Control Theoretic Splines

Book Description

Splines, both interpolatory and smoothing, have a long and rich history that has largely been application driven. This book unifies these constructions in a comprehensive and accessible way, drawing from the latest methods and applications to show how they arise naturally in the theory of linear control systems. Magnus Egerstedt and Clyde Martin are leading innovators in the use of control theoretic splines to bring together many diverse applications within a common framework. In this book, they begin with a series of problems ranging from path planning to statistics to approximation. Using the tools of optimization over vector spaces, Egerstedt and Martin demonstrate how all of these problems are part of the same general mathematical framework, and how they are all, to a certain degree, a consequence of the optimization problem of finding the shortest distance from a point to an affine subspace in a Hilbert space. They cover periodic splines, monotone splines, and splines with inequality constraints, and explain how any finite number of linear constraints can be added. This book reveals how the many natural connections between control theory, numerical analysis, and statistics can be used to generate powerful mathematical and analytical tools. This book is an excellent resource for students and professionals in control theory, robotics, engineering, computer graphics, econometrics, and any area that requires the construction of curves based on sets of raw data.

Splines and Control Theory

Book Description

In this work, the relationship between splines and the control theory has been analyzed. We show that spline functions can be constructed naturally from the control theory. By establishing a framework based on control theory, we provide a simple and systematic way to construct splines. We have constructed the traditional spline functions including the polynomial splines and the classical exponential spline. We have also discovered some new spline functions such as trigonometric splines and the combination of polynomial, exponential and trigonometric splines. The method proposed in this paper is easy to implement. Some numerical experiments are performed to investigate properties of different spline approximations. Zhang, Zhimin and Tomlinson, John and Martin, Clyde Unspecified Center ...

Control Theory and Splines, Applied to Signature Storage

Book Description

In this report the problem we are going to study is the interpolation of a set of points in the plane with the use of control theory. We will discover how different systems generate different kinds of splines, cubic and exponential, and investigate the effect that the different systems have on the tracking problems. Actually we will see that the important parameters will be the two eigenvalues of the control matrix. Enqvist, Per Unspecified Center ...

Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing

Book Description

This Festschrift, published on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday of Yutaka - mamoto (‘YY’ as he is occasionally casually referred to), contains a collection of articles by friends, colleagues, and former Ph.D. students of YY. They are a tribute to his friendship and his scienti?c vision and oeuvre, which has been a source of inspiration to the authors. Yutaka Yamamoto was born in Kyoto, Japan, on March 29, 1950. He studied applied mathematics and general engineering science at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Kyoto University, obtaining the B.S. and M.Sc. degrees in 1972 and 1974. His M.Sc. work was done under the supervision of Professor Yoshikazu Sawaragi. In 1974, he went to the Center for Mathematical System T- ory of the University of Florida in Gainesville. He obtained the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, both in Mathematics, in 1976 and 1978, under the direction of Professor Rudolf Kalman.

Three Decades of Progress in Control Sciences

Book Description

In this edited collection we commemorate the 60th birthday of Prof. Christopher Byrnes and the retirement of Prof. Anders Lindquist from the Chair of Optimization and Systems Theory at KTH. These papers were presented in part at a 2009 workshop in KTH, Stockholm, honoring the lifetime contributions of Professors Byrnes and Lindquist in various fields of applied mathematics.

Modeling, Estimation and Control

Book Description

This Festschrift is intended as a homage to our esteemed colleague, friend and maestro Giorgio Picci on the occasion of his sixty-?fth birthday. We have knownGiorgiosince our undergraduatestudies at the University of Padova, wherewe?rst experiencedhisfascinatingteachingin theclass ofSystem Identi?cation. While progressing through the PhD program, then continuing to collaborate with him and eventually becoming colleagues, we have had many opportunitiesto appreciate the value of Giorgio as a professor and a scientist, and chie?y as a person. We learned a lot from him and we feel indebted for his scienti?c guidance, his constant support, encouragement and enthusiasm. For these reasons we are proud to dedicate this book to Giorgio. The articles in the volume will be presented by prominent researchers at the "--Ternational Conference on Modeling, Estimation and Control: A Symposium in Honor of Giorgio Picci on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday", to be held in Venice on October 4-5, 2007. The material covers a broad range of topics in mathematical systems theory, esti- tion, identi?cation and control, re?ecting the wide network of scienti?c relationships established during the last thirty years between the authors and Giorgio. Critical d- cussion of fundamental concepts, close collaboration on speci?c topics, joint research programs in this group of talented people have nourished the development of the?eld, where Giorgio has contributed to establishing several cornerstones.

Fractional Dynamics and Control

Book Description

Fractional Dynamics and Control provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the areas of nonlinear dynamics, vibration and control with analytical, numerical, and experimental results. This book provides an overview of recent discoveries in fractional control, delves into fractional variational principles and differential equations, and applies advanced techniques in fractional calculus to solving complicated mathematical and physical problems.Finally, this book also discusses the role that fractional order modeling can play in complex systems for engineering and science.