Corridors écologiques et espèces : grands carnivores dans la région alpine

Book Description

L'établissement du Réseau écologique paneuropéen représente un des objectifs majeurs de la Stratégie paneuropéenne de la diversité biologique et paysagère. La notion de corridor écologique revêt une importance particulière dans la mise en œuvre de ce vaste réseau. Dans ce cadre, le présent rapport porte sur la mise au point d'outils de connaissance destinés à étayer le processus de gestion des populations de grands carnivores. Ce travail s'appuie sur les résultats obtenus dans le cadre du projet sur les zones de conservation des grands carnivores d'Europe (Large Carnivore Conservation Areas in Europe, LCCA), mis en œuvre par l'Istituto di Ecologia Applicata IEA) de Rome pour le compte de l'initiative pour les grands carnivores d'Europe (Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe, LCIE) et grâce à un financement du Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF).

Identification des principales zones protégées transfontalières en Europe

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L'établissement du Réseau écologique paneuropéen représente un des objectifs majeurs de la Stratégie paneuropéenne de la diversité biologique et paysagère. La protection de zones transfrontalières dans le cadre d'un tel réseau écologique composé de groupes de zones protégées pourrait être une étape importante vers la protection du patrimoine naturel en Europe. La coopération transfrontalière offre la possibilité de créer des zones protégées plus vastes et d'harmoniser leur gestion, apportant ainsi une contribution très importante à la préservation de la biodiversité. Le présent rapport traite de la coopération transfrontalière dans les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale, y compris les pays en transition d'Europe orientale, dont la Russie, les pays Baltes, le Bélarus et l'Ukraine.

Guidelines for Action Plans for Animal Species

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La protection et la gestion appropriées des habitats naturels sont des impératifs pour la préservation de la diversité des espèces en Europe. Celles qui sont le plus menacées requièrent l'adoption des mesures complémentaires urgentes qui se présentent généralement sous la forme d'un "plan d'action", outil de conservation des espèces, grandement utilisé aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Ce rapport en analyse l'emploi et les limites et propose quelques lignes directrices pour leur élaboration et leur mise en œuvre. La protection et la gestion appropriées des habitats naturels sont des impératifs pour la préservation de la diversité des espèces en Europe. Celles qui sont le plus menacées requièrent l'adoption des mesures complémentaires urgentes qui se présentent généralement sous la forme d'un "plan d'action", outil de conservation des espèces, grandement utilisé aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. Ce rapport en analyse l'emploi et les limites et propose quelques lignes directrices pour leur élaboration et leur mise en œuvre.

Corridors écologiques et espèces

Book Description

Ce rapport porte sur la mise au point d'outils de connaissance destinés à étayer le processus de gestion des populations de grands carnivores. Ce travail s'appuie sur les résultats obtenus par l'Istituto di Ecologia Applicata (IEA) de Rome Fabio Corsi, Luigi Boitani, Iacopo Sinibaldi.

Incitations Fiscales Et la Protection de la Biodiversité en Europe

Book Description

This report looks at ways in which tax incentives may help to promote conservation of biological and landscape diversity in Europe. It outlines how tax incentives relate to other conservation policy options (Part I) before describing existing measures in and beyond Europe that directly benefit landholders (Part II) or create an enabling climate for the conservation sector (Part III). Part IV provides some indicators for the design of tax measures. Part V sets out conclusions and provides draft elements for a future recommendation to Council of Europe Member States on the development of fiscal incentive policies to support measures for biodiversity protection.

Relict Species

Book Description

Mankind has evolved both genetically and culturally to become a most successful and dominant species. But we are now so numerous and our technology is so p- erful that we are having major effects on the planet, its environment, and the b- sphere. For some years prophets have warned of the possible detrimental consequences of our activities, such as pollution, deforestation, and overfishing, and recently it has become clear that we are even changing the atmosphere (e. g. ozone, carbon dioxide). This is worrying since the planet’s life systems are involved and dependent on its functioning. Current climate change – global w arming – is one recognised consequence of this larger problem. To face this major challenge, we will need the research and advice of many disciplines – Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Biology, and Sociology – and particularly the commitment of wise politicians such as US Senator Al Gore. An important aspect of this global problem that has been researched for several decades is the loss of species and the impoverishment of our ecosystems, and hence their ability to sustain themselves, and more particularly us! Through evolutionary time new species have been generated and some have gone extinct. Such extinction and regeneration are moulded by changes in the earth’s crust, atmosphere, and resultant climate. Some extinctions have been massive, particularly those asso- ated with catastrophic meteoric impacts like the end of the Cretaceous Period 65Mya.

Animals' Influence on the Landscape and Ecological Importance

Book Description

In its first English-language edition, this book introduces the many-faceted interactions of animal populations with their habitats. From soil fauna, ants and termites to small and large herbivores, burrowing mammals and birds, the author presents a comprehensive analysis of animals and ecosystems that is as broad and varied as all nature. Chapter 2 addresses the functional role of animals in landscape ecosystems, emphasizing fluxes of energy and matter within and between ecosystems, and the effects of animals on qualitative and structural habitat change. Discussion includes chapters on the role of animal population density and the impacts of native herbivores on vegetation and habitats from the tropics to the polar regions. Cyclic mass outbreaks of species such as the larch bud moth in Switzerland, the mountain pine beetle and the African red-billed weaver bird are described and analyzed. Other chapters discuss Zoochory – the dispersal of seeds by ants, mammals and birds – and the influence of burrowing animals on soil development and geomorphology. Consideration extends to the impact of feral domestic animals. Chapter 5 focuses on problems resulting from introduction of alien animals and from re-introduction of animal species to their original habitats, discusses the effects on ecosystems of burrowing, digging and trampling by animals. The author also addresses keystone species such as kangaroo rats, termites and beavers. Chapter 6 addresses the role of animals in landscape management and nature conservation, with chapters on the impact of newcomer species such as animals introduced into Australia, New Zealand and Europe, and the consequences of reintroduction of species to original habitat. It also discusses the carrying capacity of natural habit, public attitudes toward conversation and more. The final section ponders the effects of climate on interactions between animals and their habitats.

Landscape-scale Conservation Planning

Book Description

Hugh P. Possingham Landscape-scale conservation planning is coming of age. In the last couple of decades, conservation practitioners, working at all levels of governance and all spatial scales, have embraced the CARE principles of conservation planning – Comprehensiveness, Adequacy, Representativeness, and Efficiency. Hundreds of papers have been written on this theme, and several different kinds of software program have been developed and used around the world, making conservation planning based on these principles global in its reach and influence. Does this mean that all the science of conservation planning is over – that the discovery phase has been replaced by an engineering phase as we move from defining the rules to implementing them in the landscape? This book and the continuing growth in the literature suggest that the answer to this question is most definitely ‘no. ’ All of applied conservation can be wrapped up into a single sentence: what should be done (the action), in what place, at what time, using what mechanism, and for what outcome (the objective). It all seems pretty simple – what, where, when, how and why. However stating a problem does not mean it is easy to solve.