Corrosion of Steel Pilings in Soils

Book Description

Results of inspections made on steel pilings which have been in service in various underground structures under a wide variety of soil conditions for periods of exposure up to 40 years are presented.In general, no appreciable corrosion of steel piling was found in undistrubed soil below the water table regardless of the soil types or soil properties encountered.Above the water table and in fill soils corrosion was found to be variable but not serious.It is indicated that corrosion data previously published by the National Bureau of Standards on specimens exposed under distrubed soil conditions do not apply to pilings which are driven in undistrubed soils.(Author).

NBS Papers on Underground Corrosion of Steel Piling, 1962-1971

Book Description

The monograph is a collection of published papers on underground corrosion of steel piling. The papers describe corrosion of various types of steel piling exposed underground in the United States under climatic conditions ranging from semi-tropical to frigid. Corrosion is described on driven piling above and below the water table after many years of exposure in soils having resistivities between 78 and 50,000 ohm-cm and ranging in pH from 2.3 to 8.8. One of the papers demonstrates the value of a polarization technique in measuring corrosion. Polarization data were obtained on weighed steel pipe specimens exposed underground for seven years in backfilled soil trenches in the vicinity of driven sheet piling. The technique was evaluated by comparing calculated cumulative weight losses of specimens with their actual weight losses. The technique was also shown to be applicable to underground pipe piling. (Author).