Coptic Monasteries:Egypt’s Monastic Art And Architecture

Book Description

"Coptic Monasteries takes the reader on a tour of the best preserved and most significant of Egypt's ancient religious centers, documenting the richness and the glory of this country's Coptic heritage." "An informative introduction by Tim Vivian brings to life the early Christian era, with background information on the origins of the Coptic Church as well as its rites and ceremonies, sketches of some of monasticism's founding figures, and accounts of some of the difficulties they faced, from religious schism to nomadic attacks." "Gawdat Gabra's expert commentary, complemented by almost one hundred full-color photographs of wall paintings and architectural features, covers monasteries from Aswan to Wadi al-Natrun. Ranging across a thousand years of history, Gabra's observations will make any reader an expert on the composition and content of some of Egypt's most outstanding religious art and the salient architectural features of each monastery, as well as the ongoing process of restoration that has returned much of their original vibrancy to some of these works."--Jacket.

Christianity and Monasticism in Wadi Al-Natrun

Book Description

International specialists in Coptology examine various aspects of Coptic civilisation in Wadi al-Natrun over the past 1700 years. Their studies centre on aspects of the history and development of monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun, as well as the art, architecture, and archaeology of the four existing and numerous former monastries of the region.

Monasticism in Egypt

Book Description

Christian monasticism began in Egypt over 1600 years ago, in the desert between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea, and spread through various Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant traditions. In the deserts of Egypt, sixteen centuries after the Desert Fathers, monasticism still thrives, and it is to these isolated monasteries in one of the world's most inhospitable environments that photographer Michael McClellan turns his lens. McClellan reveals the quiet, spiritual world of today's desert fathers in the Coptic monasteries of the Red Sea Mountains, Wadi al-Natrun, and Upper Egypt, and in the Greek Orthodox monastery of Saint Catherine at the foot of Mount Sinai. Illuminating the photographs are extracts from The Paradise of the Fathers, tales of the Desert Fathers collected by Saint Palladius.

Christianity and Monasticism in Northern Egypt

Book Description

John of Barullos (540-615) / Bishop Kyrillos -- The Relationship between the Monks of Northern Egypt and the patriarchs of the Egyptian church / David Brakke -- Saint Mina monastery in Arabic sources / Sherin Sadek El Gendi -- The Bashmurite revolts in the Delta and the 'Bashmuric dialect,' Frank Feder -- Toward the localization of the Hennaton monastic complex, Mary Ghattas -- The Pachomian federation and lower Egypt : the ties that bind / James E. Goehring -- The relations between the coptic church and the Armenian church from the time of Muhammad Ali to the present (1805-2015) / Mary Kupelian -- Saint Barsoum the naked and his veneration at al-Ma'sara (Deir Shahran) / Bishop Martyros -- The traditions of the holy family and the development of Christianity in the Nile Delta / Ashraf Alexandre Sadek -- Anba Ruways and the cathedral of Saint Mark / Adel F. Sadek -- The perception of St. Athanasius of Alexandria in later coptic literature / Ibrahim Saweros -- The discovery of papyri from Turah at Dayr al-Qusayr (Dayr Arsaniyus) and its legacy / Caroline T. Schroeder -- Nitria / Mark Sheridan -- Yuhanna al-Samannudi, the founder of national coptic philology in the Middle Ages / Adel Sidarus -- The Arabic version of the Miracles of Apa Mena Based on two unpublished manuscripts in the collection of the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite coptic society in Los Angeles / Hany N. Takla -- Life of Pope Cyril VI (Kyrillos VI) / Teddawos Ava Mina and Youhanna Nessim Youssef -- The veneration of Anba Hadid and the Nile Delta in the thirteenth century / Asuka Tsuji -- Kellia and monastic epigraphy / Jacques van der Vliet -- Butrus al-Sadamanti al-Armani (Peter of Sadamant "the Armenian") / Fr. Awad Wadi -- Julius of Aqfahs : the martyrdom of John and Simon / Youhanna Nessim Youssef -- The Bohairic Acts of the Martyrs acts as a genre of religious discourse / Ewa D. Zakrzewska -- Remnants of a Byzantine church at Athribis / Tomasz Górecki -- Architecture in Kellia / Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou -- Kellia : its decoration in painting and stucco / Karel C. Innemée -- Highlights from the polish excavations at Marea/Philoxenite 2000-14 / Krzysztof Babraj and Daria Tarara -- Conservation of mural paintings in the coptic museum / Michael Jones.

Christianity and Monasticism in Middle Egypt

Book Description

The Monastery of Apa Thomas at Wadi Sarga: point of departure for a relative chronology / Renate Dekker -- Intellectural life in Middle Egypt: the case of the Monastery of Bawit (sixth-eighth centuries) / Alain Delattre -- Christianity and monasticism in al-Bahnasa according to Arabic sources / Sherin Sadek El Gendi -- Mesokemic or 'middle Egyptian': the Coptic dialect of Oxyrhynchos / Frank Feder -- The Monastery of Apollo at Bala'iza and its literary texts / James E. Goehring -- "Twenty thousand nuns": the domestic virgins of Oxyrhynchos / AnneMarie Luijendijk -- Anba Isaac, Bishop of the Fayoum, al-Bahnasa, and Giza, 1834-81 / Bishop Martyros -- The Monastery of the Holy Virgin Mary at al-Muharraq, Mount Qusqam: history and heritage (reflections of its monks) / Fr. Angelos al-Muharraqi and a group of the monastery's monks -- John of Shmoun and Coptic identity / Samuel Moawad -- Christianity in Asyut in modern history / Adel F. Sadek -- The place of Qusqam in the textual data on the flight into Egypt / Ashraf Alexandre Sadek -- John of Lykopolis / Mark Sheridan -- Discerning the true religion in late fourteenth-century Egypt: pages from the Dayr al-Muharraq edition of al-Hawi by al-Makin Jirjis ibn al-'Amid / Mark Swanson -- Egyptian gnosticism from its cradle in the Alexandrian quarters of the second century to its jar tomb in the upper Egyptian town of Nag' Hammadi / Hany N. Takla -- Notes on the Arabic Life of Ibrahim al-Fami: a Coptic saint of the fourteenth century / Asuka Tsuji -- Snippets from the past: two ancient sites in the Asyut region: Dayr al-Gabrawi and Dayr al-'Izam / Jacques van der Vliet -- Liturgy of the Monastery of al-Muharraq / Youhanna Nessim Youssef -- L* as a secret language: social functions of early Coptic / Ewa D. Zakrzewska -- Bawit in the twenty-first century: bibliography 1997-2014 / Dominique Bénazeth -- Children's burials from Antinoopolis: discoveries from recent excavations / Cäcilia Fluck -- Recent excavations at Bawit / Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou -- Funerary aspects in the paintings from the Apollo Monastery at Bawit / Karel Innemée -- The cave of John of Lykopolis / Jochem Kahl -- Al-Shaykh Sa'id revisited: a reassessment of the spatial layout of a monastic community / Gertrud J.M. van Loon -- Toward the documentation of the Monastery of the Holy Virgin at al-Muharraq, Asyut / Howard Middleton-Jones -- The Monastery of the Holy Virgin Mary at al-Muharraq, Mount Qusqam: reflections of its monks today / Fr. Philoxenos al-Muharraqi and a group of the monastery's monks -- An overview of rock-cut Coptic sites in Asyut / Ashraf Nageh and Mary Kupelian -- Architectural typology of historic Coptic churches from Oxyrhynchos to Dayr al-Ganadla / Sami Sabri Shaker