Convex Optimization in Normed Spaces

Book Description

This work is intended to serve as a guide for graduate students and researchers who wish to get acquainted with the main theoretical and practical tools for the numerical minimization of convex functions on Hilbert spaces. Therefore, it contains the main tools that are necessary to conduct independent research on the topic. It is also a concise, easy-to-follow and self-contained textbook, which may be useful for any researcher working on related fields, as well as teachers giving graduate-level courses on the topic. It will contain a thorough revision of the extant literature including both classical and state-of-the-art references.

Convexity and Optimization in Banach Spaces

Book Description

An updated and revised edition of the 1986 title Convexity and Optimization in Banach Spaces, this book provides a self-contained presentation of basic results of the theory of convex sets and functions in infinite-dimensional spaces. The main emphasis is on applications to convex optimization and convex optimal control problems in Banach spaces. A distinctive feature is a strong emphasis on the connection between theory and application. This edition has been updated to include new results pertaining to advanced concepts of subdifferential for convex functions and new duality results in convex programming. The last chapter, concerned with convex control problems, has been rewritten and completed with new research concerning boundary control systems, the dynamic programming equations in optimal control theory and periodic optimal control problems. Finally, the structure of the book has been modified to highlight the most recent progression in the field including fundamental results on the theory of infinite-dimensional convex analysis and includes helpful bibliographical notes at the end of each chapter.

Optimization in Function Spaces

Book Description

This is an essentially self-contained book on the theory of convex functions and convex optimization in Banach spaces, with a special interest in Orlicz spaces. Approximate algorithms based on the stability principles and the solution of the corresponding nonlinear equations are developed in this text. A synopsis of the geometry of Banach spaces, aspects of stability and the duality of different levels of differentiability and convexity is developed. A particular emphasis is placed on the geometrical aspects of strong solvability of a convex optimization problem: it turns out that this property is equivalent to local uniform convexity of the corresponding convex function. This treatise also provides a novel approach to the fundamental theorems of Variational Calculus based on the principle of pointwise minimization of the Lagrangian on the one hand and convexification by quadratic supplements using the classical Legendre-Ricatti equation on the other. The reader should be familiar with the concepts of mathematical analysis and linear algebra. Some awareness of the principles of measure theory will turn out to be helpful. The book is suitable for students of the second half of undergraduate studies, and it provides a rich set of material for a master course on linear and nonlinear functional analysis. Additionally it offers novel aspects at the advanced level. From the contents: Approximation and Polya Algorithms in Orlicz Spaces Convex Sets and Convex Functions Numerical Treatment of Non-linear Equations and Optimization Problems Stability and Two-stage Optimization Problems Orlicz Spaces, Orlicz Norm and Duality Differentiability and Convexity in Orlicz Spaces Variational Calculus

Totally Convex Functions for Fixed Points Computation and Infinite Dimensional Optimization

Book Description

The aim of this work is to present in a unified approach a series of results concerning totally convex functions on Banach spaces and their applications to building iterative algorithms for computing common fixed points of mea surable families of operators and optimization methods in infinite dimen sional settings. The notion of totally convex function was first studied by Butnariu, Censor and Reich [31] in the context of the space lRR because of its usefulness for establishing convergence of a Bregman projection method for finding common points of infinite families of closed convex sets. In this finite dimensional environment total convexity hardly differs from strict convexity. In fact, a function with closed domain in a finite dimensional Banach space is totally convex if and only if it is strictly convex. The relevancy of total convexity as a strengthened form of strict convexity becomes apparent when the Banach space on which the function is defined is infinite dimensional. In this case, total convexity is a property stronger than strict convexity but weaker than locally uniform convexity (see Section 1.3 below). The study of totally convex functions in infinite dimensional Banach spaces was started in [33] where it was shown that they are useful tools for extrapolating properties commonly known to belong to operators satisfying demanding contractivity requirements to classes of operators which are not even mildly nonexpansive.

Optimization on Metric and Normed Spaces

Book Description

"Optimization on Metric and Normed Spaces" is devoted to the recent progress in optimization on Banach spaces and complete metric spaces. Optimization problems are usually considered on metric spaces satisfying certain compactness assumptions which guarantee the existence of solutions and convergence of algorithms. This book considers spaces that do not satisfy such compactness assumptions. In order to overcome these difficulties, the book uses the Baire category approach and considers approximate solutions. Therefore, it presents a number of new results concerning penalty methods in constrained optimization, existence of solutions in parametric optimization, well-posedness of vector minimization problems, and many other results obtained in the last ten years. The book is intended for mathematicians interested in optimization and applied functional analysis.

The Projected Subgradient Algorithm in Convex Optimization

Book Description

This focused monograph presents a study of subgradient algorithms for constrained minimization problems in a Hilbert space. The book is of interest for experts in applications of optimization to engineering and economics. The goal is to obtain a good approximate solution of the problem in the presence of computational errors. The discussion takes into consideration the fact that for every algorithm its iteration consists of several steps and that computational errors for different steps are different, in general. The book is especially useful for the reader because it contains solutions to a number of difficult and interesting problems in the numerical optimization. The subgradient projection algorithm is one of the most important tools in optimization theory and its applications. An optimization problem is described by an objective function and a set of feasible points. For this algorithm each iteration consists of two steps. The first step requires a calculation of a subgradient of the objective function; the second requires a calculation of a projection on the feasible set. The computational errors in each of these two steps are different. This book shows that the algorithm discussed, generates a good approximate solution, if all the computational errors are bounded from above by a small positive constant. Moreover, if computational errors for the two steps of the algorithm are known, one discovers an approximate solution and how many iterations one needs for this. In addition to their mathematical interest, the generalizations considered in this book have a significant practical meaning.

Duality for Nonconvex Approximation and Optimization

Book Description

The theory of convex optimization has been constantly developing over the past 30 years. Most recently, many researchers have been studying more complicated classes of problems that still can be studied by means of convex analysis, so-called "anticonvex" and "convex-anticonvex" optimizaton problems. This manuscript contains an exhaustive presentation of the duality for these classes of problems and some of its generalization in the framework of abstract convexity. This manuscript will be of great interest for experts in this and related fields.

Convex Analysis and Beyond

Book Description

This book presents a unified theory of convex functions, sets, and set-valued mappings in topological vector spaces with its specifications to locally convex, Banach and finite-dimensional settings. These developments and expositions are based on the powerful geometric approach of variational analysis, which resides on set extremality with its characterizations and specifications in the presence of convexity. Using this approach, the text consolidates the device of fundamental facts of generalized differential calculus to obtain novel results for convex sets, functions, and set-valued mappings in finite and infinite dimensions. It also explores topics beyond convexity using the fundamental machinery of convex analysis to develop nonconvex generalized differentiation and its applications. The text utilizes an adaptable framework designed with researchers as well as multiple levels of students in mind. It includes many exercises and figures suited to graduate classes in mathematical sciences that are also accessible to advanced students in economics, engineering, and other applications. In addition, it includes chapters on convex analysis and optimization in finite-dimensional spaces that will be useful to upper undergraduate students, whereas the work as a whole provides an ample resource to mathematicians and applied scientists, particularly experts in convex and variational analysis, optimization, and their applications.

Overcoming the Failure of the Classical Generalized Interior-point Regularity Conditions in Convex Optimization

Book Description

The aim of this work is to present several new results concerning duality in scalar convex optimization, the formulation of sequential optimality conditions and some applications of the duality to the theory of maximal monotone operators. After recalling some properties of the classical generalized interiority notions which exist in the literature, we give some properties of the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior, respectively. By means of these notions we introduce several generalized interior-point regularity conditions which guarantee Fenchel duality. By using an approach due to Magnanti, we derive corresponding regularity conditions expressed via the quasi interior and quasi-relative interior which ensure Lagrange duality. These conditions have the advantage to be applicable in situations when other classical regularity conditions fail. Moreover, we notice that several duality results given in the literature on this topic have either superfluous or contradictory assumptions, the investigations we make offering in this sense an alternative. Necessary and sufficient sequential optimality conditions for a general convex optimization problem are established via perturbation theory. These results are applicable even in the absence of regularity conditions. In particular, we show that several results from the literature dealing with sequential optimality conditions are rediscovered and even improved. The second part of the thesis is devoted to applications of the duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operators in Banach spaces. After establishing a necessary and sufficient condition for a bivariate infimal convolution formula, by employing it we equivalently characterize the $\varepsilon$-enlargement of the sum of two maximal monotone operators. We generalize in this way a classical result concerning the formula for the $\varepsilon$-subdifferential of the sum of two proper, convex and lower semicontinuous functions. A characterization of fully en.