Constance and the Dangerous Crossing

Book Description

In 1620 an orphaned fifteen-year-old servant girl joins Separatists seeking religious freedom and others aboard the Mayflower as they undertake a perilous journey to the New World. Includes historical note, glossary, and discussion questions.

Maria and the Plague

Book Description

The people of fourteenth-century Florence, Italy, starving after years of bad weather and natural disasters, now face the Black Plague but twelve-year-old Maria is determined to survive. Includes historical note, glossary, and discussion questions.

Lucy Fights the Flames

Book Description

It is 1911, and fourteen-year-old Lucia (Lucy) Morelli dreams of going to college, but for the present she lives with her large Italian family in a crowded apartment in New York City, and works as a sewing machine operator in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory bringing home money because her father can no longer work--but this is March twenty-fifth, and Lucy will soon be fighting for her life as fire sweeps through the locked down factory trapping the workers inside.

Charlotte Spies for Justice

Book Description

In 1864 twelve-year-old former slave Charlotte is lucky enough to live on a plantation near Richmond, Virginia, owned by a Miss Van Lew, who hates slavery, and when Charlotte overhears a conversation she realizes that her mistress is gathering information and passing it on to the Union army; Charlotte is eager to help, (especially since her own cousin, Mary, is involved) but her enthusiasm may endanger them all--or help free 400 Union soldiers who are being moved from Richmond further south. Includes historical note, glossary, and discussion questions.

A Dangerous Crossing

Book Description

While there has been a great deal written about the influence of French existentialism on modern fiction, Le­han's new book is strikingly different from other interpretations. With over twenty-five articles published on the topic, Lehan is an authority on the subject and an expert in American literature. He brings to this exciting new approach a knowledge and an awareness of the reciprocal influence of French philosophers and American novelists never before shown. As he moves from Nietzsche's super­man to Heller's functionaries, Lehan presents the complete chronology as well as the full spectacle of literary existentialism. Exceptionally well writ­ten, his book is especially valuable for the clear perspective he thus provides.

Hettie and the London Blitz

Book Description

Mary and the Trail of Tears

Book Description

It is June first and twelve-year-old Mary does not really understand what is happening: she does not understand the hatred and greed of the white men who are forcing her Cherokee family out of their home in New Echota, Georgia, capital of the Cherokee Nation, and trying to steal what few things they are allowed to take with them, she does not understand why a soldier killed her grandfather--and she certainly does not understand how she, her sister, and her mother, are going to survive the 1000 mile trip to the lands west of the Mississippi.


Book Description

A breakthrough in human cloning becomes one woman's waking nightmare in a mind-bending thriller by the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Gibson Vaughn series. In the near future, advances in medicine and quantum computing make human cloning a reality. For the wealthy, cheating death is the ultimate luxury. To anticloning militants, it's an abomination against nature. For young Constance "Con" D'Arcy, who was gifted her own clone by her late aunt, it's terrifying. After a routine monthly upload of her consciousness--stored for that inevitable transition--something goes wrong. When Con wakes up in the clinic, it's eighteen months later. Her recent memories are missing. Her original, she's told, is dead. If that's true, what does that make her? The secrets of Con's disorienting new life are buried deep. So are those of how and why she died. To uncover the truth, Con is retracing the last days she can recall, crossing paths with a detective who's just as curious. On the run, she needs someone she can trust. Because only one thing has become clear: Con is being marked for murder--all over again.

Alice on the Island

Book Description

In 1941, thirteen-year-old Alice's days are filled with swimming in the Hawaiian sea, going to school, and helping watch her younger siblings. But on December 7, everything changes when she experiences an act of warÑthe bombing of Pearl Harbor. As the United States enters World War II, Alice's father is sent to a Japanese internment camp, leaving Alice and the rest of her family struggling to adjust to life without him. Featuring nonfiction support material, a glossary, and reader response questions, this Girls Survive story takes readers to one of history's most important moments.