Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and um - thinking of the whole of the European Union history and historiology,, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last twenty years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020, having catastrophic consequences over European Union… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and rewritten published and republished with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics and meaning, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know very well the history of Europe itself, must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and the citizens of Europe, the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium Times, all in detail, all in reality, all in morality and rationality, including here the ideologies, the irrationality and tragedies of Europe, culminating in 20th century, with two world wars… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries… …It is the first time in Human Known History and Historiology (logos of history, reasoning of history, wisdom of history), when, a Constitution is becoming also a vector of knowledge, sensing and re-sensing a searching and researching project in Antropos-Sapientology, finally, a form of concrete epistemology, a substantial gnoseology, having an explicit and implicit proper function of axiology in oneself, for oneself and through oneself… Constitutionalist of European Union

EU Constitutional Law

Book Description

This title is a comprehensive textbook of EU constitutional law, setting out the structure, values, procedures, and policies of the European Union. It is a first point of reference for issues of EU constitutional law. The book encompasses six major parts. The first part addresses the formation history of the European Union, the treaties, the accessions, and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom. The second part covers the competences of the European Union. It contains an extensive analysis of the key constitutional principles governing the exercise of competences by the Union and the balance of power between the Union and its Member States, followed by an in-depth anaylsis of EU citizenship and the four freedoms, followed by an overview of the main internal and external policy domains. The third part addresses the role and workings of the various institutions (European Council, Council, European Parliament, Commission, European Court of Justice, and European Central Bank), the position of the Member States of the Union, and various other institutional matters. Part four explores the various decision-making processes, addressing not only the legislative and executive decision-making, but also the budget, CFSP, and external action. The fifth part looks at the legal instruments and the position of EU law in the EU and national legal orders, with an attention to the key principles of primary and direct effect, and the role of fundamental rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The final part sets out the complete and coherent system of judicial protection in the European Union, offering an overview of the various courses of action before the EU courts and in the national legal orders to enforce EU law or to obtain judicial protection.

Constitution of European Union - SIX

Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and un-thinking of the whole of the European Union history, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years of 2016 and the present year of 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and published with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know the history of Europe, must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and citizens of Europe, the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all in detail, all in their plain reality, all in their full morality and all in their complete rationality, including here, the ideologies, the irrationalities and tragedies of Europe, culminating in 20th century, with two world wars, of about 70 million victims worldwide… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching, in Anthropology, in Sapientology and AnthropoSapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance and con-substance in theoretical and practical knowledge, in theoretical and practical discoveries and inventions… …One must be added that, it is the first time in human known history and historiology (logos of history, reasoning of history, wisdom of history), when, a Constitution is becoming also a vector of knowledge (theoretical and practical), sensing and re-sensing a searching and researching a such project in Anthropo-Sapientology, finally, having an explicit and an implicit proper function of axiology in oneself, for oneself, and through oneself… Constitutionalist of European Union

Constitution of European Union - TWO

Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and unthinking of the whole of the European Union history, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and published with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know the history of Europe, must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and citizens of Europe, the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all in detail, in reality, in morality and rationality… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries Perhaps, it is the first time in human known history and historiology, when, a Constitution is becoming a vector of knowledge, by sensing and re – sensing a search and research project in AnthropoSapientology, finally, a form, an idea, of concrete epistemology, a substantial gnoseology, having and reiterating an explicit and implicit proper function of axiology in oneself, for oneself and through oneself… Constitutionalist of European Union

Understanding the European Constitution

Book Description

The European Union is now entering a crucial phase as the ratification process accelerates and key debates and referenda take place in existing and potentially new member states. The Union’s Constitutional treaty is often cast as either a blueprint for a centralized and protectionist super-state or as the triumph of Anglo-Saxon economics. Yet it has been little read, particularly in the United Kingdom. This book puts this right by publishing the full text of the crucial first part of the document and showing that it does not justify either of the extreme interpretations imposed on it. Written by two experts of the treaties, Understanding the European Constitution sets the Constitutional Treaty in context, examining its main themes and content and considering the implications of any rejection. It does this in uncomplicated language and with the help of explanatory tables and a glossary. Those who wish to make a considered verdict on the basis of the facts will find it invaluable.

Constitution of European Union - TEN

Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and unthinking of the whole of the European Union history, after big waves of union’s earthquakes, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present 2020… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2020… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and published with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know the history of Europe, European Union must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and citizens of Europe, European Union must know and appreciate the science and technology of Europe, the same European Union must have empathy over the art and religions of Europe, over the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic, of Neolithic, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all in detail, all in reality, all in morality, in logos of proportionality and rationality… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries of our Species and of our Genus Homo Anthropos… Constitutionalist of European Union

Constitution of European Union - NINE

Book Description

…We are under pressure in rethinking and um-thinking of the whole of the European Union history, after big waves of union’s earthquakes and hurricanes,, by mentioning here the big financial crisis between 2008-2010, or Brexit of Great Britain, an embittered fought inside of the European Union between the years 2016 and the present of 2021… …It is not mentioned here the waves of migrants in the last ten years towards European Union, through which a world of social pathology is accompanied and enhanced by a dramatic pandemic’s world of biologic pathology, this worst issues of viral disease, out-breaking in the year 2019, creating waves of huge disturbances overall in the world… …We will remake another configuration of the initial CONSTITUTION OF EUROPE, written and published with about 15 years ago, resembling a parallel dialectical becoming between a finisher and a re-finisher in constitution or between an influencer and re-influencer in social sciences of politics, ideology and sociology… Terminology of different constitutions will be different in their substance and their semantics, reflecting the difference in temporality and creativity of the author, but the basic principles of ethics and morality are into the both constitutions, the sameness … If European Union needs a constitution, then, European Union must know the history of Europe, European Union must know the inhabitants, the native, the people and citizens of Europe, European Union must know and understanding the science and technology of Europe, the art and religions of Europe, the geography and demography of Europe, since the oldest times of Upper Paleolithic Ages, of Neolithic Ages, of Chalcolithic Ages, of Antiquity, of Middle Age, of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, of Modern Times and of present Third Millennium, all in detail, all in reality, all in morality and rationality… More than that, our Constitution of European Union is desired to be and to become, a pilot project in searching and researching in anthropo-sapientology, a vector of axiological and epistemological substance in knowledge and discoveries… By being fully aware about the huge forth-spring in Complexification of the triad Inspiration – Intuition – Revelation, about the day – to – day of Acceleration in creativity and discovery and the necessity and imperative of Axiologization of any kind of values, regardless the domain which it arises, let’s go on with our information research project, called the Constitution of the European Union - Nine… Constitutionalist of European Union

The Constitution for Europe

Book Description

Publisher Description

The EU Constitution

Book Description

Based on a lecture presented by the author, this book analyzes how the treaty establishing a constitution for Europe adds to Europe's search for an international identity. De B�°rca submits that the boldest of the novel features of the new constitution, and the weight of significance of the changes which it has introduced, lie in the external domain. She launches the challenging question whether the emphasis on Europe's "global role" and its international identity will be the factor that ultimately will be capable of triggering the public imagination in such a way as to generate sufficient support for the ratification of the constitution and-in the long term-to generate a sense of European solidarity, rather than the internally focussed changes brought about by the constitutional treaty.

The European Constitution, Welfare States and Democracy

Book Description

This book explores how the right to the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital in the European Union legal order affects welfare states. These "four freedoms", as they are known, are vital instruments for the protection of a European market unencumbered by internal frontiers. The European Constitution, Welfare States and Democracy explore the relationships and conflicts that have emerged between the European constitution and the legal regulation of mixed economies and markets within welfare-states. In particular, it examines the threat posed to the discretionary powers enjoyed by national governments and administrative authorities. Christoffer C. Eriksen has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of a series of judgments in which the European Court of Justice has clearly indicated the ways in which the four freedoms may be incompatible with the current practice of entrusting national administrative authorities with discretionary powers and thus highlights how the four freedoms are provoking democratic dilemmas, previously neglected in the academic literature. The book is written in a style which communicates beyond an audience of specialized legal scholars and although it includes analysis of black letter law, its methodology also draws from the disciplines of philosophy, political science, and sociology.