Contract Management in Project Management and Service Management - The Cats Rvm(r) Methodology

Book Description

CATS RVM offers a methodical approach to managing contracts in project and service management. It describes the basic principles, the roles, the points of attention for the realization and verification manager in the domains of delivery management and contract management, and the recommended way of working.

Contract management in project management and service management - the CATS RVM® methodology

Book Description

This book describes the CATS RVM methodology that proposes realization and verification management as a way to establish the relationship between contract management and project and service management. The CATS RVM methodology can be applied within public and private organizations, by and for clients and suppliers. Realization and verification management is the realization of the objectives intended with the contract. It does this by proactively realizing and verifying the performance stipulated in the contract during the execution phase of a contract, managing all risks associated with the performance, setting up all delivery processes, coordinating applicable delivery management processes between client and supplier, and preparing for these activities prior to the execution phase. CATS RVM offers a methodical approach to managing contracts in project and service management. It describes the basic principles, the roles, the points of attention for the realization and verification manager in the domains of delivery management and contract management, and the recommended way of working. In addition to a description of the methodology, this book also provides a description of the most common delivery management processes in both service and project management. The CATS RVM methodology is aligned with the best practice contract management methodology CATS CM as described in the book CATS CM® version 4: From working on contracts to contracts that work. However, it can be read completely independently. Where relevant, parts of CATS CM are also described in this book. This book is suitable for anyone involved with purchase and/or sales contracts in the provision of services, products or projects. This includes project managers, service managers, facility managers, those responsible for a technical service, and those responsible for the provision of HR services. This book also contains much useful information for those who work in adjacent domains such as contract management, procurement, sales, risk management, or compliance, and anyone who is responsible for contracts in a more tactical or strategic role.

Contract management in project management and service management - the CATS RVM® methodology

Book Description

This book describes the CATS RVM methodology that proposes realization and verification management as a way to establish the relationship between contract management and project and service management. The CATS RVM methodology can be applied within public and private organizations, by and for clients and suppliers. Realization and verification management is the realization of the objectives intended with the contract. It does this by proactively realizing and verifying the performance stipulated in the contract during the execution phase of a contract, managing all risks associated with the performance, setting up all delivery processes, coordinating applicable delivery management processes between client and supplier, and preparing for these activities prior to the execution phase. CATS RVM offers a methodical approach to managing contracts in project and service management. It describes the basic principles, the roles, the points of attention for the realization and verification manager in the domains of delivery management and contract management, and the recommended way of working. In addition to a description of the methodology, this book also provides a description of the most common delivery management processes in both service and project management. The CATS RVM methodology is aligned with the best practice contract management methodology CATS CM as described in the book CATS CM® version 4: From working on contracts to contracts that work. However, it can be read completely independently. Where relevant, parts of CATS CM are also described in this book. This book is suitable for anyone involved with purchase and/or sales contracts in the provision of services, products or projects. This includes project managers, service managers, facility managers, those responsible for a technical service, and those responsible for the provision of HR services. This book also contains much useful information for those who work in adjacent domains such as contract management, procurement, sales, risk management, or compliance, and anyone who is responsible for contracts in a more tactical or strategic role.

Contract management with CATS CM® version 4

Book Description

This book describes version 4 of CATS CM®. This methodology for contract management can be used in both private and public sector organizations, and is valid for both demand and supply side. Contract management is the realization of intended contract objectives by proactively monitoring the fulfillment of all contractually established responsibilities, obligations, procedures, agreements, conditions and rates, resolving all ambiguities, contradictions and white spaces, managing all contract-related risks, and implementing all desired changes to the contract, during the execution phase. CATS CM® offers a methodical and scalable approach to contract management. It provides a description of the principles, roles, and main issues for the contract manager and the best way of working. In addition to a description of the methodology, CATS CM® version 4 also offers specific tools for implementing contract management, for policy as well as for processes. Increasingly, organizations recognize the importance of being in control of their business ecosystem. CATS CM® assists organizations to increase control of their joint responsibility both from a procurement and delivery point of view. A large number of organizations have chosen CATS CM® as the standard for their contract management processes. This new version of CATS CM® has been developed with these various practices in mind. CATS CM® version 4 is based on the principle that the management of a contract in execution has strong similarities on both sides of the contract, i.e. demand and supply; both can best be described as working in conjunction with each other. This book is intended for all who are responsible for, or deal with the execution of contracts: contract managers, business managers, delivery managers, project managers, service managers, facility managers, buyers, procurement managers, compliance managers, risk managers, account managers, sales managers and HR managers, along with their directors and board members on both sides of the contract.

Contract Management and Administration for Contract and Project Management Professionals

Book Description

The Expanded, Enhanced, and Updated (810 Pages, 2 Volumes) Second Edition of the Must Have Information and Reference Book Designed to Guide Contract and Project Management Professionals to More-Effectively Plan, Prepare, Manage, and Administer RFPs and Contracts and Manage Contractors. - This Book provides discussions of the Legal Basics of Contracts and Contracting and the Theories, Principles, and Strategies of Contracting and Contract Management and Administration and introduces, describes, and discusses the author's unique and breakthrough concept of the Ten Stages of the Contracting Process which is a practical breakdown of the Contracting Process into Ten Interdependent Stages from planning and structuring the Request for Proposal (RFP) to Contract Close Out, Post Contract Requirements, Evaluating the Contract Documents, and Evaluating the Performance of Each Party. The Ten Stages of the Contracting Process provides Contract and Project Management personnel with a structured process to more efficiently and effectively plan, prepare, negotiate, manage, control, and evaluate RFPs and Contracts and manage and administer contracts and manage contractors resulting in well-prepared and well-managed RFPs, Contracts, and Contractors resulting in Successful Contracts and Projects. - This Book Includes - 1) Comprehensive Discussions of Contract Types/Forms, Applications, and Risks; 2) Examples of Check Lists, Forms, Formats, and Agendas used to Plan, Prepare, Manage, Administer, and Evaluate RFPs, Contracts, and Owner and Contractor Performance; 3) Examples of Practical Applications, Best Practices, Analytical Evaluations, and Lessons Learned; 4) Examples of Terms and Conditions and Definitions used in Contracts; - This Book Discusses - 1) The Integration of the Ten Stages of Contract Management with the Six Phases of Project Management and the Seven Phases of Engineering; 2) Contract Cost and Schedule Estimate Risks Based on Scope and Engineering Development; 3) Structuring the Correct Contract Type/Form Based on Scope and Engineering Development; 4) Structuring Contracts for Engineering Services with Example Formats, Agendas, and Terms; 5) Benefits and Pitfalls of Target Cost Contracts and Cost Reimbursable Contracts; 6) Pitfalls of Negotiating a Contract with a Sole or Single Source or Preferred Contractor; 7) Pitfalls of Proceeding with the Contract Work with Insufficient Engineering Documents; 8) Candid Discussions and Examples of How to Structure Effective Contract Incentives and Damages; 9) Warranties and Remedies Applicable to Contracts, Contract Work, and Completed Projects and Items; 10) Claims and the Claims Avoidance, Prevention, Management, Mitigation, and Analyses Processes; 11) Risk Management and Organizational and Human Performance Evaluation and Improvement Programs; 12) Examples of Successful and Not So Successful Contracting Situations; 13) The History of Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, with Significant Contracting Lessons Learned Which Caused the Demise of Westinghouse Electric Corporation and the Bankruptcy of Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC; 14) The History of U.S. Nuclear Technology Development; the Development of Commercial Nuclear Power Plants; and Applicable Contracts and Projects Problems and Lessons Learned with Emphasis on Organizational and Human Performance Improvement Programs. The focus of this book is to improve the Contract Management skills of Project and Contract Managers, Contract Administrators, Project Engineers, Project Controls Managers, and other personnel involved in planning and executing projects requiring large, complex contracts for services, materials, and the design and fabrication of specially engineered components. The concepts, principles, strategies, and formats covered in this book are applicable to developing and managing all types of major contracts and both private and public contracts.

Contracting for Project Management

Book Description

In all but the smallest of projects the project sponsor inevitably has to buy in the goods and services of other suppliers. This requires people to make contracts so that they know the basis on which they are working with each other and to deal with any disagreements that subsequently arise. So a knowledge of contracting specifically for project management is essential if a project is to avoid difficulties and reach a successful conclusion. This book concentrates specifically on the contracting issues that surround projects of any size.

Contract management with CATS CM® version 4

Book Description

This book describes version 4 of CATS CM®. This methodology for contract management can be used in both private and public sector organizations, and is valid for both demand and supply side. Contract management is the realization of intended contract objectives by proactively monitoring the fulfillment of all contractually established responsibilities, obligations, procedures, agreements, conditions and rates, resolving all ambiguities, contradictions and white spaces, managing all contract-related risks, and implementing all desired changes to the contract, during the execution phase. CATS CM® offers a methodical and scalable approach to contract management. It provides a description of the principles, roles, and main issues for the contract manager and the best way of working. In addition to a description of the methodology, CATS CM® version 4 also offers specific tools for implementing contract management, for policy as well as for processes. Increasingly, organizations recognize the importance of being in control of their business ecosystem. CATS CM® assists organizations to increase control of their joint responsibility both from a procurement and delivery point of view. A large number of organizations have chosen CATS CM® as the standard for their contract management processes. This new version of CATS CM® has been developed with these various practices in mind. CATS CM® version 4 is based on the principle that the management of a contract in execution has strong similarities on both sides of the contract, i.e. demand and supply; both can best be described as working in conjunction with each other. This book is intended for all who are responsible for, or deal with the execution of contracts: contract managers, business managers, delivery managers, project managers, service managers, facility managers, buyers, procurement managers, compliance managers, risk managers, account managers, sales managers and HR managers, along with their directors and board members on both sides of the contract.

Contract management with CATS CM® version 4

Book Description

This book describes version 4 of CATS CM®. This methodology for contract management can be used in both private and public sector organizations, and is valid for both demand and supply side. Contract management is the realization of intended contract objectives by proactively monitoring the fulfillment of all contractually established responsibilities, obligations, procedures, agreements, conditions and rates, resolving all ambiguities, contradictions and white spaces, managing all contract-related risks, and implementing all desired changes to the contract, during the execution phase. CATS CM® offers a methodical and scalable approach to contract management. It provides a description of the principles, roles, and main issues for the contract manager and the best way of working. In addition to a description of the methodology, CATS CM® version 4 also offers specific tools for implementing contract management, for policy as well as for processes. Increasingly, organizations recognize the importance of being in control of their business ecosystem. CATS CM® assists organizations to increase control of their joint responsibility both from a procurement and delivery point of view. A large number of organizations have chosen CATS CM® as the standard for their contract management processes. This new version of CATS CM® has been developed with these various practices in mind. CATS CM® version 4 is based on the principle that the management of a contract in execution has strong similarities on both sides of the contract, i.e. demand and supply; both can best be described as working in conjunction with each other. This book is intended for all who are responsible for, or deal with the execution of contracts: contract managers, business managers, delivery managers, project managers, service managers, facility managers, buyers, procurement managers, compliance managers, risk managers, account managers, sales managers and HR managers, along with their directors and board members on both sides of the contract.

SIAM: Principles and Practices for Service Integration and Management

Book Description

For trainers free additional material of this book is available. This can be found under the "Training Material" tab. Log in with your trainer account to access the material. The increasing complexity of the IT value chain and the rise of multi-vendor supplier ecosystems has led to the rise of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) as a new approach. Service Integration is the set of principles and practices, which facilitate the collaborative working relationships between service providers required to maximize the benefit of multi-sourcing. Service integration facilitates the linkage of services, the technology of which they are comprised and the delivery organizations and processes used to operate them, into a single operating model. SIAM is a relatively new and fast evolving concept. SIAM teams are being established in many organizations and in many different sectors, as part of a strategy for (out)sourcing IT services and other types of service. This is the first book that describes the concepts of SIAM. It is intended for: ITSM professionals working in integrated multi-sourced environments; Service customer managers, with a responsibility to secure the business supply of IT services in a multi-sourced environment; Service provider delivery managers with a responsibility to integrate multiple services to meet the demands of the customers business and users; Service provider managers with responsibilities to manage integrated services, participating in a multi-sourced environment.