Economic Convergence Across German Regions in Light of Empirical Findings

Book Description

This paper challenges the convergence hypothesis advanced by R. Barro and X. Sala-i-Martin as it is applied to explain the forces behind, patterns exhibited by and time line for German regional convergence. Exposed in some detail are the spurious neoclassical and marginalist assumptions, purporting that 'automatic' forces would indeed bring about a convergence in per capita incomes between two German regions. A trend exhibiting slow growth in per capita income in Germany's eastern region renders a Beta coefficient so low as to rule out convergence altogether. In addition, capital fails to move between German regions in the pattern assumed by the convergence hypothesis.

Economic Growth and Convergence Across the United States

Book Description

A key economic issue is whether poor countries or regions tend to grow faster than rich ones: are there automatic forces that lead to convergence over time in levels of per capita income and product? After considering predictions of closed- and open-economy neoclassical growth theories, we examine data since 1840 from the U.S. states. We find clear evidence of convergence, but the findings can be reconciled quantitatively with neoclassical models only if diminishing returns to capital set in very slowly. The results from a broad sample of countries are similar if we hold constant a set of variables that proxy for differences in steady-state characteristics. Two types of existing theories seem to fit the facts: the neoclassical growth model with broadly-defined capital and a limited role for diminishing returns, and endogenous growth models with constant returns and gradual diffusion of technology across economies.

Convergence Across Indian States

Book Description

In this paper, we examine the growth convergence hypothesis within a developing country. Across Indian states, income dispersion has widened in recent years. Some new methods that are used by many researchers for studies across countries or across U.S. regions are applied, and we find that almost all income sequences in the Indian states have unit roots. This result implies that, although India achieved relatively high growth in the 1990s, per capita income across states tended to diverge, and that income dynamics within a developing country may differ from those within a developed country.

Regional Disparities, Growth, and Inclusiveness

Book Description

We discuss regional disparities in economic performance and living standards. We first set out some key facts, and provide a conceptual framework to help analyze whether such disparities are efficient, or instead reflect market and/or policy failures. We examine whether policy attempts to reduce regional disparities necessarily involve a trade-off between equity and efficiency. We then investigate whether policymakers should focus on boosting the economic performance of lagging regions—or, conversely, accept the presence of regional disparities, and instead assist households in lagging regions through transfer payments, investments in education, health, and other basic services, and by facilitating out-migration.

Convergence Clubs in Labor Productivity and its Proximate Sources

Book Description

Testing for economic convergence across countries has been a central issue in the literature of economic growth and development. This book introduces a modern framework to study the cross-country convergence dynamics in labor productivity and its proximate sources: capital accumulation and aggregate efficiency. In particular, recent convergence dynamics of developed as well as developing countries are evaluated through the lens of a non-linear dynamic factor model and a clustering algorithm for panel data. This framework allows us to examine key economic phenomena such as technological heterogeneity and multiple equilibria. In this context, the book provides a succinct review of the recent club convergence literature, a comparative view of developed and developing countries, and a tutorial on how to implement the club convergence framework in the statistical software Stata.