Constructive Commutative Algebra

Book Description

The main goal of this book is to find the constructive content hidden in abstract proofs of concrete theorems in Commutative Algebra, especially in well-known theorems concerning projective modules over polynomial rings (mainly the Quillen-Suslin theorem) and syzygies of multivariate polynomials with coefficients in a valuation ring. Simple and constructive proofs of some results in the theory of projective modules over polynomial rings are also given, and light is cast upon recent progress on the Hermite ring and Gröbner ring conjectures. New conjectures on unimodular completion arising from our constructive approach to the unimodular completion problem are presented. Constructive algebra can be understood as a first preprocessing step for computer algebra that leads to the discovery of general algorithms, even if they are sometimes not efficient. From a logical point of view, the dynamical evaluation gives a constructive substitute for two highly nonconstructive tools of abstract algebra: the Law of Excluded Middle and Zorn's Lemma. For instance, these tools are required in order to construct the complete prime factorization of an ideal in a Dedekind ring, whereas the dynamical method reveals the computational content of this construction. These lecture notes follow this dynamical philosophy.

Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods

Book Description

Translated from the popular French edition, this book offers a detailed introduction to various basic concepts, methods, principles, and results of commutative algebra. It takes a constructive viewpoint in commutative algebra and studies algorithmic approaches alongside several abstract classical theories. Indeed, it revisits these traditional topics with a new and simplifying manner, making the subject both accessible and innovative. The algorithmic aspects of such naturally abstract topics as Galois theory, Dedekind rings, Prüfer rings, finitely generated projective modules, dimension theory of commutative rings, and others in the current treatise, are all analysed in the spirit of the great developers of constructive algebra in the nineteenth century. This updated and revised edition contains over 350 well-arranged exercises, together with their helpful hints for solution. A basic knowledge of linear algebra, group theory, elementary number theory as well as the fundamentals of ring and module theory is required. Commutative Algebra: Constructive Methods will be useful for graduate students, and also researchers, instructors and theoretical computer scientists.

Commutative Algebra

Book Description

This is a comprehensive review of commutative algebra, from localization and primary decomposition through dimension theory, homological methods, free resolutions and duality, emphasizing the origins of the ideas and their connections with other parts of mathematics. The book gives a concise treatment of Grobner basis theory and the constructive methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry that flow from it. Many exercises included.

A Course in Constructive Algebra

Book Description

The constructive approach to mathematics has enjoyed a renaissance, caused in large part by the appearance of Errett Bishop's book Foundations of constr"uctiue analysis in 1967, and by the subtle influences of the proliferation of powerful computers. Bishop demonstrated that pure mathematics can be developed from a constructive point of view while maintaining a continuity with classical terminology and spirit; much more of classical mathematics was preserved than had been thought possible, and no classically false theorems resulted, as had been the case in other constructive schools such as intuitionism and Russian constructivism. The computers created a widespread awareness of the intuitive notion of an effecti ve procedure, and of computation in principle, in addi tion to stimulating the study of constructive algebra for actual implementation, and from the point of view of recursive function theory. In analysis, constructive problems arise instantly because we must start with the real numbers, and there is no finite procedure for deciding whether two given real numbers are equal or not (the real numbers are not discrete) . The main thrust of constructive mathematics was in the direction of analysis, although several mathematicians, including Kronecker and van der waerden, made important contributions to construc tive algebra. Heyting, working in intuitionistic algebra, concentrated on issues raised by considering algebraic structures over the real numbers, and so developed a handmaiden'of analysis rather than a theory of discrete algebraic structures.

An Introduction to Commutative Algebra

Book Description

- Contains many examples and problems (with hints) - Provides a good introduction for beginners in algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry

Introduction To Commutative Algebra

Book Description

First Published in 2018. This book grew out of a course of lectures given to third year undergraduates at Oxford University and it has the modest aim of producing a rapid introduction to the subject. It is designed to be read by students who have had a first elementary course in general algebra. On the other hand, it is not intended as a substitute for the more voluminous tracts such as Zariski-Samuel or Bourbaki. We have concentrated on certain central topics, and large areas, such as field theory, are not touched. In content we cover rather more ground than Northcott and our treatment is substantially different in that, following the modern trend, we put more emphasis on modules and localization.

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra

Book Description

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra in Honor of Masayoshi Nagata presents a collection of papers on algebraic geometry and commutative algebra in honor of Masayoshi Nagata for his significant contributions to commutative algebra. Topics covered range from power series rings and rings of invariants of finite linear groups to the convolution algebra of distributions on totally disconnected locally compact groups. The discussion begins with a description of several formulas for enumerating certain types of objects, which may be tabular arrangements of integers called Young tableaux or some types of monomials. The next chapter explains how to establish these enumerative formulas, with emphasis on the role played by transformations of determinantal polynomials and recurrence relations satisfied by them. The book then turns to several applications of the enumerative formulas and universal identity, including including enumerative proofs of the straightening law of Doubilet-Rota-Stein and computations of Hilbert functions of polynomial ideals of certain determinantal loci. Invariant differentials and quaternion extensions are also examined, along with the moduli of Todorov surfaces and the classification problem of embedded lines in characteristic p. This monograph will be a useful resource for practitioners and researchers in algebra and geometry.

Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

Originally published in 1985, this classic textbook is an English translation of Einführung in die kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie. As part of the Modern Birkhäuser Classics series, the publisher is proud to make Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry available to a wider audience. Aimed at students who have taken a basic course in algebra, the goal of the text is to present important results concerning the representation of algebraic varieties as intersections of the least possible number of hypersurfaces and—a closely related problem—with the most economical generation of ideals in Noetherian rings. Along the way, one encounters many basic concepts of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry and proves many facts which can then serve as a basic stock for a deeper study of these subjects.

Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This ACM volume deals with tackling problems that can be represented by data structures which are essentially matrices with polynomial entries, mediated by the disciplines of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. The discoveries stem from an interdisciplinary branch of research which has been growing steadily over the past decade. The author covers a wide range, from showing how to obtain deep heuristics in a computation of a ring, a module or a morphism, to developing means of solving nonlinear systems of equations - highlighting the use of advanced techniques to bring down the cost of computation. Although intended for advanced students and researchers with interests both in algebra and computation, many parts may be read by anyone with a basic abstract algebra course.