Conversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics

Book Description

New Conversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics offers a new agenda for work where these three disciplines meet. Eminent scholars and leading young thinkers provide fifteen conversations about lively current issues in our social world, such as AI and democracy, political obligation, praise and blame, justice, and intersectionality.

Legal and Political Philosophy

Book Description

Legal and Political Philosophy, edited by Enrique Villanueva, is the first volume in the series Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, published by Rodopi also under his editorship. It contains six original essays by leading political philosophers and philosophers of law (Waldron, Coleman, Postema, Shapiro, Sayre-McCord, and Kraus), along with critical papers on those essays, and replies. This is cutting edge work that elicits sharp responses already as it is published, with the debate joined as the authors reply. Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy is a new book series, edited by Enrique Villanueva, and published by Rodopi Publishers as part of Rodopi Philosophical Studies. The series will publish collections of new essays on topics in social or political or legal philosophy. New volumes will be published approximately every year or every other year.

Talking Political Philosophy

Book Description

This book consists of six imagined dialogues between a fictional philosophy student, Logos, and some of the outstanding philosophers and politicians at all times. Political philosophy is discovered by conversations with the thinkers whose work has shaped the fields: John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Jürgen Habermas, Iris Marion Young, and Thomas Jefferson.

Conversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics

Book Description

New Conversations in Philosophy, Law, and Politics offers a new agenda for work where these three disciplines meet. It showcases three generations of scholars—from newly minted professors to some of today's most distinguished thinkers. Consisting of fifteen conversations, pairs of chapters dedicated to a single topic, the volume provides intergenerational and multidisciplinary perspectives on aspects of our social world. Each conversation comprises a first paper by a scholar who sets the topic, followed by a second paper by a scholar of a different generation, and usually a different discipline, who offers further insight or commentary. Each conversation thus provides two sets of original thoughts about a matter of lively current interest and interdisciplinary significance. Topics investigated include moral revolutions, AI and democracy, trust and the rule of law, responsibility, praise and blame, reasonableness, duty, political obligation, justice and equality, justice and intersectionality, domination, pornography, intentions in the law, and legal argumentation. Written in clear prose, the volume is accessible by philosophers, lawyers, political theorists, and beyond.

Conversations About Law

Book Description

Conversations About Law includes the following 5 carefully-edited Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading researchers. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter: 1. Neurolaw - A Conversation with Nita Farahany, Robert O. Everett Distinguished Professor of Law and Professor of Philosophy at Duke University. Nita Farahany is a leading scholar on the ethical, legal, and social implications of emerging technologies. This wide-ranging conversation examines the growing impact of modern neuroscience on the law, deepening our understanding of a wide range of issues, from legal responsibility to the American Constitution’s Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. 2. Improving Human Rights - A Conversation with Emilie Hafner-Burton, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Professor of International Justice and Human Rights at UC San Diego. This extensive conversation covers a wide range of topics, including international law, when and why international laws work and don’t work, the international human rights system and concrete measures that could be taken to improve it, the International Criminal Court, and the role of states in the protection of human rights. 3. The Malleability of Memory - A Conversation with Elizabeth Loftus, a world-renowned expert on human memory and Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science; Criminology, Law, and Society; Cognitive Science and Law at UC Irvine. This in-depth conversation covers her ground-breaking work on the misinformation effect, false memories and her battles with “repressed memory” advocates, the introduction of expert memory testimony into legal proceedings and the effect of DNA evidence on convincing judges of the problematic nature of eyewitness testimony. 4. Criminal Justice: An Examination - A Conversation with Julian Roberts, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford. Julian Roberts is an international expert on sentencing throughout the common-law world and is strongly involved in connecting scholars with practitioners as well as promoting greater public understanding of sentencing. This thought-provoking conversation covers a wide range of topics related to criminal justice, including plea bargaining, the involvement of victims in criminal sentencing procedures, victim impact statements, parole, sentencing multiple and repeat crimes, community-based sentencing, alternate dispute resolution, rehabilitation, and more. 5. Mental Health: Policies, Laws and Attitudes - A Conversation with Elyn Saks, Orrin B. Evans Distinguished Professor of Law, and Professor of Law, Psychology and Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at USC. During this wide-ranging conversation Elyn Saks candidly shares her personal experiences with schizophrenia and discusses the intersection of law, mental health and ethics: the legal and ethical implications surrounding mental health. Further topics include psychotropic medication and the law, criminalization and mental illness, and an exploration of which countries are more progressive with respect to important mental health policies, laws and procedures, and more. Howard Burton is the founder and host of all Ideas Roadshow Conversations and was the Founding Executive Director of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and an MA in philosophy.

Pragmatism and Law

Book Description

Pragmatism and Law provides a textual reading of the American legal discourse, as it unfolds through various genres of pragmatism, which evolve and transform during the twentieth century. The historical narrative, which the book weaves, traces the transformation of the pragmatic idea from the forefront of philosophical intellectual inquiries at the turn of the twentieth century to a common sense lawyers’ practical rule of action at the turn of the twenty-first century. During this sequence, a fresh look at American history and legal history in particular is offered through the emphasis on recurring discursive structures which assume incommensurable treatments of basic liberal notions like justice, politics, and truth. Underlying the writing is an interpretative mode of inquiry, based on European post-structural methodologies, while claiming to represent their next intellectual phase. This contemporary mode of inquiry is that of a reading which insists on healing through the paradoxes. It is the same mode that sets, in the author’s view, the updated interpretative model of dispute resolution studies.

Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 1

Book Description

Conversations About Philosophy, Volume 1, includes the following 5 carefully-edited Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading researchers. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter: 1.Plato’s Heaven: A User’s Guide - A Conversation with James Robert Brown, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. This wide-ranging conversation addresses a central theme in current philosophy: Platonism vs. Naturalism and provides accounts of both approaches to mathematics. The Platonist-Naturalist debate over mathematics is explored in a comprehensive fashion and also sheds light on non-mathematical aspects of a dispute that is central to contemporary philosophy. This book also surveys new avenues of research into the epistemology of thought experiments. 2.Philosophy of Brain - A Conversation with neurophilosopher Patricia Churchland, UC San Diego. During this comprehensive conversation Patricia Churchland discusses her extensive research in the fields of philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of the mind and neuroethics. Further topics include how the brain works, how we are able to represent the external world of objects and our inner world of thoughts, self and consciousness. 3.Defined By Relationship is based on an in-depth filmed conversation between Howard Burton and Charles Foster, who is a writer, traveller, veterinarian, barrister, philosopher and Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. This wide-ranging conversation provides a detailed exploration of several of his books in many different fields with a particular focus on Human Dignity in Bioethics and Law and the New York Times Bestseller Being a Beast. 4. Free Will: An Investigation - A Conversation with Alfred Mele, the William H. and Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy at Florida State University. This in-depth conversation examines free will and the different notions of free will that exist, the connections of free will with developments in neuroscience, social psychology and public opinion polls and Alfred Mele’s key concern about how current and future insights might be directly applied to improve our world. 5. Appreciating Analytic Philosophy - A Conversation with Scott Soames, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at University of Southern California. Scott Soames is specialized in the philosophy of language and the history of analytic philosophy. This detailed conversation provides a thoughtful introduction to analytic philosophy, including some examples of contemporary relevance to a wide range of other fields. Howard Burton is the founder and host of all Ideas Roadshow Conversations and was the Founding Executive Director of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and an MA in philosophy.

Law and Philosophy

Book Description

This analytical anthology introduces students with little background in either to both law and philosophy using prominent classic political philosophers, legal theorists, and abundant landmark court cases. Legal issues are placed in their historical and philosophical contexts. The book considers critical issues such as civil disobedience, war crimes, and the death penalty. It teaches the basics of international, constitutional, and criminal law and shows how philosophy of law helps makes sense of and unifies the seeming scraps and fragments of law. The chapters focus on different areas of law and on different philosophers and philosophies. A classical political philosopher anchors each area of law covered. The anthology includes writings from prominent political philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Kant, Mill, Nietzsche, and Rawls), from classical legal theorists (Aquinas, Grotius, Austin, Fuller, Hart, and Dworkin), and from judicial opinions (Justices Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, Rehnquist, and Scalia).

Collective Action, Philosophy and Law

Book Description

The first major interdisciplinary and multi-authored work bridging legal and philosophical approaches to collective agency. Essential reading for students and researchers of philosophy of law, ethics, political philosophy, jurisprudence, and legal theory.

Rights, Culture, and the Law

Book Description

This volume brings together a collection of original papers on some of the main tenets of Joseph Raz's legal and political philosophy: legal positivism and the nature of law, practical reason, authority, group rights and multiculturalism.