Connecting Simulations and Observations in Galaxy Formation Studies

Book Description

Observational and computational extragalactic astrophysics are two fields of research that study a similar subject from different perspectives. Observational extragalactic astrophysics aims, by recovering the spectral energy distribution of galaxies at different wavelengths, to reliably measure their properties at different cosmic times and in a large variety of environments. Analyzing the light collected by the instruments, observers try to disentangle the different processes occurring in galaxies at the scales of galactic physics, as well as the effect of larger scale processes such as mergers and accretion, in order to obtain a consistent picture of galaxy formation and evolution. On the other hand, hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in cosmological context are able to follow the evolution of a galaxy along cosmic time, taking into account both external processes such as mergers, interactions and accretion, and internal mechanisms such as feedback from Supernovae and Active Galactic Nuclei. Due to the great advances in...

Galaxy Formation

Book Description

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Book Description

This book contains the elaborated and updated versions of the 24 lectures given at the 43rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course. Written by four eminent scientists in the field, the book reviews the physical processes related to star formation, starting from cosmological down to galactic scales. It presents a detailed description of the interstellar medium and its link with the star formation. And it describes the main numerical computational techniques designed to solve the equations governing self-gravitating fluids used for modelling of galactic and extra-galactic systems. This book provides a unique framework which is needed to develop and improve the simulation techniques designed for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Presented in an accessible manner it contains the present day state of knowledge of the field. It serves as an entry point and key reference to students and researchers in astronomy, cosmology, and physics.

Galaxy Proto-clusters as an Interface Between Structure, Cluster, and Galaxy Formation

Book Description

Proto-clusters, the distant progenitor large-scale structures of present day galaxy clusters, represent a key phase of cluster growth during which most of the galaxies were still rapidly forming stars. They are potentially powerful cosmological probes, and are unique laboratories to study dark matter assembly, the cosmic baryon cycle, and the environmental impact on galaxy evolution. Albeit its pivotal role in understanding cluster formation, only a small and heterogeneous sample of proto-clusters has been observed to date. Theoretical characterizations have also remained relatively unexplored. In this dissertation, I present baseline models, detailed theory predictions, and broad observational applications of proto-clusters using state-of-the-art numerical simulations and deep-wide galaxy surveys. A dual focus of both structure formation and galaxy evolution is given throughout the thesis. To prepare for large statistical studies in upcoming surveys like the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX), the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) survey, and the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) survey, I develop key machinery to connect the main observables of proto-clusters with dark matter structure formation using simulations as a guide. In Chapter 2 and 3, I present, for the first time, a thorough analysis of the main properties of proto-clusters using ~3000 clusters in a set of cosmological N-body simulations and semi-analytic galaxy models. I characterize the growth of proto-clusters and their core halos in size and mass with cosmic time. I show that the progenitor regions of galaxy clusters can already be identified in galaxy surveys at very early times (at least up to z~5), provided that the galaxy overdensities are measured on a sufficiently large scale (5--30 Mpc comoving) and with sufficient statistics. I present the overdensities in matter, dark matter halos, and galaxies as functions of present-day cluster mass, redshift, bias, and selection window size that can be used to interpret the wide range of structures found in real surveys. A table of proto-cluster candidates selected from the literature is provided, and I discuss their properties in light of our simulation predictions. In Chapter 4 I report the discovery of a large sample of proto-cluster candidates in the 1.62 deg^2 COSMOS/UltraVISTA field traced by optical/infrared selected galaxies with photometric redshifts. By comparing properly smoothed three-dimensional galaxy density maps of the observations and a set of matched simulations incorporating the main observational effects, I found 36 candidate structures at 1.610^14} M_sun. With solely photometric redshifts, I successfully rediscover two spectroscopically confirmed structures in this field, suggesting that our algorithm is robust. This work is the first large sample of uniformly selected proto-cluster candidates, providing rich targets for spectroscopic follow-up and subsequent studies of cluster formation. Because of the need of precise galaxy redshifts for density mapping and the prevalence of star formation before quenching, nearly all the proto-clusters known to date were confirmed by spectroscopy of galaxies with strong emission lines. In Chapter 5 I develop a semi-empirical model for Lya escape and generate a set of mock Lya emitter catalogs. This formalism provides a realistic modeling of the galaxy bias, the scatter of the bias, and the stochasticity of the galaxy-dark matter halo connection, which has an enormous potential for studies of the large-scale structure at high redshift. The model suggests that there are two distinct regimes to power a Lya emitter. For massive galaxies, Lya emitters are preferentially less dusty and slightly less metal enriched, while their ages and star formation rates are indistinguishable from other star-forming galaxies of the same mass. In contrast, low mass Lya emitters M_star

The IGM/Galaxy Connection

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the meeting entitled, "The IGM/Galaxy Connection: The Distribution of Baryons at z = 0. " The meeting was held August 8 -10 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) located in Boulder, Colorado on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains (see conference photo). We organized this meeting because we felt it was time to address the link between galaxies and the intergalactic medium at low redshift. In this vein, we posed several questions to the conference participants: Where are the baryons in the local universe and in what phase do they reside? What signatures of galaxy evolution have been imprinted on the IGM? What percentage of intergalactic gas is left from the galaxy formation process? What does the distribution of baryons at z = 0 tell us about the early universe? The conference was an overwhelming success with lots of friendly interaction and discussion among the participants. At lunch we were treated to splendid views from the NCAR terrace and discussions rang ing from the importance of the LSR, GSR, and LGSR velocity frames to how long the desserts would last with 90 astronomers and the hot Boul der sun. From an inventory of the baryons, to the associations between galaxies and Lya absorbers, to the mechanisms by which galaxies obtain and lose gas, the conference covered many topics. The results of these endeavors are contained in these pages and eloquently summarized by Chris Impey.

Deep Millimeter Surveys: Implications For Galaxy Formation And Evolution

Book Description

The arrival of large submillimeter and millimeter-wave detector arrays opened a new window on galaxy formation and evolution. The major new facilities now being designed or constructed, such as ALMA (MMA) and the Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT), will soon be expanding the horizons even farther.The Conference on “Deep Millimeter Surveys: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Evolution” drew together the major international groups working on submillimeter and millimeter-wave galaxies to discuss their relation to other galaxies both near by and in the early Universe, the role of the LMT and other new facilities in advancing the new field, and the implications of the new results and models for our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. The resulting compendium of reports on observations, simulations, theory and interpretation, and instrumentation is the first book to present the new millimeter view of the early Universe thoroughly in a single volume.

Merging Processes in Galaxy Clusters

Book Description

Mergers are the mechanisms by which galaxy clusters are assembled through the hierarchical growth of smaller clusters and groups. Major cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe since the Big Bang. Many of the observed properties of clusters depend on the physics of the merging process. These include substructure, shock, intra cluster plasma temperature and entropy structure, mixing of heavy elements within the intra cluster medium, acceleration of high-energy particles, formation of radio halos and the effects on the galaxy radio emission. This book reviews our current understanding of cluster merging from an observational and theoretical perspective, and is appropriate for both graduate students and researchers in the field.

Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Book Description

A coherent introduction for researchers in astronomy, particle physics, and cosmology on the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Constraining the Evolution of Galaxies Over the Interaction Sequence with Multiwavelength Observations and Simulations

Book Description

Interactions are crucial for galaxy formation and profoundly affect their evolution. However, our understanding of the impact of interactions on star formation and activity of the central supermassive black hole remains incomplete. In the canonical picture of the interaction process, these processes are expected to undergo a strong enhancement, but some recent studies have not found this prediction to be true in a statistically meaningful sense. This thesis uses a sample of local interactions observed from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared and a suite of N-body hydrodynamic simulations of interactions to examine the evolution of star formation, stellar mass, dust properties, and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) over the interaction sequence.