Continuing Education in Colleges and Universities: Challenges and Opportunities

Book Description

These are times of great opportunity and challenge for continuing education (CE) programs in colleges and universities. While lifelong learning remains central to CE's mission, means of promoting and delivering adult education programs through distance and online learning are undergoing tremendous technological transformation. Within institutions, CE units are increasingly collaborating with academic departments. In addition, demographic shifts have resulted in new audiences and types of programs offered, both credit and noncredit. School are pressured to increase their participation in economic development. All these changes carry administrative considerations. This volume suggests perspective and solutions for the challenges that must be successfully confronted by today's CE programs and the professionals who develop them. This is the 140th volume of this Jossey-Bass series. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Continuing Education in Colleges and Universities: Challenges and Opportunities

Book Description

These are times of great opportunity and challenge for continuing education (CE) programs in colleges and universities. While lifelong learning remains central to CE's mission, means of promoting and delivering adult education programs through distance and online learning are undergoing tremendous technological transformation. Within institutions, CE units are increasingly collaborating with academic departments. In addition, demographic shifts have resulted in new audiences and types of programs offered, both credit and noncredit. School are pressured to increase their participation in economic development. All these changes carry administrative considerations. This volume suggests perspective and solutions for the challenges that must be successfully confronted by today's CE programs and the professionals who develop them. This is the 140th volume of this Jossey-Bass series. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Turning Challenge Into Opportunity

Book Description

This guide is one in a series of publications addressing a variety of topics related to both management and instruction in continuing education. Based on an earlier study, the guide shows how a number of effective continuing education managers have turned the challenge of survival into opportunities to become valued parts of their institution. Of the themes developed in the publication, one is central: understanding the problems of other units and managers in the institution and determining how a continuing education division is particularly suited to addressing these problems. The guide is organized in six short sections that outline the important steps in building support for continuing education within the institution: (1) presenting the "self," i.e., showing how the self-interest of the continuing education division serves the self-interest of other university divisions; (2) maintaining regular contact with influential members of the institution; (3) adapting to the institutional context; (4) serving the institution through collaboration; (5) building relationships in the institution; and (6) turning challenge into opportunity by relating division strengths to institutional problems and priorities. Ten references are included in the booklet. (KC)

Quality in Continuing Education

Book Description

This book details criteria for determining quality in continuing higher education that are appropriate to colleges and universities, reasonable for adult learners, and practicable for continuing educators.

Developing and Delivering Adult Degree Programs

Book Description

This issue explores the growing field of adult degree programs andconsiders the theoretical underpinnings of such programs andhands-on issues as curriculum, faculty, marketing, technology,financing, and accreditation, all with a goal of informing andequipping both scholars and practitioners. More and more adults who have been out of school for many yearshave turned to colleges and universities to complete undergraduateand graduate degrees that will make them competitive in theworkforce, fulfill a professional requirement, or enrich themintellectually. Higher education institutions and many privateorganizations have responded to this demand by creating innovativedegree programs aimed specifically at mature learners, students whowant to self-design their educational programs and do not hesitateto change institutions if they believe their needs are not beingmet. This explosive growth in adult degree programs is largely theresult of distance education technologies and the Internet. Othersignificant factors include the potential such programs have forproviding additional revenue streams for institutions, the fiercecompetition from the private sector and other higher educationinstitutions, and the rising interest in interdisciplinaryprograms. This is the 103rd volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly reportseries New Directions for Adult and ContinuingEducation.

Continuing Education for Women: Current Developments

Book Description

Pamphlet describing current trends and developments in continuing education (education of women) for women (incl. Married women and the woman worker) in the USA - outlines programmes in career development, women's studies, community development, etc., and describes courses for special groups such as low income women, trade union members, wives of executives and managers, etc. References and statistical tables.

Leadership in Continuing Education in Higher Education

Book Description

The author has organized 33 years of expertise in Continuing Education into a comprehensive and practical guide to the leadership skills, behaviors and knowledge needed to guide any Continuing Education enterprise past the pitfalls and toward the opportunities available. To meet the needs of adults ages 22 to 85 who are flocking back to school, nearly every college and university has been establishing, and growing their Continuing Education entity. Yet until now there has been very little education for leadership in this rapidly growing field. From management and marketing knowledge to an understanding of the academic culture and creating a work environment that encourages creativity, current theory is intertwined with its implications for the specific task of leading a successful Continuing Education effort. The book begins with the process of developing a vision for the Continuing Education enterprise and conveying that vision to the staff, faculty and the rest of the institution, then moves on to setting the direction and goals of the organization, staff development, understanding and influencing the political environment, and developing the skills of participative management that lead to program strength and creativity. Readers will find insightful discussions of the challenges Continuing Education enterprises face in the years ahead and difference between administration and leadership. Also included is an in-depth presentation of management theory and techniques and marketing concepts as they apply to higher education. The books extraordinary contribution is a wealth of detailed information on the specifics of creating a thriving Continuing Education program. Topics includes ways to motivate staff members, develop crucial liaisons and build resources and budgets; guidelines for strategic planning, managing change, and creating dynamic work groups; specific techniques for creative and analytical problem solving; and an extensive collection of useful tools, including questionnaires, models, diagrams, charts, summaries and direct interactive marketing tips. Features include: Specifically targets leadership skills needed in Continuing Education. Discusses internal and external challenges and processes. Applies important research in leadership behaviors to the specific environment of Continuing Education enterprises within higher education institutions. Offers dozens of tools: models, questionnaires, diagrams, charts, summaries and samples. Includes how-to information on strategic planning, budgeting, proposal writing, and direct marketing.

Adult Education in China

Book Description

Originally published in 1985. China is currently making a massive effort to educate its workforce in a formal and structured system. A good deal has been written about China’s attempts, since 1949, to eradicate illiteracy and to universalise primary and secondary school education but the subject of this book is an educational system established to meet the needs of those already employed whether in government, industry or agriculture. Two study teams, sponsored by the lnternational Council for Adult Education, visited China in 1981 to explore this educational phenomenon. Their findings, updated by subsequent ICAE visits and enriched by further reading, form the basis of this book. This is the story of the Chinese experience of developing adult education. It will be valuable to those involved in extending education in the industrialised world who are pursuing modernisation goals for people long excluded from the formal education system.