Cosmological Special Relativity

Book Description

This book presents Einstein's theory of space and time in detail, and describes the large-scale structure of space, time and velocity as a new cosmological special relativity. A cosmological Lorentz-like transformation, which relates events at different cosmic times, is derived and applied. A new law of addition of cosmic times is obtained, and the inflation of the space at the early universe is derived, both from the cosmological transformation. The relationship between cosmic velocity, acceleration and distances is given. In the appendices gravitation is added in the form of a cosmological general relativity theory and a five-dimensional unified theory of space, time and velocity. This book is of interest to cosmologists, astrophysicists, theoretical physicists, mathematical physicists and mathematicians.

Cosmological Special Relativity: Structure Of Space, Time And Velocity

Book Description

This book deals with special relativity theory and its application to cosmology. It presents Einstein's theory of space and time in detail, and describes the large scale structure of space, time and velocity as a new cosmological special relativity. A cosmological Lorentz-like transformation, which relates events at different cosmic times, is derived and applied. A new law of addition of cosmic times is obtained, and the inflation of the space at the early universe is derived, both from the cosmological transformation. The book will be of interest to cosmologists, astrophysicists, theoretical physicists, mathematical physicists and mathematicians.

Relativistic Cosmology

Book Description

Relativistic Cosmology is an exciting update of mathematical interpretation of the universe. It is aimed primarily at advanced post graduate students in mathematics as well as physics and astronomy, but is also useful as a supplementary text at higher level as research scholars. This book deals with observational results, descriptions of special and general theory of relativity and applications of relativistic mechanics and relativistic thermodynamics to cosmology. This book is concerned mainly with various models that have been proposed to explain the large scale structure of the universe. Even a very knowledgeable student of the Cosmology will find much new information in this book. While the explanatory discussions are brief, they are sufficiently substantive to serve the subject in the question and to pique further interest in the topic. This book is not merely written or complied, it is crafted. It is designed for a specific audience and the texture and sensory format is carefully chosen for the audience. This is a wonderful book that presents an eclectic selection of cosmological concepts and concerned calculations. It is an ideal text book for the era of precision cosmology in the accelerating universe. This book, as it is hoped, will certainly find a warm reception in the hands of the readers.

Relativity: Modern Large-scale Spacetime Structure Of The Cosmos

Book Description

This book describes Carmeli's cosmological general and special relativity theory, along with Einstein's general and special relativity. These theories are discussed in the context of Moshe Carmeli's original research, in which velocity is introduced as an additional independent dimension. Four- and five-dimensional spaces are considered, and the five-dimensional braneworld theory is presented. The Tully-Fisher law is obtained directly from the theory, and thus it is found that there is no necessity to assume the existence of dark matter in the halo of galaxies, nor in galaxy clusters.The book gives the derivation of the Lorentz transformation, which is used in both Einstein's special relativity and Carmeli's cosmological special relativity theory. The text also provides the mathematical theory of curved space­time geometry, which is necessary to describe both Einstein's general relativity and Carmeli's cosmological general relativity. A comparison between the dynamical and kinematic aspects of the expansion of the universe is made. Comparison is also made between the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker theory and the Carmeli theory. And neither is it necessary to assume the existence of dark matter to correctly describe the expansion of the cosmos.

Cosmological Relativity: The Special And General Theories For The Structure Of The Universe

Book Description

The theory presented in this book is a combination of Einstein's original special and general relativity, but now the starting point is not the propagation of light but the expansion of the Universe. The traditional Hubble constant H0 (which is not constant) is called in this book the Hubble parameter. Its value at low gravity is denoted by h, and its reciprocal is denoted by τ. Thus τ is the Big Bang time (some authors call it the Hubble-Carmeli constant). This is actually the only constant that appears in this theory, just as c is the only constant that appears in Einstein's theory. There is no cosmological constant but there is a critical mass density. The theory presents general relativity in the space-velocity (of the receding galaxies) which is later on extended to include the time dimension. So far all experimental findings are satisfied by this theory.

Space-time Structure

Book Description

Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime

Book Description

What is the nature of spacetime? This book develops the answer to this question via a thorough analysis of relativistic effects and explicitly asking whether the objects involved in those effects are three-dimensional or four-dimensional.

Essential Relativity

Book Description

Relativistic cosmology has in recent years become one of the most exciting and active branches of current research. In conference after conference the view is expressed that cosmology today is where particle physics was forty years ago, with major discoveries just waiting to happen. Also gravitational wave detectors, presently under construction or in the testing phase, promise to open up an entirely novel field of physics. The book's basic purpose is to make relativity come alive conceptually. Hence the emphasis on the foundations and the logical subtleties rather than on the mathematics or the detailed experiments per se.

Spacetime Physics

Book Description

This thoroughly up-to-date, highly accessible overview covers microgravity, collider accelerators, satellite probes, neutron detectors, radioastronomy, and pulsars.

Space-Time, Relativity, and Cosmology

Book Description

Space-Time, Relativity, and Cosmology provides a historical introduction to modern relativistic cosmology and traces its historical roots and evolution from antiquity to Einstein. The topics are presented in a non-mathematical manner, with the emphasis on the ideas that underlie each theory rather than their detailed quantitative consequences. A significant part of the book focuses on the Special and General theories of relativity. The tests and experimental evidence supporting the theories are explained together with their predictions and their confirmation. Other topics include a discussion of modern relativistic cosmology, the consequences of Hubble's observations leading to the Big Bang hypothesis, and an overview of the most exciting research topics in relativistic cosmology. This textbook is intended for introductory undergraduate courses on the foundations of modern physics. It is also accessible to advanced high school students, as well as non-science majors who are concerned with science issues.