High-Redshift Galaxies

Book Description

The high-redshift galaxies became a distinct research ?eld during the ?nal decade of the20thcentury. AtthattimetheLyman-breaktechniquemadeitpossibletoidentify signi?cant samples of such objects, and the new generation of 8 to 10-m telescopes resulted in ?rst good spectroscopic data. Today the high-redshift galaxies have developed into one of the important topics of astrophysics, accounting for about 5–10% of the publications in the major scienti?c journals devoted to astronomy. Because high-redshift galaxies is a rapidly developing ?eld and since new results are published constantly, writing a book on this topic is challenging. On the other hand, in view of the large amount of individual results now in the literature, and in view of the still growing interest in this topic, it appears worthwhile to summarize and evaluate the available data and to provide an introduction for those who wish to enter this ?eld, or who, for various reasons, might be interested in its results. The end of the ?rst decade of the 21st century appears to be a good point in time to attempt such a summary. The current generation of ground-based 8 to 10-m - optical telescopes, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the most important large radio telescopes have by now been in operation since about one or two decades. Although these instruments will continue to produce important scienti?c results for some time to come, many of the initial programs exploiting their unique new possibilities have been completed.

The Hubble Deep Field

Book Description

The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is the deepest optical image of the Universe ever obtained. It is the result of a 150-orbit observing programme with the Hubble Space Telescope. It provides a unique resource for researchers studying the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. This timely volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the HDF and its scientific impact on our understanding in cosmology. It presents articles by a host of world experts who gathered together at an international conference at the Space Telescope Science Institute. The contributions combine observations of the HDF at a variety of wavelengths with the latest theoretical progress in our understanding of the cosmic history of star and galaxy formation. The HDF is set to revolutionize our understanding in cosmology. This book therefore provides an indispensable reference for all graduate students and researchers in observational or theoretical cosmology.

Clusters of Galaxies: Beyond the Thermal View

Book Description

The existence of soft excess emission originating from clusters of galaxies, de ned as em- sion detected below 1 keV in excess over the usual thermal emission from hot intracluster gas (hereafter the ICM) has been claimed since 1996. Soft excesses are particularly - portant to detect because they may (at least partly) be due to thermal emission from the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium, where as much as half of the baryons of the Universe could be. They are therefore of fundamental cosmological importance. Soft excess emission has been observed (and has also given rise to controversy) in a number of clusters, mainly raising the following questions: (1) Do clusters really show a soft excess? (2) If so, from what spatial region(s) of the cluster does the soft excess or- inate? (3) Is this excess emission thermal, originating from warm-hot intergalactic gas (at 6 temperatures of?10 K), or non-thermal, in which case several emission mechanisms have been proposed. Interestingly, some of the non-thermal mechanisms suggested to account for soft excess emission can also explain the hard X-ray emission detected in some clusters, for example by RXTE and BeppoSAX (also see Petrosian et al. 2008—Chap. 10, this issue; Rephaeli et al. 2008—Chap. 5, this issue).

The Intergalactic Medium

Book Description

Abstract: Two fundamental predictions of modern cosmological models are that i) galaxies form from small perturbations in the cosmic density field and ii) there is a tenuous medium between the galaxies that traces the underlying dark matter distribution in a relatively simple way. This thesis concerns the structure of the intergalactic medium (IGM) and its relation to galaxies. Specifically, I analyze the nature of the IGM, observable via the Lyman-alpha transition of hydrogen, as predicted from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of a cold dark matter + dark energy universe. I first quantify the relation between galaxies and absorption in the Lyman-alpha forest on large (~10 Megaparsec) and small (~0.5 Megaparsec) scales and show that, in the absence of feedback from the galaxies themselves, observations of this relation can serve as robust tests of the inflationary cold dark matter model. I show that the strong bias of high redshift galaxies toward high density regions imprints a clear signature on the distribution of flux in the Lyman-alpha forest, and these predictions are examined as functions of galaxy baryon mass, star formation rate, and dark matter halo mass and occupation. I then investigate the potential impact of galaxies on the IGM and find that supernova-driven winds (as predicted in cosmological simulations) can substantially impact their local surroundings, particularly via heating, but that only very powerful winds can create easily detectable "holes'" in the IGM. The impact of winds on the Lyman-alpha optical depth near galaxies is less dramatic than their impact on gas temperature because winds heat only a small fraction of the gas present in the turnaround regions surrounding galaxies, all of which contribute to the Lyman-alpha forest near galaxies. Finally, I combine a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to investigate the signature of fluorescent Lyman-alpha emission from large scale structure due to impinging radiation from the metagalactic ionizing background as well as local bright sources such as quasars. I compare these predictions with current observations and discuss future observing campaigns and realistic strategies for detecting fluorescence from the ambient metagalactic ionization as well as in the vicinity of bright quasars.

The Environment and Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

In July 1992, over 300 astronomers attended the Third Tetons Summer School on the subject of `The Environment and Evolution of Galaxies'. This book presents 28 papers based on invited review talks and a panel discussion on `The Nature of High Redshift Objects'. The major themes include: the Interstellar and Intergalactic Medium, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Cooling Flows, Quasars and Radiation Backgrounds, and Interactions between Galaxies/AGNs and their Environment. Recent advances with the ROSAT, COBE and Hubble Space Telescope are discussed, together with current theoretical developments. The tutorial nature of the papers make this book a valuable supplement for professional astonomers, graduate students, and senior undergraduates. As with previous Tetons conferences, this book provides both the current state of observational and theoretical research and material complementary to courses in extragalactic and interstellar astrophysics.

The Road to Galaxy Formation

Book Description

Written by one of the leading authorities in the field, this is one of the first book's to describe one of today's most important problems in cosmology - the formation of galaxies. The book tackles this great puzzle by discusses the beginnings of the process from cosmological observations and calculations, considers the broad features of galaxies that we need to explain and what we know of their later history. The author compares the competing theories for galaxy formation and considers the progress expected from new generations of powerful telescopes both on earth and in space. An intriguing text on one of today's greatest and most profound puzzles.

Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology

Book Description

The book reviews the present status of understanding the nature of the most luminous objects in the Universe, connected with supermassive black holes and supermassive stars, clusters of galaxies and ultraluminous galaxies, sources of gamma-ray bursts and relativistic jets. Leading experts give overviews of essential physical mechanisms involved, discuss formation and evolution of these objects as well as prospects for their use in cosmology, as probes of the intergalactic medium at high redshifts and as a tool to study the end of dark ages. The theoretical models are complemented by new exciting results from orbital and ground-based observatories such as Chandra, XMM-Newton, HST, SDSS, VLT, Keck, and many others.