Control Study of Two-particle Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC-PHENIX

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Measurements at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have provided indirect measurements of jets in a heavy ion environment using the two- particle correlation method in the presence of a high-pT particle. These measurements have offered insight into the formation of a new state of dense nuclear matter called the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) through the observation of jet quenching. However, the two-particle methodology has also shown to be biased towards di-jet production near the surface of the medium being created. Here, a detailed study using the PHENIX detector is provided, in an attempt to measure a more accurate jet-induced two-particle correlation measurement than previously published and to reduce the bias observed in two-particle correlation measurements. The reduction in surface bias emission is performed via the requirement of two antipodal high-pT particles (a.k.a. "2+1" correlation) in an attempt to control the production point of the di-jet. The measurements made in Au+Au collisions when compared to p+p collisions show that the method provides additional sensitivity to the jet quenching previously observed in two-particle correlation method.

Measurements of Di-jet Π0-h± Correlations in Light-heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC-PHENIX

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The possible presence of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), the new state of matter created at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions, is currently under investigation for smaller collisions systems such as light-heavy ions and even p+p. Long range angular correlations of particles produced in p+Pb, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au, show evidence of QGP collective flow, but another signature, QGP-induced jet energy loss effects has not been identified. To address this situation, in this dissertation, a recently introduced observable RI is employed in light-heavy ion collisions. RI is derived from two-particle correlation method commonly used to study jet modification from energy loss in Au+Au.

Centrality Dependence of Two-particle Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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Results on the centrality dependence of two-particle correlations in Au+Au collisions at ... 200GeV are presented. A particular focus is devoted to investigating any anomalous behavior in the centrality dependence of correlation functions, as previous results suggest existence of such tendencies around Npart [approx.] 50. Correlation functions are calculated for a wide kinematic region of ... from data obtained by the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC. The RHIC layout and the PHOBOS detector setup is discussed. Data acquisition method employed by the PHOBOS experiment, data processing procedures and event selection criteria are presented. The two-particle correlation function is defined and calculation procedures are described. Decomposition analysis is explained as the fit function and the constituting components are introduced. Analysis results for correlation functions and fits are presented. The results suggest that in the kinematic region covered by the analysis of this thesis, no anomalous trends in component behavior exists.

Two-particle Correlations in Angular and Momentum Space in Heavy Ion Collisions at STAR

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For over a decade studies of the strong interaction in extremely dense nuclear environments have been done at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. It is hypothesized that colliding two beams of Au nuclei at relativistic speeds creates an environment of hot dense nuclear matter where the quarks and gluons inside the nucleus, which are normally confined within the protons and neutrons, become deconfined into a soup called the quark-gluon plasma. Since direct observation of this short-lived phase is impossible, many sophisticated analysis techniques attempt to study the early interactions via the final state particles. What has emerged from analyses of the data are two, contradictory paradigms for understanding the results. On the one hand the colliding quarks and gluons are thought to strongly interact and reach thermal equilibrium. The other view is that primary parton-parton scattering leads directly to jet fragmentation with little effect from re-scattering. It is in principle possible to distinguish and perhaps falsify one or both of these models of relativistic heavy ion collisions via the analysis of two-particle correlations among all charged particles produced in [mathematical symbols] = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment at RHIC. This dissertation presents studies of two-particle correlations, whose derivation can be traced back to Pearson's correlation coefficient, in transverse momentum and angular space. In momentum space a broad peak is observed extending from 0.5-4.0 GeV/c which, as a function of nuclear overlap, remains at a fixed position while monotonically increasing in amplitude. Comparisons to theoretical models suggests this peak is from jet fragmentation. In a complementary study the momentum distribution of correlations in ([eta],[phi]) space is investigated. The momentum distribution of correlated pairs that contribute to the peak near the origin, commonly associated with jet fragmentation, is peaked around 1.5 GeV/c and does not soften with increased centrality. These measurements present important aspects of the available six dimensional correlation space and provide definitive tests for theoretical models. Preliminary findings do not appear to support the hypothesis of a strongly interacting QGP where back-to-back jets are expected to be significantly suppressed.

High-pT Physics in the Heavy Ion Era

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One of few books to address both high-pT physics and relativistic heavy ion collisions. Essential handbook for graduates and researchers.

Verification and Simulations of Two Particle Correlation Background in Heavy Ion Collisions Using Mean Seed Mean Partners Method

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A suite of simulation tools was designed and developed to simulate two particle correlations in heavy ion collisions. This included additions to the HIJING Monte Carlo simulation and the creation of a new fast Monte Carlo simulation program, QMC. These Monte Carlos were then used to demonstrate the effect of an isolation cut on the the mean seed mean partner (MSMP) background normalization method.

What Invariant One-particle Multiplicity Distributions and Two-particle Correlations are Telling Us about Relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions

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The authors have used a nine-parameter expanding source model that includes special relativity, quantum statistics, resonance decays, and freeze-out on a realistic hypersurface in spacetime to analyze in detail invariant?, K+, and K− one-particle multiplicity distributions and?+ and?− two-particle correlations in nearly central collisions of Pb + Pb at p{sub lab}/A = 158 GeV/c. These studies confirm an earlier conclusion for nearly central collisions of Si + Au at p{sub lab}/A = 14.6 GeV/c that the freeze-out temperature is less than 100 meV and that both the longitudinal and transverse collective velocities -- which are anti-correlated with the temperature -- are substantial. The authors also reconciled their current results with those of previous analyses that yielded a much higher freeze-out temperature of approximately 140 meV for both Pb + Pb collisions at p{sub lab}/A = 158 GeV/c and other reactions. One type of analysis was based upon the use of a heuristic equation that neglects relativity to extrapolate slope parameters to zero particle mass. Another type of analysis utilized a thermal model in which there was an accumulation of effects from several approximations. The future should witness the arrival of much new data on invariant one-particle multiplicity distributions and two-particle correlations as functions of bombarding energy and/or size of the colliding nuclei. The proper analysis of these data in terms of a realistic model could yield accurate values for the density, temperature, collective velocity, size, and other properties of the expanding matter as it freezes out into a collection of noninteracting hadrons. A sharp discontinuity in the value of one or more of these properties could conceivably be the long-awaited signal for the formation of a quark-gluon plasma or other new physics.

Measurement of Non-flow Correlations and Elliptic Flow Fluctuations in Au+Au Collisions at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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Measurements of collective flow and two-particle correlations have proven to be effective tools for understanding the properties of the system produced in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Accurate modeling of the initial conditions of a heavy ion collision is crucial in the interpretation of these results. The anisotropic shape of the initial geometry of heavy ion collisions with finite impact parameter leads to an anisotropic particle production in the azimuthal direction through collective flow of the produced medium. In "head-on" collisions of Copper nuclei at ultrarelativistic energies, the magnitude of this "elliptic flow" has been observed to be significantly large. This is understood to be due to fluctuations in the initial geometry which leads to a significant anisotropy even for most central Cu+Cu collisions. This thesis presents a phenomenological study of the effect of initial geometry fluctuations on two-particle correlations and an experimental measurement of the magnitude of elliptic flow fluctuations which is predicted to be large if initial geometry fluctuations are present. Two-particle correlation measurements in Au+Au collisions at the top RHIC energies have shown that after correction for contributions from elliptic flow, strong azimuthal correlation signals are present at A0 = 0 and A0 ~ 120. These correlation structures may be understood in terms of event-by-event fluctuations which result in a triangular anisotropy in the initial collision geometry of heavy ion collisions, which in turn leads to a triangular anisotropy in particle production. It is observed that similar correlation structures are observed in A Multi-Phase Transport (AMPT) model and are, indeed, found to be driven by the triangular anisotropy in the initial collision geometry. Therefore "triangular flow" may be the appropriate description of these correlation structures in data. The measurement of elliptic flow fluctuations is complicated by the contributions of statistical fluctuations and other two-particle correlations (non-flow correlations) to the observed fluctuations in azimuthal particle anisotropy. New experimental techniques, which crucially rely on the uniquely large coverage of the PHOBOS detector at RHIC, are developed to quantify and correct for these contributions. Relative elliptic flow fluctuations of approximately 30-40% are observed in 6-45% most central Au+Au collisions at s NN= 200 GeV. These results are consistent with the predicted initial geometry fluctuations.