Cosmic Connections to the Terrestrial World

Book Description

Cosmic Connections to the Terrestrial World is the twenty-ninth instalment in the Little Blue Book Series and comprises the forty-sixth and forty-seventh discourses of the Monodoxy, which is itself the first disquisition of the Omnidoxy, Astronism’s founding book. This double-discourse publication firstly consists of a myriad of philosophical musings regarding the connection between patterns found in The Cosmos and patterns found on The Earth and on other terrestrial worlds in the natural environments of such planets. Secondly, the discourse titled The Natural & The Rational takes place as a collection of philosophisations regarding the differences between what can be considered natural and rational as well as how these contrasts with what is preternatural, supernatural, irrational and illogical. The clarification of differences between these terms is essential for Astronist philosophy to organise its terminological schema. The Little Blue Book Series was created and first published by Cometan himself as a way to simplify and commercialise the immensity of the two million word length of the Omnidoxy into smaller, more bite-size publications. A successful series from its very first published entry, the Little Blue Book Series has gone on to become a symbol of Astronist commercial literature and a way for Cometan’s words to reach readers of all ages and abilities who remain daunted by the beauty and yet the sheer extensiveness of the Omnidoxy as the longest religious text in history.

The Cosmic Connection

Book Description

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs

Book Description

In this brilliant exploration of our cosmic environment, the renowned particle physicist and New York Times bestselling author of Warped Passages and Knocking on Heaven’s Door uses her research into dark matter to illuminate the startling connections between the furthest reaches of space and life here on Earth. Sixty-six million years ago, an object the size of a city descended from space to crash into Earth, creating a devastating cataclysm that killed off the dinosaurs, along with three-quarters of the other species on the planet. What was its origin? In Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, Lisa Randall proposes it was a comet that was dislodged from its orbit as the Solar System passed through a disk of dark matter embedded in the Milky Way. In a sense, it might have been dark matter that killed the dinosaurs. Working through the background and consequences of this proposal, Randall shares with us the latest findings—established and speculative—regarding the nature and role of dark matter and the origin of the Universe, our galaxy, our Solar System, and life, along with the process by which scientists explore new concepts. In Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, Randall tells a breathtaking story that weaves together the cosmos’ history and our own, illuminating the deep relationships that are critical to our world and the astonishing beauty inherent in the most familiar things.

Conducting Astronomy Education Research

Book Description

Tim Slater and Roger Freedman have worked to improve astronomy and overall science education for many years. Now, they’ve partnered to create a new textbook, a re-envisioning of the course, focused on conceptual understanding and inquiry-based learning. Investigating Astronomy: A Conceptual Approach to the Universe is a brief, 15-chapter text that employs a variety of activities and experiences to encourage students to think like a scientist.

The Cosmic Connection

Book Description

In this sweeping tour of the cosmos and our place within it, acclaimed science writer Jeff Kanipe shows the many ways we are connected to the vast universe we inhabit. Long before our apelike ancestors dropped from the trees and began playing with fire, even before the Sun emerged from its chrysalis of dust and irradiated its brood of planets, numberless and nameless astronomical events affected Earth and its emerging life-forms. Our chemical makeup--from the iron in our blood to the calcium in our bones--derives from stars that lived and died hundreds of millions of years ago. Comets have showered organic molecules into our oceans, and asteroid impacts have wiped out predominant species that lived before. Tracing the whole natural history of how events in the near and far universe have influenced life on Earth today, and how they might influence life in the future, Kanipe, with unparalleled eloquence, explores a host of intriguing questions: - How the Earth's orbit and inclination have triggered past ice ages - The role ancient supernovae may have played in mass extinctions and genetic changes - How a slight but persistent dip in solar output contributed to a multicentury cooling event called the "Little Ice Age" - How ancient asteroid impacts pressed Earth's evolutionary reset button and how astronomers are striving to make sure that it won't happen again - The widespread effects that our Sun's changing galactic environment has on life and climate Kanipe also reflects upon the possible societal effects of alien contact, a type of cosmic intervention that some astronomers believe could happen within the next few decades. His elegant, jargon-free descriptions of the truly "big-picture view" of life on Earth will fascinate and inform everyone who has an interest in astronomy, the evolution of our planet, and the future of humankind.

Core Omnidoxy

Book Description

Immerse yourself into the most famous writings of Cometan; The Twelve Grand Disquisitions. This is where Astronism and the philosophership of Cometan truly began. The Core Omnidoxy publication compiles together the twelve disquisitions that form the "core" of the Omnidoxy. These disquisitions are the text's beating heart and they have held an incomparable impact on the development of Astronism. Buy your copy of Core Omnidoxy today and get all twelve disquisitions in just one book! Here's what is included in this publication: The Monodoxy: The Principles of The Aesthetic Cosmos The Duodoxy: The Principles of The Logical Cosmos The Tridoxy: The Principles of Aid & Stewardship The Tetradoxy: The Principles of Justice & Patience The Pentadoxy: The Principles of Ambition & Enlightenment The Hexadoxy: The Principles of Ontology & Perception The Septidoxy: The Principles of Cosmic Exploration The Octadoxy: The Principles of Advancement & Eschatology The Nonodoxy: The Principles of Epistemology & Ethics The Decadoxy: The Principles of Space & Time The Hendecadoxy: The Principles of Peace & Acceptance The Dodecadoxy: The Principles of Imagination & Freedom

The Monodoxy

Book Description

The Monodoxy is a 275,000 word-long philosophical disquisition categorised as the first of twelve disquisitions that, when considered collectively, form The Omnidoxy, the founding treatise of the philosophy of Astronism established by Cometan. The disquisition comprises of hundreds of discourses which are themselves titled by rubrals and written according to a style and structure known as insentence. The Monodoxy's authorship solely rests with Cometan, the first Millettic philosopher and the founder of Astronism whom began writing The Monodoxy at the age of just seventeen through what he termed as personal inspiration. The Monodoxy has been said to formulate the thematic identity of the philosophy of Astronism due to its prominent focus on the elements, progeny, and phenomena of The Cosmos in a distinct way to all the other eleven disquisitions forming The Omnidoxy. Hundreds of new schools of thought, disciplines of study, and philosophical belief orientations hold their roots in The Monodoxy in addition to thousands of new terms, concepts, and theories which hold a distinguished originality and Cometanic style combined with an Astronic identity. There are a total of fifty-three discourses which constitute The Monodoxy, each of which holds its own special title known as a rubral which are used to provide overviews of the discourses to which they are associated.


Book Description

Visual history of the discovery of the universe, told through illustrations, maps, diagrams, speculative works of representation, and data visualizations.


Book Description

The Omnidoxy is the founding treatise of the Astronist religion and was solely authored by the philosopher and religious founder, Cometan. Partitioned into twelve disquisitions, each of which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, which are themselves titled by those which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy has been codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence. The Omnidoxy not only forms the foundations of Astronism, but it remains the primary modern contributor and the book that ignited the establishment of the Astronic tradition of religion which encompasses the philosophy of Astronism. Introducing brand new philosophical concepts such as cosmocentricity, reascensionism, transcensionism, and sentientism amongst many others, The Omnidoxy remains the principal signifier of a new era in philosophy. The Omnidoxy births hundreds of new belief orientations, schools of thought, neologisms, disciplines of study, theories, and concepts which, when combined and considered collectively, have formed the basis of Astronism. The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests with the single individual philosopher, Cometan who began writing The Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen driven by what he terms as personal inspiration. The historical origination of The Omnidoxy rests in its authorship by Brandon Taylorian during early 21st century England, specifically in the northern county of Lancashire. Like in all textual criticism, the timing and location of the codification of The Omnidoxy is integral to understanding why and how it was written, especially by considering the influential factors impacting Taylorian during his construction of the text, particularly the cultural, political, religious, and social contexts of Taylorian's personal life and of wider society at the time. This forms an important branch of study within omnidoxicology known as omnidoxical criticism, or omnidoxical exegesis in which scholars study and investigate The Omnidoxy in order to discern conclusive judgements inspired by how, where, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances The Omnidoxy was written.

Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection

Book Description

A classic book by the world's most famous scientist and science visionary, back in print with a new perspective.