Control Techniques for Complex Networks

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From foundations to state-of-the-art; the tools and philosophy you need to build network models.

Methods and algorithms for control input placement in complex networks

Book Description

The control-theoretic notion of controllability captures the ability to guide a systems behavior toward a desired state with a suitable choice of inputs. Controllability of complex networks such as traffic networks, gene regulatory networks, power grids etc. brings many opportunities. It could for instance enable improved efficiency in the functioning of a network or lead to that entirely new applicative possibilities emerge. However, when control theory is applied to complex networks like these, several challenges arise. This thesis consider some of these challenges, in particular we investigate how control inputs should be placed in order to render a given network controllable at a minimum cost, taking as cost function either the number of control inputs or the energy that they must exert. We assume that each control input targets only one node (called a driver node) and is either unconstrained or unilateral. A unilateral control input is one that can assume either positive or negative values but not both. Motivated by the many applications where unilateral controls are common, we reformulate classical controllability results for this particular case into a more computationally-efficient form that enables a large scale analysis. We show that the unilateral controllability problem is to a high degree structural and derive theoretical lower bounds on the minimal number of unilateral control inputs from topological properties of the network, similar to the bounds that exists for the minimal number of unconstrained control inputs. Moreover, an algorithm is developed that constructs a near minimal number of control inputs for a given network. When evaluated on various categories of random networks as well as a number of real-world networks, the algorithm often achieves the theoretical lower bounds. A network can be controllable in theory but not in practice when completely unreasonable amounts of control energy are required to steer it in some direction. For unconstrained control inputs we show that the control energy depends on the time constants of the modes of the network, and that the closer the eigenvalues are to the imaginary axis of the complex plane, the less energy is required for control. We also investigate the problem of placing driver nodes such that the control energy requirements are minimized (assuming that theoretical controllability is not an issue). For the special case with networks having all purely imaginary eigenvalues, several constructive algorithms for driver node placement are developed. In order to understand what determines the control energy in the general case with arbitrary eigenvalues, we define two centrality measures for the nodes based on energy flow considerations: the first centrality reflects the network impact of a node and the second the ability to control it indirectly. It turns out that whether a node is suitable as driver node or not largely depends on these two qualities. By combining the centralities into node rankings we obtain driver node placements that significantly reduce the control energy requirements and thereby improve the “practical degree of controllability”.

Fundamentals of Complex Networks

Book Description

Complex networks such as the Internet, WWW, transportation networks, power grids, biological neural networks, and scientific cooperation networks of all kinds provide challenges for future technological development. • The first systematic presentation of dynamical evolving networks, with many up-to-date applications and homework projects to enhance study • The authors are all very active and well-known in the rapidly evolving field of complex networks • Complex networks are becoming an increasingly important area of research • Presented in a logical, constructive style, from basic through to complex, examining algorithms, through to construct networks and research challenges of the future

Controllability of Complex Networks at Minimum Cost

Book Description

The control-theoretic notion of controllability captures the ability to guide a system toward a desired state with a suitable choice of inputs. Controllability of complex networks such as traffic networks, gene regulatory networks, power grids etc. can for instance enable efficient operation or entirely new applicative possibilities. However, when control theory is applied to complex networks like these, several challenges arise. This thesis considers some of them, in particular we investigate how a given network can be rendered controllable at a minimum cost by placement of control inputs or by growing the network with additional edges between its nodes. As cost function we take either the number of control inputs that are needed or the energy that they must exert. A control input is called unilateral if it can assume either positive or negative values, but not both. Motivated by the many applications where unilateral controls are common, we reformulate classical controllability results for this particular case into a more computationally-efficient form that enables a large scale analysis. Assuming that each control input targets only one node (called a driver node), we show that the unilateral controllability problem is to a high degree structural: from topological properties of the network we derive theoretical lower bounds for the minimal number of unilateral control inputs, bounds similar to those that have already been established for the minimal number of unconstrained control inputs (e.g. can assume both positive and negative values). With a constructive algorithm for unilateral control input placement we also show that the theoretical bounds can often be achieved. A network may be controllable in theory but not in practice if for instance unreasonable amounts of control energy are required to steer it in some direction. For the case with unconstrained control inputs, we show that the control energy depends on the time constants of the modes of the network, the longer they are, the less energy is required for control. We also present different strategies for the problem of placing driver nodes such that the control energy requirements are reduced (assuming that theoretical controllability is not an issue). For the most general class of networks we consider, directed networks with arbitrary eigenvalues (and thereby arbitrary time constants), we suggest strategies based on a novel characterization of network non-normality as imbalance in the distribution of energy over the network. Our formulation allows to quantify network non-normality at a node level as combination of two different centrality metrics. The first measure quantifies the influence that each node has on the rest of the network, while the second measure instead describes the ability to control a node indirectly from the other nodes. Selecting the nodes that maximize the network non-normality as driver nodes significantly reduces the energy needed for control. Growing a network, i.e. adding more edges to it, is a promising alternative to reduce the energy needed to control it. We approach this by deriving a sensitivity function that enables to quantify the impact of an edge modification with the H2 and H? norms, which in turn can be used to design edge additions that improve commonly used control energy metrics.

Optimization, Learning, and Control for Interdependent Complex Networks

Book Description

This book focuses on a wide range of optimization, learning, and control algorithms for interdependent complex networks and their role in smart cities operation, smart energy systems, and intelligent transportation networks. It paves the way for researchers working on optimization, learning, and control spread over the fields of computer science, operation research, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and system engineering. This book also covers optimization algorithms for large-scale problems from theoretical foundations to real-world applications, learning-based methods to enable intelligence in smart cities, and control techniques to deal with the optimal and robust operation of complex systems. It further introduces novel algorithms for data analytics in large-scale interdependent complex networks. • Specifies the importance of efficient theoretical optimization and learning methods in dealing with emerging problems in the context of interdependent networks • Provides a comprehensive investigation of advance data analytics and machine learning algorithms for large-scale complex networks • Presents basics and mathematical foundations needed to enable efficient decision making and intelligence in interdependent complex networks M. Hadi Amini is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University (FIU). He is also the founding director of Sustainability, Optimization, and Learning for InterDependent networks laboratory (solid lab). He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from Carnegie Mellon University in 2019 and 2015 respectively. He also holds a doctoral degree in Computer Science and Technology. Prior to that, he received M.Sc. from Tarbiat Modares University in 2013, and the B.Sc. from Sharif University of Technology in 2011.

Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks

Book Description

Explores the emerging subject of epidemic dynamics on complex networks, including theories, methods, and real-world applications Throughout history epidemic diseases have presented a serious threat to human life, and in recent years the spread of infectious diseases such as dengue, malaria, HIV, and SARS has captured global attention; and in the modern technological age, the proliferation of virus attacks on the Internet highlights the emergent need for knowledge about modeling, analysis, and control in epidemic dynamics on complex networks. For advancement of techniques, it has become clear that more fundamental knowledge will be needed in mathematical and numerical context about how epidemic dynamical networks can be modelled, analyzed, and controlled. This book explores recent progress in these topics and looks at issues relating to various epidemic systems. Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks covers most key topics in the field, and will provide a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers interested in network science and dynamical systems, and related interdisciplinary fields. Key Features: Includes a brief history of mathematical epidemiology and epidemic modeling on complex networks. Explores how information, opinion, and rumor spread via the Internet and social networks. Presents plausible models for propagation of SARS and avian influenza outbreaks, providing a reality check for otherwise abstract mathematical modeling. Considers various infectivity functions, including constant, piecewise-linear, saturated, and nonlinear cases. Examines information transmission on complex networks, and investigates the difference between information and epidemic spreading.

Evolutionary Algorithms, Swarm Dynamics and Complex Networks

Book Description

Evolutionary algorithms constitute a class of well-known algorithms, which are designed based on the Darwinian theory of evolution and Mendelian theory of heritage. They are partly based on random and partly based on deterministic principles. Due to this nature, it is challenging to predict and control its performance in solving complex nonlinear problems. Recently, the study of evolutionary dynamics is focused not only on the traditional investigations but also on the understanding and analyzing new principles, with the intention of controlling and utilizing their properties and performances toward more effective real-world applications. In this book, based on many years of intensive research of the authors, is proposing novel ideas about advancing evolutionary dynamics towards new phenomena including many new topics, even the dynamics of equivalent social networks. In fact, it includes more advanced complex networks and incorporates them with the CMLs (coupled map lattices), which are usually used for spatiotemporal complex systems simulation and analysis, based on the observation that chaos in CML can be controlled, so does evolution dynamics. All the chapter authors are, to the best of our knowledge, originators of the ideas mentioned above and researchers on evolutionary algorithms and chaotic dynamics as well as complex networks, who will provide benefits to the readers regarding modern scientific research on related subjects.

Complex Networks & Their Applications IX

Book Description

This book highlights cutting-edge research in the field of network science, offering scientists, researchers, students and practitioners a unique update on the latest advances in theory and a multitude of applications. It presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the IX International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020). The carefully selected papers cover a wide range of theoretical topics such as network models and measures; community structure, network dynamics; diffusion, epidemics and spreading processes; resilience and control as well as all the main network applications, including social and political networks; networks in finance and economics; biological and neuroscience networks and technological networks.

Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex Networks

Book Description

This book presents the latest findings on stochastic dynamic programming models and on solving optimal control problems in networks. It includes the authors’ new findings on determining the optimal solution of discrete optimal control problems in networks and on solving game variants of Markov decision problems in the context of computational networks. First, the book studies the finite state space of Markov processes and reviews the existing methods and algorithms for determining the main characteristics in Markov chains, before proposing new approaches based on dynamic programming and combinatorial methods. Chapter two is dedicated to infinite horizon stochastic discrete optimal control models and Markov decision problems with average and expected total discounted optimization criteria, while Chapter three develops a special game-theoretical approach to Markov decision processes and stochastic discrete optimal control problems. In closing, the book’s final chapter is devoted to finite horizon stochastic control problems and Markov decision processes. The algorithms developed represent a valuable contribution to the important field of computational network theory.