Construction Electricians Mate 1 and C

Book Description

This book is written for men of the Navy and of the Naval Reserve who are studying for advancement to the rates of Construction Electrician's Mate first or chief. The first two chapters discuss principles of leadership and the type of administrative duties for which a CE first or chief is responsible. Chapter 3 tells how to read and interpret electrical drawings. The fourth chapter describes the most common types of electrical repairs. Chapter 5 contains a discussion of advanced base communications equipment, including telephone systems, inter-office communication equipment, and public address systems. Telephone cable splicing is covered in chapter 6. Chapter 7 discusses transformer. installation and repair. Electric power stations and equipment found at advanced bases are described in chapters 8 and 9. Chapter 10 discusses lead-sheathed power cable. Setting your sights 1 Administrative duties 15 Working with electrical drawings 27 Electrical repairs 57 Installing communications equipment 108 Telephone cable splicing 150 Transformer installation and repair 181 Advanced base portable electric power plants 216 Central electric power stations 251 Working with lead-sheathed power cable 311

Construction Electrician 1 & C.

Book Description

Construction Electrician 1 and C, NAVPERS 10637-C

Book Description

This book is intended to serve as an aid for men who are seeking to acquire the theoretical knowledge and operational skills required of candidates for advancement to the rates of Construction Electrician First Class and Chief Construction Electrician. Preparing for advancement in rating 1 Defensive tactics 10 Electrical sketching and planning 59 Protective devices and controllers 82 Testing equipment 115 Power generators 144 Power distribution system 172 Communication 193 Cold weather operations 231 Training 238 Foremanship 257 Maintenance programs 268 NBC warfare defense equipment 283

Construction Electrician 1 & C

Book Description