organisational Innovation Capability which can be applied." (CRO)

Conceptualizing Innovation Capabilities

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Empirical research has confirmed that a positive relationship exists between the implementation of innovation activities and the future performance of organizations. Firms utilize resources and capabilities to develop innovations in the form of new products, services or processes. Some firms prove to be better at reproducing innovation success than others, and the capacity to do so is referred to as innovation capability. However, the term innovation capability is ambiguously treated in extant literature. There are several different definitions of the concept and the distinction between innovation capabilities and other types of capabilities, such as dynamic capabilities, is neither explicitly stated, nor is the relationship between the concept and other resource- and capability-based concepts within strategy theory established. Although innovation is increasingly identified as crucial for a firm's sustainable competitiveness in contemporary volatile and complex markets, the strategy-innovation link is underdeveloped in extant research. To overcome this challenge this paper raises the following research question: What type of innovation capabilities are required to innovate successfully? Due to the status of the extant research, we chose a conceptual research design to answer our research question and the paper contributes with a conceptual framework to discuss what innovation capabilities firms need to reproduce innovation success. Based on careful examination of current literature on innovation capability specifically, and the strategy-innovation link in general, we suggest that innovation capability must be viewed along two dimensions - innovation novelty and market characteristics. This framework enables the identification of four different contexts for innovation capabilities in a two-by-two matrix. We discuss the types of innovation capabilities necessary within the four different contexts. This novel framework contributes to the understanding of the strategy-innovation link as well as clarifies the conceptual understanding of capabilities within the strategy literature and establishes the relationship between these structures and innovation management theory.

Building Innovation Capability in Organizations

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Global competition, shorter product lifecycles and increasingly demanding customers are creating significant pressures for the creation of innovative organizations. By examining eight case studies in various industry sectors in Europe, Australia, Japan and Thailand, this book provides a qualitative explanation of the complex relationships between innovation capability, e-commerce, sustainable development and new product development. The book explores how organizations develop innovation capability through the application of e-commerce, sustainable development-orientation, and new product development in order to gain competitive advantage. This knowledge will help managers, academics and policy-makers understand ?what works, and why and how it works? in creating innovation-driven organizations from an international perspective, thereby providing an integrated approach to innovation management.

A Conceptual Framework to Represent the Theoretical Domain of 'Innovation Capability' in Organizations

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The term 'innovation capability' has been used recurrently in the innovation literature, but there is still considerable divergence about its meaning and implication to organizations. A consensus exists that, to innovate, organizations must possess innovation capability, and that the ownership of this feature is not a binary process, but rather an evolutionary level process. This evolutionary logic is analogous to the basic structure of organizational maturity models. However, the literature integrating innovation capability into a maturity perspective is still limited. Considering these premises, from a broad bibliographical research, this article presents a framework of reference to represent the entire theoretical domain of innovation capability. Its purpose is to classify the main types of models about this construct available in the reference literature. It is organized at increasing levels of complexity, so that each level creates the conceptual conditions for the construction of more comprehensive models. Similar to the main use cases for maturity models, there are three basic levels for the framework: descriptive; comparative; and, finally, prescriptive models of innovation capability. Considering this cumulative framework, the authors argue that, to be fully understood, innovation capability should be studied using the perspective of maturity models.

Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities: In Convergent Approach

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This publication deals with the conceptualization of innovation as one of the key capabilities of the organisation.Author propose that the innovation management practices should appropriate the organisational capabilities to achieve competitive advantage in the business environment.

Frugal Innovation

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In light of growing discourse on 'frugal innovation', this book offers novel approaches to innovation based on extensive empirical research. The study complements a decade of scholarly attention on frugal innovation by taking a research-based approach to innovation in resource-scarce and complex institutional contexts. The findings suggest that concepts such as frugal, reverse, jugaad, social, grassroots and inclusive innovation in fact represent heterogeneous assemblies of innovation for social, environmental and economic value. The conceptual framework invites attention to more plural sources and elements in the study of models of innovation to inspire further research in the fields of strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, economic sociology and development studies. The design framework offers models, metrics and competencies for practitioners and policymakers to identify, evaluate and design frugal innovations. The comprehensive view of frugal innovation demonstrates how firms can implement globally competitive strategies by pursuing innovation for humanity to improve lives for everyone, everywhere.

Innovation Capabilities: Affirming an Oxymoron?

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The relationship between resources and capabilities and performance has been discussed since Edith Penrose addressed the mechanisms behind the growth of the firm (Penrose, 1959). Early contributions to this area of research suggest that valuable and inimitable resources and capabilities are the primary sources of superior performance and sustained competitive advantage (Barney, 1991; Wernerfelt, 1984), while more recent contributions suggest that the ability to change and re-configure resources and capabilities (dynamic capabilities) are the most important for performance, especially when the market is unstable (Teece, 2014; Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997). It has also been argued that firms may utilize their resources and capabilities through the development of innovations in the form of new products, services or processes (Hill, Brandeau, Truelove & Lineback, 2015), and empirical research has confirmed that there is a positive relationship between the implementation of innovation activities and the future performance of firms (Bowen, Rostami & Steel, 2010; Rubera & Kirca, 2012). However, innovation as a phenomenon entails change, as opposed to resources and capabilities that represents a firm’s ability to reproduce a certain performance – and as such involves stability. Viewed in this way the very term innovation capability can constitute an oxymoron. The study of innovation capabilities is therefore a complex field of study that is emerging. The topic has already attracted interest from a number of scholars (e.g. Forsman, 2011; Guan & Ma, 2003; Hertog, van der Aa & de Jong, 2010; Wang, Lu & Chen, 2008; Yam, Lo, Tang & Lau, 2011), but despite these important advances there is still a lack of consensus in the literature and a pressing need to clarify what type of resources and capabilities drive innovation in different contexts (Lidija & Robert, 2014), and how these capabilities are developed and utilized (Helfat & Peteraf, 2003).

Determinants of Organizational Innovation Capability

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This book explores the factors that influence the development of innovation capability within organizations through socialization and incentives. Drawing on research in organizational behavior and innovation studies, the author provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and enhancing innovation within companies. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Factors Influencing an Organization's Ability to Manage Innovation

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Management literature prescribes innovation as a stimulus for sustained competitive advantage in companies; however, the nature of the development in this field has resulted in the literature being broad and fragmented. This paper focuses on the body of literature concerned with the factors which influence innovation management in organisations. The aim of this research is to present a holistic view of the factors that affect innovation management. Using a systematic literature review approach, using over 100 papers, this research identifies nine key factors that impact on an organisation's ability to manage innovation. These nine factors have been identified as management style and leadership, resources, organisational structure, corporate strategy, technology, knowledge management, employees and innovation process. This paper then discusses the inductively derived model that presents the important relationships identified between the factors to present a holistic view of innovation management. From this, we open up the debate on innovation management as a systemic approach rather than being focused on the singular factors. We can therefore conclude that a number of dominant relationships exist between the factors with the innovation process being the only endogenous factor within the model.