Constraints on Environmental and Secular Effects on the Chemodynamical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies

Book Description

This thesis presents observations and analysis relating to the understanding of processes that govern the formation and evolution of low mass galactic systems. In particular we have focused on separating out the contribution to the chemical and dynamical evolution of dwarf galaxies due to solely secular (internal) processes compared to external effects from the local environment a galaxy resides in. Our observational data focus on an extremely isolated dwarf galaxy, WLM, which we demonstrate has had a uniquely quiescent tidal history, thereby making it an excellent test case for such a study. With spectroscopic and photometric observations of the resolved stars and neutral gas in WLM we have been able to characterize the chemical, structural and kinematic properties of this gas rich dwarf galaxy. As WLM has not been subject to strong tidal or ram-pressure stripping of its stellar and gaseous populations, we have been able to compare the dynamical evolution and chemical history of WLM to theoretical models which are environment independent. A differential comparison of WLM to more environmentally processed dwarf galaxies in the Local Group has revealed that WLM's structural and dynamical state is far from the idealized picture of dIrrs as thin gas-rich rotating systems. The stellar component of WLM shows equal parts rotation and dispersion, and both the gaseous and stellar structural properties show an intrinsically thick axisymmetric configuration. The time evolution of the random (dispersion) component of the stellar orbital energy shows an increase with stellar age, which we show is consistent with secular processes alone - such as disk heating from giant molecular clouds and dark matter substructure. While the degree to which the thick structural and dynamically hot configuration for WLM is surprising, its chemical properties show remarkably consistent values with other galaxies of the same halo mass. Comparing the spatial chemical trends in WLM with other dwarf galaxies we identify a correlation between the strength of the radial abundance gradients and the angular momentum content of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. Finally using a large sample of chemical abundance measurements in the literature for dwarf galaxies and star clusters, we demonstrate that their distributions of chemical elements all exhibit a binomial form, and use the statistical properties of the distributions to identify a new metric for differentiating low luminosity stellar systems. We further apply a simple binomial chemical evolution model to describe the self-enrichment and pre-enrichment in the two classes of objects, and suggest how this may be used to place constraints on the formation environments of globular clusters in particular.

Observational Evidence of the Large-scale Environmental Influence on Dwarf Galaxy Evolution

Book Description

We investigate how the cosmic environment affects galaxy evolution in the Universe by studying gas-phase chemical abundances and other galaxy properties as a function of the large-scale environment and local density of galaxies. Using spectroscopic observations from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we estimate the oxygen and nitrogen abundances of 993 star-forming void dwarf galaxies and 759 star-forming dwarf galaxies in denser regions. We use the Direct Te method for calculating the gas-phase chemical abundances in the dwarf galaxies because it is best suited for low metallicity, low mass galaxies. A substitute for the [OII] 3727 doublet is developed, permitting oxygen abundance estimates of SDSS dwarf galaxies at all redshifts with the Direct Te method. We find that star-forming void dwarf galaxies have slightly higher oxygen abundances than star-forming dwarf galaxies in denser environments, but we find that void dwarf galaxies have slightly lower nitrogen abundances and lower N/O ratios than galaxies in denser regions. At smaller scales, we find that only the presence of a neighboring galaxy within 0.05 Mpc/h or 0.1 r_virial, or the presence of a group within 0.05 Mpc/h, influences a dwarf galaxy's evolution. Dwarf galaxies within 0.05 Mpc/h or 0.1 r_virial of another galaxy tend to be bluer, have higher sSFRs, have higher oxygen abundances, and have lower N/O ratios than average. In contrast, galaxies within 0.05 Mpc/h of the center of the closest group have lower oxygen and nitrogen abundances than average. We also investigate how a galaxy transitions through the color-magnitude diagram, evolving from a blue, star-forming spiral or irregular galaxy in the blue sequence to a red elliptical galaxy in the red cloud through the green valley. We discover that combining a galaxy's color, color gradient, and inverse concentration index determines a galaxy's location on the color-magnitude diagram. The results indicate that, in the green valley, there is a lower fraction of void dwarf galaxies than dwarf galaxies in denser regions. From these analyses, we surmise that void dwarf galaxies experience delayed star formation as predicted by the Lambda CDM cosmology. We also conjecture that cosmic downsizing corresponds to a shift towards star formation in both lower mass objects and void regions closer to the present epoch. We present evidence that void dwarf galaxies may have a higher ratio of dark matter halo mass to stellar mass when compared to dwarf galaxies in denser environments.

Evolution of Dwarf Galaxy Properties in Local Group Environments

Book Description

Understanding galaxy evolution depends on connecting large-scale structures determined by the [Lambda]CDM model with, at minimum, the small-scale physics of gas, star formation, and stellar feedback. Formation of galaxies within dark matter halos is sensitive to the physical phenomena occurring within and around the halo. This is especially true for dwarf galaxies, which have smaller potential wells and are more susceptible to the effects of tidal stripping and gas ionization and removal than larger galaxies. At dwarf galaxies scales comparisons of dark matter-only simulations with observations has unveiled various differences such as the core-cusp, the missing satellites, and the too big to fail problems. We have run suites of collisionless and hydrodynamical simulations of dwarf galaxies evolution in massive host environments to address these issues. We performed controlled, numerical simulations, which mimic the effects of baryons, in order to examine the assumptions implicitly made by dark matter-only simulations. The too big to fail problem is due to the overabundance of relatively massive, dense satellite galaxies found in simulations of Milky Way-like environments. We found that the removal of a small baryonic component from the central region of forming dwarf spheroidal galaxies and the inclusion of a disk component in the host galaxy can substantially reduce the central dark matter density of satellites, bringing simulations and observations of satellites into agreement. Additionally, we studied hydrodynamical simulations of massive host galaxies and their surrounding dwarf galaxy populations. The VELA simulation suite of cosmological zoom-in simulations is run with the ART code, stochastic star formation, and stellar feedback (supernovae feedback, stellar winds, radiation pressure, and photoionization pressure). The suite includes host galaxies with M[subscript vir](z = 0 ) = 1011 - 1012 M[sol] and their satellite dwarf galaxies and local isolated dwarf galaxies around each primary galaxy. We found that the inclusion of these relevant physical processes aligned the velocity functions and star formation histories of the dwarf galaxy populations closer to observations of the Local Group dwarf galaxies. By reproducing observations of dwarf galaxies we show how the inclusion of baryons in simulations relieves many of the discovered tensions between dark matter-only simulations and observations.

Dwarfs Among Giants

Book Description

This thesis attempts to untangle, as best as possible, the importance of internally-driven evolutionary mechanisms relative to externally-driven effects, in shaping the structure and properties of the smallest observable galaxies. All galaxies are influenced by internal processes, such as feedback from star formation and the infall of gas or lack thereof, as well as environmental processes, like tides and ram pressure stripping. The smallest galaxies - dwarfs - are highly susceptible to all such processes, and their resulting structure is the summation of all prior events. I use nearby dwarf galaxies of the Local Group as test cases, focusing on those which are separated from the massive galaxies (like the Milky Way) and can be considered as "isolated''. These dwarfs are observed as part of the Solitary Local (Solo) Dwarf Galaxy Survey. Solo dwarfs will have spent the majority of their time as isolated systems, hence their properties should generally reflect their "intrinsic nature", unperturbed and unaffected by interactions with other systems. This survey was designed to focus on the old stellar populations present in these galaxies, in order to characterize their faint and extended structures. These old stellar populations should carry the hallmarks of the dwarfs' histories. By comparing the observed properties of Solo dwarfs with dwarfs currently in close proximity to a large host galaxy (i.e., the M 31 and Milky Way satellites), it should be possible to determine what aspects of the properties of dwarfs are most affected by environmentally-driven processes. The Local Group is the ideal regime in which to study these faint features, as the dwarfs' close proximity to us presents an opportunity to fully characterize these galaxies. However, the number of dwarfs in the Local Group is limited, with several galaxies (e.g. IC 10 or Sag dSph) being the unique example of their "type" locally observable. This limited sample emphasizes the need for careful, homogeneous observations and analysis, such that comparisons between this small, yet highly diverse, snapshot of galaxies accurately reflects the true nature of these dwarfs. I have homogeneously analyzed the 12 closest Solo dwarfs observable from the northern hemisphere, resulting in a consistently derived dataset. I determine fundamental properties, like distances, and characterize the structure of the dwarfs. I explore the possibility that the dwarfs may be more consistent with a two component profile, rather than one, finding that they are largely well characterized by a single Sérsic profile. I then compare these isolated dwarfs with the well-studied satellites of the Milky Way and M 31, primarily using two other homogeneous surveys; the MegaCam Survey of Outer Halo Objects and the Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey respectively. Examining each property (e.g. ellipticity, central surface brightness, or Sérsic radius) individually, we find no statistically significant differences between each group. However, when considering parameters in combination (e.g. absolute magnitude as a function of Sérsic radius), we see increased scatter in the satellite population, indicative of the impact of a massive host galaxy on the dwarfs, likely via tidal effects. The comparison between satellites and isolated dwarfs hones in on the impact of a massive galaxy in close proximity. Of course, processes within and surrounding the dwarf itself can also alter the dwarf. I look at the star formation histories and gas content of the dwarfs to explore the connection between internal and external processes in these small galaxies. Finally, I search for substructure in the form of satellites of dwarf galaxies, globular clusters and extended tidal features, all which inform about the dwarf's isolation, environment and history. Collectively, I generate comprehensive and detailed inspections of Local Group dwarfs and aim to understand them as products of their environment.

The Origin of the Galaxy and Local Group

Book Description

This volume contains the updated and expanded lecture notes of the 37th Saas-Fee Advanced Course organised by the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy. It offers the most comprehensive and up to date review of one of the hottest research topics in astrophysics - how our Milky Way galaxy formed. Joss Bland-Hawthorn & Ken Freeman lectured on Near Field Cosmology - The Origin of the Galaxy and the Local Group. Francesca Matteucci’s chapter is on Chemical evolution of the Milky Way and its Satellites. As designed by the SSAA, books in this series – and this one too – are targeted at graduate and PhD students and young researchers in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. Lecturers and researchers entering the field will also benefit from the book.

Old Stellar Populations

Book Description

The book discusses the theoretical path to decoding the information gathered from observations of old stellar systems. It focuses on old stellar systems because these are the fossil record of galaxy formation and provide invaluable information ont he evolution of cosmic structures and the universe as a whole. The aim is to present results obtained in the past few years for theoretical developments in low mass star research and in advances in our knowledge of the evolution of old stellar systems. A particularly representative case is the recent discovery of multiple stellar populations in galactic globular clusters that represents one of the hottest topics in stellar and galactic astrophysics and is discussed in detail. Santi Cassisi has authored about 270 scientific papers, 150 of them in peer-reviewed journals, and the title Evolution of Stars and Stellar Populations.

Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems

Book Description

This is volume 5 of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, a six-volume compendium of modern astronomical research, covering subjects of key interest to the main fields of contemporary astronomy. This volume on “Galactic Structure and Stellar Populations”, edited by Gerard F. Gilmore, presents accessible review chapters on Stellar Populations, Chemical Abundances as Population Tracers, Metal-Poor Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of the Universe, The Stellar and Sub-Stellar Initial Mass Function of Simple and Composite Populations, The Galactic Nucleus, The Galactic Bulge, Open Clusters and Their Role in the Galaxy, Star Counts and the Nature of Galactic Thick Disk, The Infrared Galaxy, Interstellar PAHs and Dust, Galactic Neutral Hydrogen, High-Velocity Clouds, Magnetic Fields in Galaxies, Astrophysics of Galactic Charged Cosmic Rays, Gamma-Ray Emission of Supernova Remnants and the Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays, Galactic Distance Scales, Globular Cluster Dynamical Evolution, Dynamics of Disks and Warps, Mass Distribution and Rotation Curve in the Galaxy, Dark Matter in the Galactic Dwarf Spheroidal Satellites, and History of Dark Matter in Galaxies. All chapters of the handbook were written by practicing professionals. They include sufficient background material and references to the current literature to allow readers to learn enough about a specialty within astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology to get started on their own practical research projects. In the spirit of the series Stars and Stellar Systems published by Chicago University Press in the 1960s and 1970s, each chapter of Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems can stand on its own as a fundamental review of its respective sub-discipline, and each volume can be used as a textbook or recommended reference work for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Advanced students and professional astronomers in their roles as both lecturers and researchers will welcome Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems as a comprehensive and pedagogical reference work on astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.