Conquering the Antichrist Spirit

Book Description

This prophetic author, with the gift of discerning of spirits, focuses here on the antichrist spirit, system, and structure. This is not conjecture on the identity of the Antichrist! But specific antichrist strongholds, she says, have infiltrated the thoughts and belief systems even of Christians, preventing them (like the twelve tribes of Israel) from entering their Promised Land.

Victory Through Revelation

Book Description

Victory through Revelation: Overcoming the Antichrist Spirit is written for those of us who believe in the power of God to fashion our lives contrary to compromising influences and disturbing world events. As the title suggests, each of us can experience the revelation of Jesus Christ to bring us into complete victory, even over the most deceptive human philosophy. Many authors present the events described in the book of Revelation outside the context of the book. Victory through Revelation: Overcoming the Antichrist Spirit upholds the unity of Revelation, so we as servants of Christ can hear what He is saying to us in connection to the events seen by the apostle John. Because of the focus on Gods power to transform us into His conquering people, Victory through Revelation also opens a fresh understanding of the last days. It introduces a paradigm to shift us as individuals and the church of the twenty-first century from living in struggle and defeat to experiencing victory upon victory. Victory through Revelation shows how achieving victory through the revelation of Christ is essential for living daily for God in an increasingly immoral and godless world, and it underscores the guarantee of our eternal victory no matter what transpires. Those of us who want the power of the revelation of Christ to raise us to life in order to escape the things that are about to come upon the world would do well to read Victory through Revelation: Overcoming the Antichrist Spirit.

The Spirit of Python

Book Description

New York Times best-selling author Jentezen Franklin is back with a message that will inspire you to break free and reclaim a life of passion, purpose, and praise.

The Coming Cloud

Book Description

"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour" (1 John 2:18 NASB). In this verse, John is letting us know that, one, it is the last hour, two, the antichrist is coming, and three, many antichrists have come so we can be certain that it's the last hour. John may not have known it at the time, but he was speaking prophetically about a day that I believe we are seeing right now. The spirit of antichrist, the spirit that is against Christ is here now, even in the church! Christ means "the anointed one"; an antichrist spirit is against anything holy, pure, moral, and Christ like. John goes on to write: "They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:19-22 NASB). The lie is in the denial that Jesus is the Christ. That is an antichrist spirit. David Forsythe takes us on a journey in his book about that spirit and how it has invaded so much of North America. We truly are in the time that the prophet Isaiah saw: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter" (Isaiah 5:20 NASB). David talks about the coming cloud, which in fact is now here in a very thorough and thought-provoking way. Rev. Francis Armstrong Founding and Senior Pastor Third Day Worship Centre. Rev. David Forsythe is a church planter who carries a passion for world revival and believes that the greatest days are ahead for the bride of Christ. As well as planting churches and ministries, David has a passion to communicate God's word through revelation writing and preaching. He and his family base their home in upstate New York as they pastor Third Day Worship Center and promote apostolic Kingdom principles.


Book Description

This is a very revealing and enlightening book about the anti-christ. Pastor Robert Johnson has sought to inform the reader on a biblical level, which is what matters most. He has brought together the scriptures from various passages in the Bible and place them in context to give those who desire a better understanding of the mystery of the anti-christ, his going forth upon the earth and his end. In this book, Robert Johnson goes to great length to employ sound hermeneutics and exercises great care to exegete the scriptures properly. As Robert mentions, this book will offend some, but for those who are truly seeking a better understanding of this "mystery" found in God's Word it is an enlightening and in-depth study of the "mystery of Iniquity." If there is one book of prophecy you read this year let it be this one. I strongly encourage Christians and serious students of the Bible to read it. Pastor Clifford Little Green's Tabernacle Baptist Church Macon, Georgia

Spiritual Warfare Jesus' Way

Book Description

How to Do What Jesus Did Do you have problems in life that won't go away? Struggles you can't seem to overcome? It isn't surprising. Like it or not, you are immersed in an invisible war. The problem is, most of us don't know how significantly, or directly, our lives are influenced by unseen battles and beings. Jesus Himself is our model. He taught us how to fight. Here, respected teacher and bestselling author Larry Richards draws not only from the words of Jesus, but also from His actions in dealing with evil spirits, to offer a biblical, balanced approach to spiritual warfare. Richards explains how to · recognize the enemy's attacks today · prepare to face the enemy · experience big and little everyday victories · help others who are under attack · and more! Easy to follow and immediately practical, this handbook will help you become an instrument of God's redemptive grace, continuing Christ's ministry of setting Satan's captives--and yourself--free. "Larry is a truly amazing gift to the Bride of Christ. His expertise and depth of wisdom concerning spiritual warfare are solidly biblical and profoundly practical. Read this book from cover to cover and then pass along these transforming truths."--Karl Clauson, morning host, Moody Radio Chicago

Xtreme Times Power

Book Description

In a day and hour that it is apparent we are live in EXTREME TIMES, it has become extremely important as in no other day to use God given authority against the wiles of satan.“XTREME TIMES – Countering Antichrist Spirit Forces” has been designed to help the Christian utilizing scripture, fight this battle against the end time spirit of Antichrist, ultimately the war against demonic foes!The journey of praying with authority can and will totally change the entire facet of your prayer life, your walk with God, and the way you perceive God involving himself in your life and in the lives of those you love! He will change our perception of how He does things, God's ways are not our ways.He will help you recognize the various dimensions in the spirit world. The spirit dimension will help you to recognize how the enemy works.This book is a combination of praying with authority and identifying spiritual warfare on a daily basis!

Overcoming the Attack of the Jezebel Spirit

Book Description

This eye-opening study is for every Christian who wants to be prepared to strike a knockout blow to this enemy of the soul--the Jezebel spirit. (Christianity)

Conquering the Religious Spirit

Book Description

Often working as a counterfeit to the Holy Spirit, the religious spirit is the greatest threat we face to personal, family, territorial, national and global revival. It is one of the enemy's most trustworthy cohorts in derailing Christians from God's path holding them down in mindsets of complacency, legalism, control, pride and hypocrisy. The religious spirit can steal your joy, quench your gifts, silence your voice and destroy your relationships. Despite all this, Christians tend to underestimate or misunderstand the pervasive damage this spirit can cause both in the Church and their own lives - mainly because, until recently, in-depth teaching has been hard to come by. This book will help you recognize the warning signs of a religious spirit at work and provide the tools you need to defeat it within yourself and to help others walk in enduring freedom. If you are ready to conquer the enemy's work against your life and are eager to experience new joy and freedom in your Christian walk, this book is for you!