Encyclopedia Of Cosmology, The (In 4 Volumes)

Book Description

The Encyclopedia of Cosmology is a new and exciting project which will be a major, long-lasting, seminal reference (a set of four major volumes) at the graduate student level, laid out by the most prominent, respected researchers in the general field of Cosmology. These volumes will be a comprehensive review of the most important concepts and current status in the field of Cosmology of the Universe, covering both theory and observation.One of the most exciting parts of the encyclopedia is that it will exist in both print and, more importantly, electronic forms, perhaps even with some level of interactivity with material such as expanded explanations, movie clips, dynamic pictures, examples of on-line computation, etc. The electronic version will also reflect constant updates of the material. It will be a truly unique publication, unlike anything any of us have seen or known of in existence today.This comprehensive encyclopedia is edited by Dr. Giovanni Fazio from Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, with an advisory board comprised of renowned scientists: Lars Hernquist and Abraham Loeb (Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), and Christopher McKee (UC Berkeley). Each volume is authored/edited by a specialist in the area: Galaxy Formation and Evolution written by Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University), Numerical Simulations in Cosmology edited by Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka University / University of Nevada), Dark Energy written by Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science), and Dark Matter written by Jihn Kim (Seoul National University).

From Cosmological Simulations to Dark Matter Detection

Book Description

This interdisciplinary thesis addresses spiral galaxy formation and dark matter phenomenology as well as its detection by the ANTARES neutrino telescope. A suite of high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamics simulations, with theadaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES, of the same galaxy, is performed using different modellings of stellar formation (Kennicut law (KS) versus gravo-turbulent criteria (multiFF)) and supernovae feed back (delayed cooling (DC) versus mechanical feedback (ME)). The results on the morphology and the properties of the galaxies are compared to observational constraints and high light the impact of baryonic physics on a spiral galaxy. The most elaborated scenarios (multi FF+DC or multi FF+ME) are clearly favoured and give rise to more realistic stellar mass and disc morphology.The resulting dark matter distributions in halos are also analyzed and compared showing some significant differences. The understanding of baryonic physics is crucial to understand the dark matter distribution. Namely, it is specifically modified and contracted by the baryonic potential of each simulation with a determining impact on direct and indirect dark matter detection. Moreover,we also use those informations about the dark matter to probe the Eddington inversion method aiming at predicting phase-space distribution from the gravitationnal potential. Those results are positive and very consistent and promisingin view of GAIA data analysis improvement and calibration. Further more, we also revisit the astrophysical uncertainties related to the dark matter velocity distribution relevant in the capture by the Sun and evaluate those effects to about 15-20% on the capture rate.

Comparing Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations with Observations of High-Redshift Galaxy Formation

Book Description

We use cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to study the impact ofoutflows and radiative feedback on high-redshift galaxies. For outflows, we consider simulations that assume (i) no winds, (ii) a c̀̀onstant-wind"model in which the mass-loading factor and outflow speed areconstant, and (iii) m̀̀omentum-driven" winds in which both parametersvary smoothly with mass. In order to treat radiative feedback, wedevelop a moment-based radiative transfer technique that operates inboth post-processing and coupled radiative hydrodynamic modes. We first ask how outflows impact the broadband spectral energydistributions (SEDs) of six observed reionization-epoch galaxies. Simulations reproduce five regardless of the outflow prescription, while the sixth suggests an unusually bursty star formation history. We conclude that (i) simulations broadly account for available constraintson reionization-epoch galaxies, (ii) individual SEDs do not constrainoutflows, and (iii) SED comparisons efficiently isolate objects thatchallenge simulations. We next study how outflows impact the galaxy mass metallicity relation(MZR). Momentum-driven outflows uniquely reproduce observations at z=2. In this scenario, galaxies obey two equilibria: (i) The rate at which agalaxy processes gas into stars and outflows tracks its inflow rate; and(ii) The gas enrichment rate owing to star formation balances the dilutionrate owing to inflows. Combining these conditions indicates that the MZRis dominated by the (instantaneous) variation of outflows with mass, withmore-massive galaxies driving less gas into outflows per unit stellar massformed. Turning to radiative feedback, we use post-processing simulations to studythe topology of reionization. Reionization begins in overdensities andthen l̀̀eaks" directly into voids, with filaments reionizing last owing totheir high density and low emissivity. This result conflicts withprevious findings that voids ionize last. We argue that it owes to theuniqely-biased emissivity field produced by our star formation prescriptions, which have previously been shown to reproduce numerous post-reionizationconstraints. Finally, preliminary results from coupled radiative hydrodynamicsimulations indicate that reionization suppresses the star formation ratedensity by at most 10--20% by z=5. This is much less than previousestimates, which we attribute to our unique reionization topology althoughconfirmation will have to await more detailed modeling.

Formation of Disk Galaxies in CDM Using Particle-based Hydrodynamics

Book Description

Over the past several decades, the current standard model of cosmology (CDM) has been established. Accurate measurements of cosmological parameters provide us a well defined initial condition where we can connect the tiny fluctuations in the early smooth Universe with the rich structures observed at more recent times using direct numerical simulations. Although the nature of dark matter remains elusive, its dynamic evolution can be well studied since gravity is the only force at play.On large scales, hierarchical structures form in the computer simulations which closely resemble the observed galaxy clustering properties. On small scales, how- ever, various tensions arise when numerical calculations are confronted with the observed galaxies. Nearby dwarf galaxies show significant systematic deviations from the computer calculations of CDM. Thin disk geometries and the lack of luminous classical bulge in many nearby galaxies pose additional challenges to CDM cosmology as well. While disk galaxies in the local Universe are ubiqui- tous, forming realistic disk galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations has proven to be a decade-long challenge.In this dissertation, I present my investigation of a Milky Way-sized galaxy formation using two particle-based methods. A particle-based code is naturally suited in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations because it offers an adaptive and flexible description to gas dynamics. Realistic disk galaxies are formed with both SPH and a new Gizmo code, which combines the strengths of traditional SPH and grid-based method.