Contract management excess payments and underpayments continue to be a problem at DOD.

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We have reported over the last several years that the Department of Defense (DOD) annually overpaid its contractors by hundreds of millions of dollars and that in some cases these excess payments were not being promptly returned. In response, you requested that we look at the scope of excess payments and underpayments. Specifically, this report examines, for DOD contract payments, the following issues.

Contract Management

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Contract Management

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GAO-01-309 Contract Management: Excess Payments and Underpayments Continue to Be a Problem at DOD

Contract Management

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GAO reviewed the amount of excess payments and underpayments made by the Department of Defense (DOD) to its contractors during fiscal year 1999. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)--Columbus Center, Ohio reports that contractors repaid $670 million in fiscal year 1999 and closer to a billion dollars--$901 million--in fiscal year 2000. The higher amount for fiscal year 2000 reflects the inclusion of repayments made through offsets of other payments ($269 million) in addition to the amount repaid by check ($632 million). Although small in relation to total contract payments, these amounts represent a sizable amount of cash in the hands of contractors beyond what is intended to finance and pay for the goods and services DOD is purchasing. The 39 large contractors covered by GAO's review returned excess payments totaling $351 million in fiscal year 1999. Seventy-seven percent of these excess payments stemmed from contract administration actions and 18 percent stemmed from billing or payment errors. Large contractors reported resolving $41 million in underpayments during fiscal year 1999. Contractors attributed most underpayments to payment errors made by DFAS--Columbus.

Contract Management

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Dod Contract Management

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DOD CONTRACT MANAGEMENT: Overpayments Continue and Management and Accounting Issues Remain

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DOD contractors' responses to our survey indicate that they have millions of dollars in overpayments and underpayments on their records, and based on DFAS Columbus records, they are continuing to refund overpayments about $488 million in fiscal year 2001. Contractors cited progress payment liquidation errors as a primary reason for the overpayments and underpayments. They usually did not include debt due to contract administration actions-the reason for the majority of contractor refunds according to DFAS Columbus records-in their reported overpayments. Additional overpayments and underpayments could be identified when audits of the over 3,200 contracts requiring some level of reconciliation, as of September 30, 2001, are completed by DFAS Columbus. Contractor debt, regardless of cause, is likely to continue due to DOD's complex contract management and payments processes. Even when payment discrepancies are identified, they are not always promptly resolved. DOD has taken actions to address problems with contractor overpayments. In addition to its contract audit functions and as part of a broad-based program to assist DCMA and DFAS, DCAA is auditing at least 190 large DOD contractors to identify overpayments and ensure that contractors have adequate internal controls for prompt identification and reporting of overpayments. This type of activity can be considered part of a recovery audit program. DFAS Columbus has implemented procedures to better identify potential duplicate payments before the invoices are paid and to determine and monitor the causes of the duplicate payments. As part of its long-term solution to contract payment problems, DOD also is implementing the Standard Procurement System and the Defense Procurement Payment System to replace current contract administration and payment systems. However, the full implementation of these systems has been delayed and their success is uncertain.

DOD Procurement

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