Book Description

Ex-Girlfriend Emma Carter has a lot on her mind. Her boyfriend got a life—in L.A. Her hairdresser found God. And that extra ten pounds of “relationship flab” she acquired while falling in love with a commitment-phobe has just put her out of the running for new romance—or so she thinks. But before Emma can get on with her life, she’s got to face a few startling truths about being single in New York City…. Confession #5: Marriage suddenly seems like a social disease. Even the latest bride in my family—my mother—has put me to work in the service of her wedding day. What about us non-brides-to-be? Working in the warped little world of wedding planning has only led me to one conclusion: If you don’t get married in this world, you get nothing. Once, in an editorial meeting, I jokingly suggested that a woman should get a bridal shower when she turns thirty, wedding or not. Everyone looked at me as if I were some kind of nut. I am 31 years old; am I not entitled to free Calphalon yet? Who ever thought that baring your soul could be this good?

Confessions of an Ex-girlfriend

Book Description

24 EXes and One True Love

Book Description

This is the hilarious story of a man who wooed, had relationships, and broke up with 24 women over a period of ten years in his search for self-worth and fulfillment, and how he found it in his One True Love. The book also features a “Da Moves” section for men who want to meet women, and insight into how the mind of a “serial boyfriend” works. Witty, funny, and honest, this book is sure to amuse and instruct about relationships and self-worth.

Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend (Confessions, Book 2)

Book Description

After a disastrous first year of high school, Rose Zarelli is determined to become an all-new and improved version of herself. Improved how? Well, Rose is setting some ground rules. This year she absolutely most definitely will :

Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess

Book Description

A Hot Mess (n.): Someone whose thoughts and appearance are in a state of disarray but who still maintains an undeniable beauty and allure. Are you sick of self-help books putting you to sleep? Would you like to transform your life but don’t know where to start? Self-proclaimed ‘ex hot mess’ L.K. Elliott has been there. Having endured abuse, neglect, and low self-esteem, Elliott found herself newly married, with everything she’d ever wanted, but suffering from depression. She has collected the wisdom she gleaned from years of therapy, research, and most of all pure life experience recovering from her depression into this volume.With honesty and humour, Elliott outlines transformational tools for self-love and stress relief in plain language – no self-help jargon here! She sees the potential for personal growth in everyone, and brings that relentless optimism to Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess, challenging readers to “choose now over later” to find love, happiness, and balance.


Book Description

There should be a four-letter word for beauty. She has more shoes than Sarah Jessica Parker and a skin-care system that could make Madonna swoon, but unlike her celebrity counterparts, Grace Noonan doesn’t have it all. Her latest utterly-eligible-yet-maddeningly-unavailable boyfriend has just revealed that having sex with her is one thing and having babies quite another, forcing Grace to move on—again. And now that her employer—a top cosmetics company once devoted to “beauty beyond thirty”—is pursuing a teenaged supermodel as its future face, this thirty-four-year-old marketing exec is starting to wonder if she is going to get it all before the closing credits. Could it be time for Grace to back out of the beauty race and trade the singles scene for the sperm bank? Or is there something even this savvy bombshell has yet to discover about life and love in New York City?

Manning Up

Book Description

In Manning Up, Manhattan Institute fellow and City Journal contributing editor Kay Hymowitz argues that the gains of the feminist revolution have had a dramatic, unanticipated effect on the current generation of young men. Traditional roles of family man and provider have been turned upside down as "pre-adult" men, stuck between adolescence and "real" adulthood, find themselves lost in a world where women make more money, are more educated, and are less likely to want to settle down and build a family. Their old scripts are gone, and young men find themselves adrift. Unlike women, they have no biological clock telling them it's time to grow up. Hymowitz argues that it's time for these young men to "man up."

Confessions of a Diva

Book Description

When eighteen-year-old Tomi witnesses her boyfriend end his life with a bullet to his head, her sisters, Niya and Kelise, think she will never find love again. Six years later, while working in her tattoo parlor in the small, yet crowded town of Sunny Side, Georgia, Dante walks through her door and changes her life forever. Her oldest sister, Niya, is married to Phillip, and their marriage is unraveling much faster than she cares to admit. The signs of his infidelity are blatantly visible, and she's grabbing threads to keep their marriage from falling apart. Kelise, on the other hand, has been engaged for two years to Ricardo, a wealthy traveling businessman, and wishes her marriage would ravel a tad faster. With each passing day, Kelise becomes lonelier and more depressed. When Niya catches her husband in bed with another woman, when Tomi comes to blows with Dante's ex-girlfriend, and when Kelise's wedding becomes sabotaged by Tomi because she slept with Tomi's recent ex, will these sister's be able to look pass their own personal difficulties in order to help each other make it through some of the most trying times in their lives?

You Didn't Complete Me

Book Description

More often than not, women tend to lose themselves in relationships, believing they have found "The One"-- the discovery that signifies the end of loneliness. The assurance of happily every after. If this relationship is lost, all seems lost. But what happens when you meet "The One" and he turns out to be just someone? What do you do when the love of your life becomes the heartbreak of your life? JoAnna Harris understands. After a broken engagement, she was forced to confront the inevitable void after the break-up and truly answer the question -- Who am I without this relationship? While wading through intense heartbreak, JoAnna says, "I discovered that the end of my relationship was not the end of me. That in Christ, I am complete and whole." Using her own story of heartbreak and healing, JoAnna will make you laugh and encourage you in your own journey to healing and discovery.