Conspiracy of Credit

Book Description

Conspiracy of Credit is a must read. Containing the most raw and comprehensive information you will ever find on credit, this book provides shocking answers to the questions of why the credit bureaus want you to have bad credit and why credit is assumedly for poor people. Conspiracy of Credit explains why identity theft is nothing more than a new product created by the credit bureaus and banks to make money. Further, this book tactfully breaks down the reason behind retail and grocery store loyalty cards as well as the use of re-identification software. The speed of light money age is here, and never before has any book provided a blueprint for the future of credit and banking.

How to OutSmart the Credit Bureaus

Book Description

This book is full of unkown information, that has never been released to the public. It contains detailed information about the credit bureaus and how their database operates. Anyone who has good or bad credit should read this book. This book takes an inside look at the tactics that can be used for individuals seeking to get ahead in life without the use of credit repair or debt consolidation companies. If you ever wanted to know about the secrets of the credit bureaus I stress that you read this book.

Unbreakable Laws of Business Credit

Book Description

The Unbreakable Laws of Business Credit is an entrepreneurs guide to establishing any corporate structure and build great business credit at the same time. It reveals how to accumulate start up capital for any business without using a personal guarantee and step by step instructions on applying for corporate credit cards. Learn some of the secrets about using, buying and establishing Shelf Corporation.

Open Secret

Book Description

“Gaming the LIBOR—that is, fixing the price of money—had become just that: a game. Playing it was the price of admission to a club of men who socialized together, skied in Europe courtesy of brokers and expense accounts, and reaped million-dollar bonuses.” In the midst of the financial crisis of 2008, rumors swirled that a sinister scandal was brewing deep in the heart of London. Some suspected that behind closed doors, a group of chummy young bankers had been cheating the system through interest rate machinations. But with most eyes focused on the crisis rippling through Wall Street and the rest of the world, the story remained an “open secret” among competitors. Soon enough, the scandal became public and dozens of bankers and their bosses were caught red-handed. Several major banks and hedge funds were manipulating and misreporting their daily submission of the London Interbank Offered Rate, better known as the LIBOR. As the main interest rate that pulses through the banking community, the LIBOR was supposed to represent the average rate banks charge each other for loans, effectively setting short-term interest rates around the world for trillions of dollars in financial contracts. But the LIBOR wasn’t an average; it was a combination of guesswork and outright lies told by scheming bankers who didn’t want to signal to the rest of the market that they were in trouble. The manipulation of the “world’s most important number” was even greater than many realized. The bankers kept things looking good for themselves and their pals while the financial crisis raged on. Now Erin Arvedlund, the bestselling author of Too Good to Be True, reveals how this global network created and perpetuated a multiyear scam against the financial system. She uncovers how the corrupt practice of altering the key interest rate occurred through an unregulated and informal honor system, in which young masters of the universe played fast and loose, while their more seasoned bosses looked the other way (and would later escape much of the blame). It was a classic private understanding among a small group of competitors—you scratch my back today, I’ll scratch yours tomorrow. Arvedlund takes us behind the scenes of elite firms like Barclays Capital, UBS, Rabobank, and Citigroup, and shows how they hurt ordinary investors—from students taking out loans to homeowners paying mortgages to cities like Philadelphia and Oakland. The cost to the victims: as much as $1 trillion. She also examines the laxity of prominent regulators and central bankers, and exposes the role of key figures such as: Tom Hayes: A senior trader for the Swiss financial giant UBS who worked with traders across eight other banks to influence the yen LIBOR. Bob Diamond: The shrewd multimillionaire American CEO of Barclays Capital, the British bank whose traders have been implicated in the manipulation of the LIBOR. Mervyn King: The governor of the Bank of England, who ignored U.S. Treasury secretary Tim Geithner’s repeated recommendations to establish stricter regulations over the interest rate. Arvedlund pulls back the curtain on one of the great financial scandals of our time, uncovering how millions of ordinary investors around the globe were swindled by the corruption and greed of a few men.

Charge it

Book Description

Conspiracy of Secrets

Book Description

This is an engaging biographical detective story delving into a dark and mysterious family secret...who was Louis T Stanley? Now a hundred years later the story of one of the greatest cover-ups in British political history is revealed by Louis T Stanley's step-daughter. Louis T Stanley was the illegitimate son of the serving Prime Minister of Great Britain, H.H. Asquith, and his mother was a young aristocrat's daughter, Venetia Stanley. The Stanley and Asquith families had always been close. Venetia's father, the 4th Lord Sheffield, Lyulph Stanley, and H.H. Asquith had studied together. Asquith then married Helen with whom he had five children, but following Helen's premature death he married the eccentric and prickly Margot who provided him with two more children. Later Lyulph Stanley and HH Asquith became involved in Liberal politics and their children became the best of friends. Asquith's eldest daughter Violet became inseparable friends with Venetia Stanley and accompanied her to Downing Street and visits to the House of Commons etc. H.H Asquith and Venetia began to build up a close relationship. The closeness of the couple was rarely questioned at the time; the sixty-five year old Prime Minister had seven children and the aristocratic girl, by now in her early twenties, hid under the cover of her friendship with Violet. Based on extensive research and the piecing together of childhood memories and historical events Bobbie Neate recounts the secret life of her Grandfather and the extreme measures that were taken to keep it a secret for so long. With connections to many high profile aristocratic families of the era, including the Mitfords, this book will appeal to those fascinated by the hierarchy of the period as well as those enthralled by the romance of forbidden love. With evidence to support her claims this book will cause immense debate in academic circles.

Conspiracy of One

Book Description

A chronicle of one man's investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy and his conclusion.

The Credit Dictionary

Book Description

The Credit Dictionary is a self-help guide that teaches you how to recognize your financial vibrations as well as using positive self esteem when it comes to success and conquering debt. It explains and reveals how to become a successful entrepreneur by simply using the power of words coupled with the language of wealth.

The Conspiracy Book

Book Description

A scholar of the occult and secret histories elucidates 100 mysterious conspiracies and hidden societies from Ancient Greece to the modern era. The Freemasons. The Satanic Hell-Fire Club. The Illuminati. In this fascinating book, author John Michael Greer delves into 100 mysterious conspiracies across time, ranging from secret societies that planned revolutions to underground groups with sometimes-nefarious agendas. Illustrated with intriguing photos and ephemera, it’s a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about the hidden forces that have shaped some of the most significant events in history.


Book Description

This revisionist's view of the '80s by a leading conservative economist--who argues that the so-called "decade of greed", spearheaded by the rise of Michael Milken and Drexel Burnham, actually improved corporate America--examines how Michael Milken became a scapegoat in a complicated and convoluted mess made by the government.