Confused Realities

Book Description

My book is a collection of poems and lyrics that I started writing about 30 years ago and finally decided to put on something more permanent. I like to write about the inequalities that seems to permeate throughout our country, from the racial ignorance and bigotry or the fact that the people that are supposed to represent us seem to never have our collective interest at heart. We never challenge the things we know to be true or false anymore. LIES THAT DAMAGE OUR COUNTRY SHOULD NEVER BE TOLERATED NOR REPEATED. WE NEED TO DEMAND HONESTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FROM ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS. I WRITE WHAT I FEEL AND WHAT I SEE AS AN ASSAULT ON ALL OF US, AND ON OUR DEMOCRACY.

The Wasp Factory

Book Description

The polarizing literary debut by Scottish author Ian Banks, The Wasp Factory is the bizarre, imaginative, disturbing, and darkly comic look into the mind of a child psychopath. Meet Frank Cauldhame. Just sixteen, and unconventional to say the least: Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I'd disposed of Blyth, and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda, more or less on a whim. That's my score to date. Three. I haven't killed anybody for years, and don't intend to ever again. It was just a stage I was going through.

Modernity, a World of Confusion: Reality and Choice

Book Description

Do things bring happiness? Do you believe only what you see? What is truth? What can you reliably know? Is death nothingness? Does God exist? This book examines such questions, from which two distinct world views arise and are surveyed. The book examines reality, how our choices determine our character and final destination, knowledge, and limitations of science; surveys relativity, quantum physics, life, evolution, and mans uniqueness; and looks at realitys material and immaterial aspects. Genesis is reviewed and shown to have scientific meaning. The book ends by proposing two very different paths that one can choose to follow.

Ferenczi's Confusion of Tongues Theory of Trauma

Book Description

Arnold Wm. Rachman and Clara Mucci provide a detailed examination of the significance of Sándor Ferenczi’s paradigm shifting theory of trauma, the Confusion of Tongues, and confirm its relevance for the psychoanalytic theory and analysis of trauma today. As the first alternative to Freud’s theory of the Oedipal complex, Ferenczi’s Confusion of Tongues theory expanded the theoretical and clinical boundaries of psychoanalysis to establish that psychological trauma as a result of childhood sexual abuse and trauma experiences are a significant contributing factor to the development of psychological disorders. The authors address the lack of attention paid to the significance of sexual abuse trauma to understanding psychological ill health in psychoanalysis, and integrate the latest research on neurobiology to demonstrate how Ferenczi’s theory is meaningful to understanding many aspects of human behavior today. This work will be formative to psychoanalysts and psychotherapists both in training and in practice and provide renewed insight into the treatment of childhood sexual abuse and psychological trauma.


Book Description

Ijeuwa portrays vividly and sensitively the political, economic, social and religious disillusionments of an English graduate, an archetypal unemployed 21st century Nigerian graduate. The novel captures the traumatic travelogues of thousands of Nigerian graduates swarming the streets aimlessly engendered by the prevalent unemployment and the political system. Ijeuwa is a novel of disillusionment. It chronicles the plight of the Nigerian graduates and populace trapped in the tides of unemployment and insecurity. It creates a vivid portrait of their psychology. Ijeuwa is the travails of graduates and the unemployed in 21st century Nigeria. The novel portrays the spirit of struggle and the will to survive of the masses. The novel is a mirror of the society and a critique of Nigerian democracy. The novel portrays the Nigerian government as rotten to the teeth and grossly irresponsible as the masses suffer untold hardship and travails in a country immensely and richly endowed with natural and artificial resources. The writer envisions the neglect of the masses by the government as the prologue to anarchy in the society and the epilogue to security in all its ramifications. The novel is a sublime creation of the writers artistic ingenuity with a compelling theme and plot. It is the writers mirror of his society and time. The novel is an impressive and ardent attempt to capture the realism of the writers time.

Clarity and Confusion in Social Theory

Book Description

Departing from a concern with certain ’hard’ problems in social theory and focusing instead on the theoretical strategies employed in their solution, especially on how these strategies depend on what the author calls the theoretical attitude towards language, this book considers whether these strategies, far from being indispensable guides to thinking, might in fact lead social theorists to misunderstand the concepts constitutive of social life. Making use of the insights and practice of Ordinary Language Philosophy, understood as encompassing the work of Wittgenstein, Ryle, Austin and their followers, Clarity and Confusion in Social Theory reveals the profound logical flaws in some of the central methodological procedures often employed in social theory for dealing with concepts, offering alternative approaches to social scientists and philosophers for tackling the conceptual issues that have so bedevilled social science from its inception. A lucid explication of Ordinary Language Philosophy and the potential that it offers for deepening and re-orienting theoretical work in the social sciences, this volume, apart from being a challenge to the influential Critical Realist paradigm, constitutes a radical critique of social theoretical reason. As such, it will appeal to social theorists and philosophers of social science, those with interests in research methods and theory construction, and anyone interested in thinking clearly about society.

How Real is Real?

Book Description

The connection between communication and reality is a relatively new idea. It is only in recent decades that the confusions, disorientations and very different world views that arise as a result of communication have become an independent field of research. One of the experts who has been working in this field is Dr. Paul Watzlawick, and he here presents, in a series of arresting and sometimes very funny examples, some of the findings.

National Galleries

Book Description

Are national galleries different from other kinds of art gallery or museum? What value is there for the nation in a collection of international masterpieces? How are national galleries involved in the construction national art? National Galleries is the first book to undertake a panoramic view of a type of national institution – which are sometimes called national museums of fine art – that is now found in almost every nation on earth. Adopting a richly illustrated, globally inclusive, comparative view, Simon Knell argues that national galleries should not be understood as ‘great galleries’ but as peculiar sites where art is made to perform in acts of nation building. A book that fundamentally rewrites the history of these institutions and encourages the reader to dispense with elitist views of their worth, Knell reveals an unseen geography and a rich complexity of performance. He considers the ways the national galleries entangle art and nation, and the differing trajectories and purposes of international and national art. Exploring galleries, artists and artworks from around the world, National Galleries is an argument about how we think about and study these institutions. Privileging the situatedness of each national gallery performance, and valuing localism over universalism, Knell looks particularly at how national art is constructed and represented. He ends with examples that show the mutability of national art and by questioning the necessity of art nationalism.

The New Review

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