Sabiduría diaria para mujeres

Book Description

This popular devotional collection—now available in Spanish—is designed to draw women closer to their heavenly Father’s heart. With an inspiring reading and powerful prayer for every day of the year, Daily Wisdom for Women will provide both encouragement and refreshment as readers come to know just how deeply and tenderly God loves them. Women will find their spiritual journey enhanced and strengthened as they experience an intimate connection with their Master Creator all 365 days of the year. Esta colección popular de devocionales —ahora disponible en español— está diseñado para acercar más a las mujeres al corazón de su Padre celestial. Con una lectura inspiradora y una oración poderosa para cada día del año, Sabiduría diaria para mujeres proporcionará estímulo y refresco a medida que las lectoras lleguen a conocer la forma tan profunda y tierna en que Dios las ama. Las mujeres verán realzado y fortalecido su viaje espiritual al experimentar una conexión íntima con su Maestro Creador los 365 días del año.

Construyendo confianza en uno mismo

Book Description

"Construyendo Confianza en Uno Mismo" es una guía completa e inspiradora que te ayudará a desarrollar una confianza en ti mismo sólida y duradera. En esta obra, explorarás estrategias prácticas y poderosas para superar dudas, vencer miedos y alcanzar todo tu potencial. Con historias inspiradoras, reflexiones profundas y consejos prácticos, serás guiado paso a paso en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento personal. Aprende a conocerte a ti mismo, cambiar tu mentalidad, fortalecer tu autoestima y salir de tu zona de confort para conquistar nuevos horizontes. Descubre cómo enfrentar desafíos, lidiar con personas tóxicas y construir relaciones saludables que te impulsen. Además, encontrarás orientación para mantener tu confianza en ti mismo a largo plazo, incluso en los momentos más difíciles. Este libro es un recurso valioso para todos aquellos que deseen elevar su confianza en sí mismos y alcanzar el éxito en todas las áreas de la vida. Con un enfoque optimista y práctico, "Construyendo Confianza en Uno Mismo" ofrece ideas profundas, ejercicios de reflexión y orientación práctica para ayudarte a convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo. Adquiere ahora este libro inspirador y comienza tu viaje hacia una confianza inquebrantable en ti mismo y el crecimiento personal. Transforma tu vida, alcanza tus objetivos y descubre el poder de la confianza en uno mismo.

Construyendo Confianza

Book Description

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Innovation and Teaching Technologies

Book Description

This book focus on organizational changes that are taking place in higher education. Universities are currently experiencing a period of change and restructuring into what is known as the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). EHEA represents a process of educational reform based on three types of transformations: structural, curricular and organizational. The integration of universities in this new EHEA is bringing conceptual and methodological changes not just to the structure of university education, but also to the teaching-learning processes and the conditions under which they take place. EHEA is prompting a change in the teaching model towards the consideration of students as the main actors in the educational process. This change requires new teaching strategies where students are asked to resolve problems with tools provided by the teacher. This book presents ideas, results and challenges related to new information and communication technologies, innovations and methodologies applied to education and research, as well as demonstrating the latest trends in educational innovation.

Making Democracy Fun

Book Description

Drawing on the tools of game design to fix democracy. Anyone who has ever been to a public hearing or community meeting would agree that participatory democracy can be boring. Hours of repetitive presentations, alternatingly alarmist or complacent, for or against, accompanied by constant heckling, often with no clear outcome or decision. Is this the best democracy can offer? In Making Democracy Fun, Josh Lerner offers a novel solution for the sad state of our deliberative democracy: the power of good game design. What if public meetings featured competition and collaboration (such as team challenges), clear rules (presented and modeled in multiple ways), measurable progress (such as scores and levels), and engaging sounds and visuals? These game mechanics would make meetings more effective and more enjoyable—even fun. Lerner reports that institutions as diverse as the United Nations, the U.S. Army, and grassroots community groups are already using games and game-like processes to encourage participation. Drawing on more than a decade of practical experience and extensive research, he explains how games have been integrated into a variety of public programs in North and South America. He offers rich stories of game techniques in action, in children's councils, social service programs, and participatory budgeting and planning. With these real-world examples in mind, Lerner describes five kinds of games and twenty-six game mechanics that are especially relevant for democracy. He finds that when governments and organizations use games and design their programs to be more like games, public participation becomes more attractive, effective, and transparent. Game design can make democracy fun—and make it work.

The Politics of Urban Potentiality

Book Description

This volume examines how urban potentiality emerges in performances that reclaim the city, acting as an emancipatory force when dominant patterns of urban behaviour are thrown into crisis. It can result in establishing new habits of inhabiting city space, collective experiences shaping practices of urban commoning, re-inventing community relations, and freeing collaboration from capitalist expropriation. Instead of problematizing such radical change through the modernist belief in heroic unique acts, we need to explore the power dissident performances acquire when repeated. In search of an emancipatory politics of urban potentiality, commoning thus has the ability become a collective ethos based on mutuality and equality rather than merely a relatively fair way of sharing urban infrastructures. In this book, the leading social and urban theorist Stavros Stavrides draws on a wide range of classic and historical thought on the urban question and social transformation. Drawing from research in Latin American urban movements, from activist participation in urban struggles in Greece, and citizen initiatives developed in Europe, this book expands the discussion on the potentialities of urban commoning to demonstrate how an emancipatory urban future may be achieved.

Progress in Ethical Practices of Businesses

Book Description

The interaction between a company and its stakeholder environment explains a key part of corporate behavior. This is because the level of social acceptance that the company achieves affects consumer trust, employee commitment, and access to credit or support from suppliers. This book examines these relationships to discover the best way to align corporate behaviour with the interests, values and preferences of stakeholders. It features contributions on topics such as marketing, emerging technologies, women in entrepreneurship, sports and tourism.

Ethics, Law and Professional Deontology

Book Description

This book is aimed at students, teachers and researchers, and those responsible for the ethical and sustainable management of organizations; it helps to identify, understand and expand on some relevant aspects related to ethical management of companies and institutions. As a whole, it is a work that invites reflection and defines the main deontological and ethical problems which organizations face in a globalized, technological and interconnected world. The book sets out to facilitate the analysis of fundamental ethical issues that underlie business decision making. It is also a detailed manual on how sustainability should be managed today, addressing the latest sustainability trends, which encompass comprehensive environmental, social and economic plans. In short, this book prepares readers to develop an exhaustive sustainability master plan.

Construyendo la Confianza: Desde las Relaciones Familiares hasta el Entorno Profesional y Social

Book Description

Este libro ofrece una guía integral para entender y fomentar la confianza en diversas áreas de la vida. Desde la dinámica familiar y las relaciones románticas hasta las amistades, el lugar de trabajo y más allá, explora cómo la confianza se construye, se mantiene y se reconstruye. También aborda la gestión de riesgos comerciales y financieros, la confianza en la política y los medios de comunicación, así como el impacto psicológico de la traición. Con insights profundos y consejos prácticos, este libro es esencial para quienes buscan fortalecer la confianza en todas sus interacciones y relaciones.