Algebraic Engineering - Proceedings Of The First International Conference On Semigroups And Algebraic Eng And Workshop On For

Book Description

There is algebraic structure in time, computation and biological systems. Algebraic engineering exploits this structure to achieve better understanding and design. In this book, pure and applied results in semigroups, language theory and algebra are applied to areas ranging from circuit design to software engineering to biological evolution.

Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems

Book Description

Embedded systems are becoming one of the major driving forces in computer science. Furthermore, it is the impact of embedded information technology that dictates the pace in most engineering domains. Nearly all technical products above a certain level of complexity are not only controlled but increasingly even dominated by their embedded computer systems. Traditionally, such embedded control systems have been implemented in a monolithic, centralized way. Recently, distributed solutions are gaining increasing importance. In this approach, the control task is carried out by a number of controllers distributed over the entire system and connected by some interconnect network, like fieldbuses. Such a distributed embedded system may consist of a few controllers up to several hundred, as in today's top-range automobiles. Distribution and parallelism in embedded systems design increase the engineering challenges and require new development methods and tools. This book is the result of the International Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES'98), organized by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Groups 10.3 (Concurrent Systems) and 10.5 (Design and Engineering of Electronic Systems). The workshop took place in October 1998 in Schloss Eringerfeld, near Paderborn, Germany, and the resulting book reflects the most recent points of view of experts from Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the USA. The book is organized in six chapters: `Formalisms for Embedded System Design': IP-based system design and various approaches to multi-language formalisms. `Synthesis from Synchronous/Asynchronous Specification': Synthesis techniques based on Message Sequence Charts (MSC), StateCharts, and Predicate/Transition Nets. `Partitioning and Load-Balancing': Application in simulation models and target systems. `Verification and Validation': Formal techniques for precise verification and more pragmatic approaches to validation. `Design Environments' for distributed embedded systems and their impact on the industrial state of the art. `Object Oriented Approaches': Impact of OO-techniques on distributed embedded systems. £/LIST£ This volume will be essential reading for computer science researchers and application developers.

Concurrency and Hardware Design

Book Description

As CMOS semiconductor technology strides towards billions of transistors on a single die new problems arise on the way. They are concerned with the - minishing fabrication process features, which a?ect for example the gate-to-wire delay ratio. They manifest themselves in greater variations of size and operating parameters of devices, which put the overall reliability of systems at risk. And, most of all, they have tremendous impact on design productivity, where the costs of utilizing the growing silicon ‘real estate’ rocket to billions of dollars that have to be spent on design, veri?cation, and testing. All such problems call for new - sign approaches and models for digital systems. Furthermore, new developments in non-CMOS technologies, such as single-electron transistors, rapid single-?- quantum devices, quantum dot cells, molecular devices, etc. , add extra demand for new research in system design methodologies. What kind of models and design methodologies will be required to build systems in all these new technologies? Answering this question, even for each particular type of new technology generation, is not easy, especially because sometimes it is not even clear what kind of elementary devices are feasible there. This problem is of an interdisciplinary nature. It requires an bridges between di?erent scienti?c communities. The bridges must be built very quickly, and be maximally ?exible to accommodate changes taking place in a logarithmic timescale.

Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms

Book Description

From the contents: Neural networks – theory and applications: NNs (= neural networks) classifier on continuous data domains– quantum associative memory – a new class of neuron-like discrete filters to image processing – modular NNs for improving generalisation properties – presynaptic inhibition modelling for image processing application – NN recognition system for a curvature primal sketch – NN based nonlinear temporal-spatial noise rejection system – relaxation rate for improving Hopfield network – Oja's NN and influence of the learning gain on its dynamics Genetic algorithms – theory and applications: transposition: a biological-inspired mechanism to use with GAs (= genetic algorithms) – GA for decision tree induction – optimising decision classifications using GAs – scheduling tasks with intertask communication onto multiprocessors by GAs – design of robust networks with GA – effect of degenerate coding on GAs – multiple traffic signal control using a GA – evolving musical harmonisation – niched-penalty approach for constraint handling in GAs – GA with dynamic population size – GA with dynamic niche clustering for multimodal function optimisation Soft computing and uncertainty: self-adaptation of evolutionary constructed decision trees by information spreading – evolutionary programming of near optimal NNs