Consummation of the Ages vol VI

Book Description

Consummation of the ages vol VI talks about the return of Jesus christ as the King of King, and Lord of Lords, and he will restore cosmos peace as he sits on the throne of King david. So many today are falling from the faith, and many say there is no god but soon he will return to restore the kingdom to God.

Consummation of the Ages vol VI

Book Description

consummation of the ages vol VI talks about the coming age of Jesus Christ and he himself will restore cosmos order!

The Consummation of the Ages Vol VI

Book Description

The Consummation of the ages Vol VI is part of an end times series of teachings pointing to the return of Jesus Christ the messiah. There is so many conflicting teachings today but it is clear that when Jesus return he will restore all truths. Are you ready?

Consummation of the Ages vol V

Book Description

consummation of the ages vol vol VI talks about end times prophecy as recored by the prophet daniel and Jesus Christ in matthew 24!

Consummation of the Ages vol X

Book Description

Consummation of he ages vol X is the final addition of the consummation series. This book is the consummation of the end time doctrines and the preparation of the return of Jesus Christ.

Consummation of the Ages vol III

Book Description

Consummation of the ages vol III deals with the subjects of demons, devils and false messiahs and the growing apsotasy in the christian churches.

Consummation of the Ages vol IX

Book Description

consummation of the Ages vol IX is a continuation of the study the book of revelations.

Consummation of the Ages vol IV

Book Description

Consummation of the Ages vol IV reviews the hostile take over of the christian church by the Roman empire. the assumption of power by Constantine and the assimulation of christian doctrine with pagan rituals and the worship of men, idols and images. This book is a eye opening book!

Consummation of the ages vol VIII

Book Description

consummation of the ages vol VIII talks about the book of revelations and how Jesus talks to the seven church systems!

Consummation of the Ages vol I

Book Description

The consummation of the ages vol I talks about the accumlation of the end of the ages, and global change. Jesus will return and restore cosmos order!