Cosmological Implications of Quantum Anomalies

Book Description

The successes of the standard models of particle physics and cosmology are many, but have proven incapable of explaining all the phenomena that we observe. This book investigates the potentially important role of quantum physics, particularly quantum anomalies, in various aspects of modern cosmology, such as inflation, the dynamical generation of the visible and dark matter in the universe, and gravitational waves. By doing so, the authors demonstrate that exploring the links between cosmology and particle physics is key to helping solve the mysteries of our Universe.

Quantum Gravity

Book Description

Three years have passed after the First Moscow Seminar on Quantum Gravity. It is a rather long time interval for the modern theoretical physics. The talks given at the present Second Seminar which took place in October 13-15, 1981 in Moscow contain the discussion of new results obtained during this period and the problems which arose. More than one hundred Soviet scientists and a number of the foreign guests attended this Seminar, which as the previous one was held by the Nuclear Physics Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The aim of the Seminar was to discuss the most important problems of the modern Quantum Gravity, namely: i) Quantum Gravity: the state of art; ii) Quantum effects in Cosmology; iii) Quantum black-hole physics; iv) the recent development in Supergravity and v) Quantum Gauge Theories. The Editorial Board expresses its sincere gratitude to all physicists who have contributed to these Proceedings for their cooperation with the Board in respect of time limitation, accurate and patient fulfilment of all tiresome requirements, set by the Board. The talks in the Proceedings are arranged in sections in accordance with their presentation at the Seminar.

“I Have Become Space”

Book Description

The book "I have become Space" - Thirteen Quantum and Twelve Cosmological Interpretations Awakened by a Novel Theory of Nature, is about a theory that offers up to the scientific community a new interpretation of nature. The book is about Time, and Space, and Matter. The theory quantifies a given unit of mass into a spatial quantity and offers up reasons for why and where the new space comes from for there to be an expanding, and even an accelerating, Universe. Through one equation, MTS, a paradigm shift in science unfolds. The theory combines the space-time continuum with the mass energy equation and perhaps even unifies quantum mechanics with gravity, a Quantum Gravity theory. The theory is accompanied by a Fourth Law of Motion. Solutions to Dark Matter, Dark Energy, the Double Slit experiment, the Measurement Problem, and more, are clearly explained. The book and its contents welcome community feedback.

Quarks '86

Book Description

The Quarks '86 Seminar brought together scientists from leading centres on high energy physics from the USSR and many other countries, including the USA to discuss the latest developments and achievements in the field of high energy physics, quantum field theory and astrophysics. The proceedings volume contains 45 papers and covers the following topics: vacuum structure in gauge theories; QCD and the quark confinement problem; supersymmetry, supergravity and models in many-dimensional space-time; processes with large transverse momenta and multiloop calculations in quantum chromodynamics; models of Grand Unification; models of composite quarks and leptons; problems of astrophysics and cosmology; quarks degree of freedom in nuclear physics.

Initial Conditions and Backreaction Effects in Quantum Cosmology

Book Description

The present thesis addresses the cosmological backreaction problem, i.e., the question of whether and to which extent cosmological inhomogeneities affect the global evolution of the Universe. We will thereby focus on, but not restrict to, backreaction in a purely quantum theoretical framework which is adapted to describe situations during the earliest phases of the Universe. Our approach to evaluating backreaction uses a perturbative and constructive mathematical formalism, denoted space adiabatic perturbation theory, that is inspired by but which extends the well--known Born--Oppenheimer approximation to molecular systems.The underlying idea of this scheme is to separate the system into an adiabatically slow and a fast part, similar to the separation of nuclear and electronic subsystems in a molecular setting. Such a distinction is reasonable if a corresponding perturbation parameter can be identified. In case of molecular systems, such a parameter arises as the ratio of the light electron and heavy nuclear masses. In the case of the here considered cosmological systems, we identify the ratio of the gravitational and the matter coupling constants as a suitable perturbative parameter. In a first step, we apply the space adiabatic formalism to a toy model and compute the backreation of a homogeneous scalar field on a homogeneous and isotropic geometry. We restrict the computations to second order in the adiabatic perturbations and obtain an effective Hamilton operator for the geometry.In the sequel, we apply space adiabatic perturbation theory to an inhomogeneous cosmology and calculate backreaction effects of the inhomogeneous quantum cosmological fields on the global quantum degrees of freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to first extend the scheme adequately for an application to infinite dimensional field theories. In fact, the violation of the Hilbert--Schmidt condition for quantum field theories prevents a direct application of the scheme. A solution is obtained by a transformation of variables which is canonical up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. This allows us to compute an effective Hamilton operator for a cosmological field theory previously deparametrized by a timelike dust field, as well as the identification of an effective Hamilton constraint for a system with gauge--invariant cosmological perturbations. Both objects act on the global degrees of freedom and include the backreaction of the inhomogeneities up to second order in the adiabatic perturbation theory.We conclude that it is a priori inadmissible to neglect cosmological backreaction. However, due to the general difficulties associated with finding solutions for coupled gravitational systems, the concrete evaluation of the operators found here must remain the subject of future research. One obstacle is the occurrence of indefinite mass squares associated with the perturbation fields which are the result of the previous transformations (which however, already appear in independent problems, for example in the use of Mukhanov--Sasaki variables) . A further complication in the final quantization and search for appropriate solutions arises from the non--polynomial dependence on the global degrees of freedom. We discuss these obstacles in detail and point to possible solutions.

Cosmological Consequences of Quantum Gravity Proposals

Book Description

In this thesis, we study the implications of Quantum Gravity models for the dynamics of spacetime and the ensuing departures from classical General Relativity. The main focus is on cosmological applications, particularly the impact of quantum gravitational effects on the dynamics of a homogenous and isotropic cosmological background. Our interest lies in the consequences for the evolution of the early universe and singularity resolution, as well as in the possibility of providing an alternative explanation for dark matter and dark energy in the late universe. The thesis is divided in two parts, dedicated to alternative (and complementary) ways of tackling the problem of Quantum Gravity. The first part is concerned with cosmological applications of background independent approaches to Quantum Gravity, as well as minisuperspace models in Quantum Cosmology. Particularly relevant in this work is the Group Field Theory approach, which we use to study the effective dynamics of the emergent universe from a full theory of Quantum Gravity (i.e. without symmetry reduction). We consider both approaches based on loop quantisation and on quantum geometrodynamics. In the second part, modified gravity theories are introduced as tools to provide an effective description of quantum gravitational effects, and show how these may lead to the introduction of new degrees of freedom and symmetries. Particularly relevant in this respect is local conformal invariance, which finds a natural realisation in the framework of Weyl geometry. We construct a modified theory of gravity based on such symmetry principle, and argue that new fields in the extended gravitational sector may play the role of dark matter. New degrees of freedom are also natural in models entailing fundamental 'constants' that vary over cosmic history. Finally, we discuss prospects for future work and point at directions for the derivation of realistic cosmological models from Quantum Gravity candidates.

Non-minimal Higgs Inflation and Frame Dependence in Cosmology

Book Description

This thesis explores the idea that the Higgs boson of the Standard Model and the cosmological inflation are just two manifestations of one and the same scalar field - the Higgs-inflation. By this unification two energy scales that are separated by many orders of magnitude are connected, thereby building a bridge between particle physics and cosmology. An essential ingredient for making this model consistent with observational data is a strong non-minimal coupling to gravity. Predictions for the value of the Higgs mass as well as for cosmological parameters are derived, and can be tested by future experiments. The results become especially exciting in the light of the recently announced discovery of the Higgs boson. The model of non-minimal Higgs inflation is also used in a quantum cosmological context to predict initial conditions for inflation. These results can in turn be tested by the detection of primordial gravitational waves. The presentation includes all introductory material about cosmology and the Standard Model that is essential for the further understanding. It also provides an introduction to the mathematical methods used to calculate the effective action by heat kernel methods.

Loop Quantum Cosmology

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On Space and Time

Book Description

Gets to the heart of science by asking a fundamental question: what is the true nature of space and time?