Contemporary Russian Poetry

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This book consists of the work of twenty-three poets, living in Russia and abroad and writing during the period since 1975. It is the first dual-language anthology in many years.

An Anthology of Contemporary Russian Women Poets

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Valentina Polukhina is professor emeritus at Keele University. She specializes in modern Russian poetry and is the author of several major studies of Joseph Brodsky and editor of bilingual collections of the poetry of Olga Sedakova, Dmitry Prigov, and Evegeny Rein. Daniel Weissbort is cofounder, along with Ted Hughes, and former editor of Modern Poetry in Translation, professor emeritus at the University of Iowa, and honorary professor at the Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Warwick. Co-editor of Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry (Iowa 1992), he is also the translator of more than a dozen books, editor of numerous anthologies, and author of many collections of his own poetry. His forthcoming books include a historical reader on translation theory, a book on Ted Hughes and translation, and an edited collection of selected translations of Hughes.

The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry

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An enchanting collection of the very best of Russian poetry, edited by acclaimed translator Robert Chandler together with poets Boris Dralyuk and Irina Mashinski. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, poetry's pre-eminence in Russia was unchallenged, with Pushkin and his contemporaries ushering in the 'Golden Age' of Russian literature. Prose briefly gained the high ground in the second half of the nineteenth century, but poetry again became dominant in the 'Silver Age' (the early twentieth century), when belief in reason and progress yielded once more to a more magical view of the world. During the Soviet era, poetry became a dangerous, subversive activity; nevertheless, poets such as Osip Mandelstam and Anna Akhmatova continued to defy the censors. This anthology traces Russian poetry from its Golden Age to the modern era, including work by several great poets - Georgy Ivanov and Varlam Shalamov among them - in captivating modern translations by Robert Chandler and others. The volume also includes a general introduction, chronology and individual introductions to each poet. Robert Chandler is an acclaimed poet and translator. His many translations from Russian include works by Aleksandr Pushkin, Nikolay Leskov, Vasily Grossman and Andrey Platonov, while his anthologies of Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida and Russian Magic Tales are both published in Penguin Classics. Irina Mashinski is a bilingual poet and co-founder of the StoSvet literary project. Her most recent collection is 2013's Ophelia i masterok [Ophelia and the Trowel]. Boris Dralyuk is a Lecturer in Russian at the University of St Andrews and translator of many books from Russian, including, most recently, Isaac Babel's Red Cavalry (2014).


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Three of the strongest voices of the "Babylon Generation," named for the Russian journal that began publishing their work

Contemporary Russian Poetry

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Prominent Moscow poet Evgeny Bunimovich selected representative work from forty-four living Russian poets born after 1945 to be translated and published in this bilingual edition. The collection ranges from the mordant post-Soviet irony of Igor Irteniev to the fresh voices of poets like Marianna Geide and Anna Russ -- young women just beginning to make themselves heard. The book includes the work of Booker Prize winner Sergey Gandlevsky and several winners of the Andrey Bely Prize and Brodsky Fellowships. Most of these poems, and many of the poets, have previously been unpublished in the West.

Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry

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The canon of Russian poetry has been reshaped since the fall of the Soviet Union. A multi-authored study of changing cultural memory and identity, this revisionary work charts Russia’s shifting relationship to its own literature in the face of social upheaval. Literary canon and national identity are inextricably tied together, the composition of a canon being the attempt to single out those literary works that best express a nation’s culture. This process is, of course, fluid and subject to significant shifts, particularly at times of epochal change. This volume explores changes in the canon of twentieth-century Russian poetry from the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union to the end of Putin’s second term as Russian President in 2008. In the wake of major institutional changes, such as the abolition of state censorship and the introduction of a market economy, the way was open for wholesale reinterpretation of twentieth-century poets such as Iosif Brodskii, Anna Akhmatova and Osip Mandel′shtam, their works and their lives. In the last twenty years many critics have discussed the possibility of various coexisting canons rooted in official and non-official literature and suggested replacing the term "Soviet literature" with a new definition – "Russian literature of the Soviet period". Contributions to this volume explore the multiple factors involved in reshaping the canon, understood as a body of literary texts given exemplary or representative status as "classics". Among factors which may influence the composition of the canon are educational institutions, competing views of scholars and critics, including figures outside Russia, and the self-canonising activity of poets themselves. Canon revision further reflects contemporary concerns with the destabilising effects of emigration and the internet, and the desire to reconnect with pre-revolutionary cultural traditions through a narrative of the past which foregrounds continuity. Despite persistent nostalgic yearnings in some quarters for a single canon, the current situation is defiantly diverse, balancing both the Soviet literary tradition and the parallel contemporaneous literary worlds of the emigration and the underground. Required reading for students, teachers and lovers of Russian literature, Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry brings our understanding of post-Soviet Russia up to date.

Russian Women Poets

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Seventy contemporary Russian women poets in translation.

A History of Russian Poetry

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The Voice Over

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Maria Stepanova is one of the most powerful and distinctive voices of Russia’s first post-Soviet literary generation. An award-winning poet and prose writer, she has also founded a major platform for independent journalism. Her verse blends formal mastery with a keen ear for the evolution of spoken language. As Russia’s political climate has turned increasingly repressive, Stepanova has responded with engaged writing that grapples with the persistence of violence in her country’s past and present. Some of her most remarkable recent work as a poet and essayist considers the conflict in Ukraine and the debasement of language that has always accompanied war. The Voice Over brings together two decades of Stepanova’s work, showcasing her range, virtuosity, and creative evolution. Stepanova’s poetic voice constantly sets out in search of new bodies to inhabit, taking established forms and styles and rendering them into something unexpected and strange. Recognizable patterns of ballads, elegies, and war songs are transposed into a new key, infused with foreign strains, and juxtaposed with unlikely neighbors. As an essayist, Stepanova engages deeply with writers who bore witness to devastation and dramatic social change, as seen in searching pieces on W. G. Sebald, Marina Tsvetaeva, and Susan Sontag. Including contributions from ten translators, The Voice Over shows English-speaking readers why Stepanova is one of Russia’s most acclaimed contemporary writers.

Crossing Centuries

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Nonfiction. Literary History & Criticism. Poetics. This long-awaited history of contemporary American poetry, Talisman Nos. 23-26, is more than 700 pages long. This special volume surveys major developments in avant-garde American poetry from 1970 to the present. THE WORLD IN TIME AND SPACE includes contributions by major critics and poets including Bruce Andrews, Daniel Barbiero, Christopher Beach, Michael Boughn, Peter Bushyeager, David Clippinger, Michel Delville, Brent Edwards, Steve Evans, Dan Featherston, Thomas Fink, Norman Finkelstein, Alan Golding, Jeanne Heuving, W. Scott Howard, Andrew Joron, Burt Kimmelman, David Landrey, Kathryne V. Lindberg, Stephen-Paul Martin, Stephen Paul Miller, Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Alice Notley, Peter O'Leary, Marjorie Perloff, Linda Russo, Standard Schaefer, Julie Schmid, Susan M. Schultz, Leonard Schwartz, Mark Scroggins, Mary Margaret Sloan, Gustaf Sobin, Brian Kim Stefans, Susan Vanderborg, and the editors, Joseph Donahue and Edward Foster.