Cosmic Keys: Channeled Inspirations to Open the Heart of One

Book Description

Cosmic Keys is a beautiful new age collection of inspirational channelings and cosmic messages that generously offer love, light, insight, and ascension wisdom from a timeless place of divine grace. Our heavenly home of magical bliss and cosmic oneness lives within our own sacred heart centers. It is an inner rising process now, to consciously begin to hear with inner ears and see with inner eyes - the divine wisdom of the all-knowing heart. And each and every one of us is an essential light and shining golden key that is awakening and rising within, to actively participate in the collaborative formation of a New Earth Experience. As El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame, aptly states "The channelings provided herein offer each one of you a small glimpse into the inner experiences of one, within the collective one, on the pathway home . . . through [the process of] inner ascension and an infinite curiosity - that leads to seeking the soul's knowledge of its own individual footprints."

The Color of Magic . . . And the Magic of Color

Book Description

A beautiful starchild is born remembering the magic of the universe in her heart and treasuring the colors of love and light that shower her in creative possibilities and divine goodness in all ways. She grows strong, healthy, and happy in this blanket of loving guidance and joy. Until one day, she hears others' disbelief that true magic exists. With a believing and hopeful heart, she shares her star sight and her colors of magic with everyone she sees, trusting the vibrant colors and happy thoughts to express what she deeply knows inside. But when no one reflects back to her the world she knows within, her light grows dim. She then experiences life without such heart visions of hope and luminous possibilities. It takes the re-awakening of her inner ears and heart wisdom that ultimately helps her to find her inner starshine once more. In this full circle journey, this special starchild reflects a magical essence that indwells us all - that invites us to color our own heart visions again!


Book Description

An Affirming and Inspirational Story for Readers of ALL Ages! A dragonfly finds himself in a flightless journey where he feels the wonders of the world in his heart but doesn't understand the weary nature of his life experience. Through the kindness, wisdom, and mentoring of old turtle, dragonfly re-discovers the true nature of his core light. He remembers to integrate the four chambers of his heart, that mirror and reflect the wisdom and gifts of his four sacred wings. Through willingness and commitment, dragonfly coordinates his wings to fly free of perceived limitations. As he integrates his heart wings, rises above his past footprints, and lives his core light, dragonfly soars in the bliss of true flight! A Heart Integration Exercise (and/or Meditation), on which the story Dragonfly is based, is included in the back of the book as well. This is a wonderful story to read with children, it is a heart inspiring story for the timeless inner child, and it is a call to remember the light we truly are.

The Echelon: A channeled book by "The Friends"

Book Description

In "The Echelon Speak," Riz Mirza becomes a portal, a conduit between the veiled realms of advanced consciousness and the background hum of our known world. Birthed from trance channeling sessions with The Echelon, "The Friends" as they call themselves over the course of several years, bring messages of pure energy beyond physical confines. The book is not just only wisdom, but a thunderous crack in the facade of our perceived reality. Imagine, if you will, stepping past the familiar, dissolving the borders of our linear world, and merging with intelligence so vast it redefines understanding. This is the experience you will undoubtedly have, becoming a bridge between dimensions. The Echelon, unveil startling revelations based on the questions from the group, led by Riz's wife Oriah who ask hours' worth of questions – the suppression of cosmic knowledge, the presence of extraterrestrial and inner Earth life, a hidden history hidden behind the tapestry of humanity's perception. They speak of galactic neighbors, both benevolent and enigmatic, and the intricate web of interactions that weave the fabric of the Universe. Their messages peel back layers of secrecy, offering a clearer picture of existence's vastness and our singular role within it. The power of our thoughts, our beliefs, resonates in their words, urging us to see beyond the limitations we've constructed. This book, presented in a conversational Q&A format, reflects the dynamism of these profound encounters. Each question pierces the heart of our being, of our place in the cosmos as Humans. The Echelon's guidance shines a light beyond our common perspective, revealing the universe's boundless expansion and the countless life forms sharing its existence. This is not merely a book; it's a journey, an invitation to step into the extraordinary realms of higher consciousness. It's a testament to Mirza's dedication, honed under the mentorship of the late Alexander Murray, a pioneer in the art of trance channeling. It's a symphony of gratitude sung for Oriah Mirza, whose unwavering support brought this revelation to life, as she has helped bring forth every book Riz has channeled with transcriptions and more. "The Echelon Speak" is a revolution in disguise. It is a key unlocking the hidden truths of our universe, a catalyst for spiritual growth, and a roadmap towards a more enlightened existence. So, step into the portal, reader, and prepare to see the world through the eyes of The Echelon – eyes that pierce the veil, illuminate the path, and remind us of the interconnected dance of reality that awaits.


Book Description

The Food of Gods is Jasmuheen's 18th book on metaphysical matters and her third book in the Divine Nutrition series. It is not necessary to have read the previous books on this subject which cover her personal journey and the solution for world health and world hunger issues as "The Foods of Gods" takes the pranic nourishment discussion to another level and offers simple yet powerful tools to satiate all of our hungers. Jasmuheen writes: The most important difference with our focus with Divine Nutrition is that It has the ability to feed us on all levels and that we can still benefit from increasing Its flow through our bio-system even if we continue to choose to enjoy eating. Allowing this Divinely Nutritional stream to be increased in our system means that we can be fed emotionally, mentally and spiritually and as such the techniques and guidelines shared in this book, will benefit us all by freeing us from our current personal and global emotional, mental and spiritual states of anorexia.

Embassy of Peace Manual - Programs & Projects

Book Description

Embassy of Peace: - Personal, Global & Universal Harmonization Programs & Projects for the co-creation of unity and permanent peace on earth. This manual, by metaphysical author, researcher and Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen, combines the Luscious Lifestyles Program with its 8 point lifestyle plan, with the Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program and adds the Embassy's Universal Harmonization Program. Designed to promote individual and global health and happiness, these programs also promote permanent peace and prepare earth en-mass to enter into higher paradigms. Covering lifestyle practices, world health and hunger issues plus extra-terrestrial realities, and more, this manual also helps in the training of the Embassy's Ambassadors of Peace and Diplomats of Love. Updated in 2010.

Biofields & Bliss Trilogy

Book Description

In a bid to present a more complete version of her work in Interdimensional Biofield Technology, metaphysical author Jasmuheen has now combined the Trilogy of the Biofields & Bliss series into one complete manual. Dealing with principles of the futuristic Higher Light Science that are also based on ancient wisdom, Book 1 - ""Four Body Fitness"" delivers a free, non-religious based lifestyle to harmonize our internal & external energy flows so that we can experience our full physical, emotional, mental and spiritual potential. Book 2 - ""Co-creating Paradise"" takes this to the family and community levels while Book 3 - ""'The Madonna Frequency' Planetary Peace Program"" looks at very specific global projects to eliminate war and violence and address basic human rights and bring peace & prosperity to all in our world.

Bringers of the Dawn

Book Description

Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become media free, to work in teams, and to eliminate the words "should" and "try" from our vocabularies. We learn how to go beyond fear, how the original human was a magnificent being with twelve strands of DNA and twelve chakra centers, and who our "gods" are. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning their existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and unconscious. By remembering that we are Family of Light, that we share an ancient ancestry with the universe around us, we become "bringers of the dawn," consciously creating a new reality, a new Earth.

Manual for Planetary Leadership

Book Description

Book IX of the multivolume series, The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path - Here at last is an indispensable book that has been urgently needed in these uncertain times. The book lays out, in an orderly and clear fashion, the guidelines for leadership in the world and in ones' own life.All the areas of our society and personal life that need discipline and leadership are pointed out. A firm foundation and guidance from a psychological and spiritual perspective are offered for change. The ascended masters are called upon for their wisdom and sometimes opinions on the matters ranging from the political arena to science and religion.This book serves as a reference manual for moral and spiritual living and also offers a vision of a world where strong love and the highest aspirations of humanity triumph.

Shining the Light VI

Book Description

THE END OF WHAT WAS . . . The most significant events in Earth's history are happening NOW! This is the final book in the Shining the Light series that exposes the malevolent, controlling and manipulating actions of the Sinister Secret Government as they attempt to keep humans from accessing our soul and spiritual functions and ascending into the fourth dimension and beyond. In future books, mentors of humanity will continue to expose the SSG's nefarious dealings, but they will give us step-by-step instructions in the ancient and lost arts of benevolent magic — spiritual wizardry — enabling us as creators in training to blend our hearts, minds and souls to become creators of our own destiny and thwart the SSG's goals.