Conflict Resolution and Rebel Leader Selection

Book Description

The international community frequently calls for negotiations when civil wars break out, encouraging combatants to come to the table to resolve their differences. Despite the critical role that getting to the table plays in the negotiated settlement of civil conflicts, little attention has been paid to the question of which rebels get negotiated with in the first place. We argue that the character of rebel leadership plays a key role in determining which rebels get to the table. Specifically, the election of rebel leaders provides a signal to the state of the legitimacy of the leader and coherence of the rebel group. Consequently, these leaders are better equipped to make promises on behalf of rebel constituents and are more likely to be negotiated with than leaders who came to power through other means. Using an original dataset on rebel leadership from 1989-2011 and two-stage modeling, we demonstrate empirically that elected rebel leaders are more likely to be negotiated with in the first place and that, in turn, these negotiations are more likely to lead to successful conflict termination. Survival analysis shows that leaders that are selected through some democratic process see negotiations and conflict end sooner than all other types of rebel leaders.

Inside the Politics of Self-determination

Book Description

There are currently over 100 stateless nations pressing for greater self-determination around the globe. The vast majority of these groups will never achieve independence. Many groups will receive some accommodation over self-determination, many will engage in civil war over self-determination, and in many cases, internecine violence will plague these groups. This book examines the dynamic internal politics of states and self-determination groups. The internal structure and political dynamics of states and self-determination groups significantly affect information and credibility problems faced by these actors, as well as the incentives and opportunities for states to pursue partial accommodation of these groups. Using new data on the internal structure of all self-determination groups and their states and on all accommodation in self-determination disputes, this book shows that states with some, but not too many, internal divisions are best able to accommodate self-determination groups and avoid civil war. When groups are more internally divided, they are both much more likely to be accommodated and to get into civil war with the state, and also more likely to have fighting within the group. Detailed comparison of three self-determination disputes in the conflict-torn region of northeast India reveals that internal divisions in states and groups affect when these groups get the accommodation they seek, which groups violently rebel, and whether actors target violence against their own co-ethnics. The argument and evidence in this book reveal the dynamic effect that internal divisions within SD groups and states have on their ability to bargain over self-determination. Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham demonstrates that understanding the relations between states and SD groups requires looking at the politics inside these actors.

Rebel Governance in Civil War

Book Description

This is the first book to examine and compare how rebels govern civilians during civil wars in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Drawing from a variety of disciplinary traditions, including political science, sociology, and anthropology, the book provides in-depth case studies of specific conflicts as well as comparative studies of multiple conflicts. Among other themes, the book examines why and how some rebels establish both structures and practices of rule, the role of ideology, cultural, and material factors affecting rebel governance strategies, the impact of governance on the rebel/civilian relationship, civilian responses to rebel rule, the comparison between modes of state and non-state governance to rebel attempts to establish political order, the political economy of rebel governance, and the decline and demise of rebel governance attempts.

Conflict Management: Leader's Guide

Book Description

This is the best book on conflict management available! Based upon the latest research, this is perhaps the greatest tool ever developed to help leaders and employees of all-levels develop the best conflict management skills. Scholars agree that managing conflict can be a healthy way of illuminated new ideas and helping team members work better together to bring more efficiency creativity and effectiveness to the workplace. Just like leadership, conflict management is a skill anybody can acquire through both training program and experiences. Training program has the advantage of being able to address specific needs or circumstances in accordance to recognized potential problems in organizational life. This workbook breaks down key concepts in plain easy-to-read and easy-to-follow lessons to help you grow your leadership skills. Read the short lessons, reflect, and then build your skills by doing the short writing assignments at your own convenience.

Conflict Management and Leadership Development Using Mediation

Book Description

Conflict management is an overlooked area in leadership development. Mediation as an intervention method to use in conflict management can be productive for building leadership capacity and organizational development in higher education. Adults average five conflicts per day and people in titled leadership spend over two-thirds of their time engaged in managing conflict. This workbook offers conflict management strategies, models, and processes to support college and university personnel in recognizing and managing conflicts and how to build skill sets that can enhance effective communication and address conflicts.

Asia’s Trouble Spots

Book Description

The art of successful negotiations over protracted conflicts presupposes a political commitment to peace and a willingness to compromise, which are sorely lacking in the current disorderly world. Part of the blame for this lies in weak and ineffective national and global leadership. This book’s sharp focus on the role of leadership at different levels—national government, rebel and Western/regional government mediators—as well as that of the UN and non-governmental players in settling intra-state disputes, is a unique feature which sets it apart from others. Much of the existing literature does not adequately discuss the role of the above actors in developing countries. Asia’s Trouble Spots is a serious attempt to fill this gap. The seven country studies in Asia—Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and China—discuss, inter alia, how peace negotiations between national political and rebel leaders have unfolded. The role of state-sponsored cross-border terrorists and non-state spoilers such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS is addressed in the context of geopolitical rivalry among regional and global powers. A. S. Bhalla challenges the view that Western leaders can act as impartial mediators in intra-state and inter-state disputes. With few exceptions, their record has been dismal at best. Their failure in conflict resolution arises from a loss of moral authority and credibility, which follows the gradual erosion over the years of such liberal values as the rule of law and respect for democracy and human rights. Commercial and strategic self-interests have also tended to undermine peacebuilding efforts.

Rethinking Violence

Book Description

An original argument about the causes and consequences of political violence and the range of strategies employed.

Insurgent Fragmentation in the Horn of Africa

Book Description

When insurgent organizations factionalize and fragment, it can profoundly shape a civil war: its intensity, outcome, and duration. In this extended treatment of this complex and important phenomenon, Michael Woldemariam examines why rebel organizations fragment through a unique historical analysis of the Horn of Africa's civil wars. Central to his view is that rebel factionalism is conditioned by battlefield developments. While fragmentation is caused by territorial gains and losses, counter-intuitively territorial stalemate tends to promote rebel cohesion and is a critical basis for cooperation in war. As a rare effort to examine these issues in the context of the Horn of Africa region, based upon extensive fieldwork, this book will interest both scholarly and non-scholarly audiences interested in insurgent groups and conflict dynamics.

How Insurgency Begins

Book Description

Why do only some incipient rebel groups become viable challengers to governments? Only those that control local rumor networks survive.

Challenges to Peacebuilding

Book Description

Many ceasefires and peace agreements in civil conflict are initially unsuccessful. Whilst some give way to renewed and often escalating violence, others have become interminably protracted leading to lengthy negotiations in which concessions are rare. Given the huge material and human costs of a failed peace process, the international community has a strong interest in helping these processes succeed and addressing threats to their implementation. This publication focuses on the groups and tactics (referred to as 'spoilers') that actively seek to obstruct or undermine conflict settlement through a variety of means, including terrorism and violence, drawing upon experience from Northern Ireland, the Basque region, Bosnia, Colombia, Israel/Palestine, Cyprus, the Caucasus and Kashmir. It explores the concept of 'spoiling' and spoiling behaviours from a broad range of interests involved (including rebel groups and insurgents, diasporas and governments), considers how this can be addressed, and demonstrates how ill-conceived or imposed peace processes can themselves contribute to the problem.