
Book Description

Cosmopsychology The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings Cosmopsychology assumes that human beings are essentially spiritual beings who are multi-dimensional, composed of many parts and connected to many dimensions of the Cosmos. It has been defined as astrology, as the study of psychospiritual development, and as the psychology of extraterrestrial beings. Cosmopsychology is the study of the relationship between the mind and the Cosmos. Cosmopsychology refers both to the correspondences between the human mind and the external universe and to the growth or evolution of the mind as it moves to higher forms of consciousness. It examines those parts, links, and dimensions that are not found in traditional, academic psychology. Cosmopsychology provides insights into your personality and your destiny through the contributions of astrology, numerology, the I Ching, Jungs Analytical psychology, Hartmanns Ego psychology, Bernes Transactional Analysis, Assagiolis Psychosynthesis, Hermeticism, Idealism, New Thought, and the Perennial Philosophy. The mysteries of karma are laid out as they are found in the ancient Indian philosophy of Vedanta. Psychology was built on classical physics. Cosmopsychology is built on quantum physics, the holographic universe, string theory, M-theory, and F-theory. Physics has come full circle, returning to the science of vibrations and the philosophy of idealism as taught by Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato. Everything is connected both spatially and temporally. At this deep level of Being, consciousness choices what manifests. Cosmopsychology encompasses the nature of consciousness, meditation, karma, and rebirth and examines their roles in Individuation, Self-Actualization, and Self-Realization.

The Grand Lexicon of Astronology

Book Description

The Grand Lexicon of Astronology is the principal post-disquisitional segment of the Omnidoxy within the Appendix of the Omnidoxy as part of the Original Omnidoxical Series solely authored and organised by Cometan and published by the Astronist Institution. The Grand Lexicon makes up the largest portion of the Appendix of the Omnidoxy at over 300,000 words and is considered the first dictionary of not only Astronism itself, but the entire Astronic tradition and culture, as studied by the astronology discipline. The Grand Lexicon includes terms across the entire Astronic tradition regarding both Millettarian and Astronist philosophies and cultures. Its authority is further solidified through its categorised as part of the Omnidoxy and demonstrates its importance to the founding of Astronism and acts as a great expander of the elements surrounding the religion. Although there will be many more dictionaries concerning Astronism and astronology with greater comprehensiveness of the entirety of these vast subjects, The Grand Lexicon of Astronology will remain the progenitor for all of these.


Book Description

The Omnidoxy is the founding treatise of the Astronist religion and was solely authored by the philosopher and religious founder, Cometan. Partitioned into twelve disquisitions, each of which are further divided into hundreds of discourses, which are themselves titled by those which are known as rubrals, The Omnidoxy has been codified according to a unique writing structure known as insentence. The Omnidoxy not only forms the foundations of Astronism, but it remains the primary modern contributor and the book that ignited the establishment of the Astronic tradition of religion which encompasses the philosophy of Astronism. Introducing brand new philosophical concepts such as cosmocentricity, reascensionism, transcensionism, and sentientism amongst many others, The Omnidoxy remains the principal signifier of a new era in philosophy. The Omnidoxy births hundreds of new belief orientations, schools of thought, neologisms, disciplines of study, theories, and concepts which, when combined and considered collectively, have formed the basis of Astronism. The authorship of The Omnidoxy rests with the single individual philosopher, Cometan who began writing The Omnidoxy at the age of seventeen driven by what he terms as personal inspiration. The historical origination of The Omnidoxy rests in its authorship by Brandon Taylorian during early 21st century England, specifically in the northern county of Lancashire. Like in all textual criticism, the timing and location of the codification of The Omnidoxy is integral to understanding why and how it was written, especially by considering the influential factors impacting Taylorian during his construction of the text, particularly the cultural, political, religious, and social contexts of Taylorian's personal life and of wider society at the time. This forms an important branch of study within omnidoxicology known as omnidoxical criticism, or omnidoxical exegesis in which scholars study and investigate The Omnidoxy in order to discern conclusive judgements inspired by how, where, why, by whom, for whom, and in what circumstances The Omnidoxy was written.

Peripheral Omnidoxy

Book Description

The Peripheral Omnidoxy is a publication that consists of both the Preppendix of the Omnidoxy and the Appendix of the Omnidoxy publications, therefore, all non-disquisitional segments of the Omnidoxy. It was solely written and organised by the philosopher and founder of Astronism, Cometan, and was originally published by Astral Publishing, an imprint and publishing subsidiary of the Astronist Institution. It consists of a number of different types of books and genres, including reference works, philosophical musings, quotations, mythology, encyclopaedias, lexicons, and dictionaries.

Appendix of the Omnidoxy

Book Description

The Appendix of the Omnidoxy is the post-disquisitional segment of the Omnidoxy making up 460,000 words and principally includes The Grand Lexicon of Astronology, the Omnidoxical Encyclopaedia of Astronism, and the Glossary of the Omnidoxy. This segment comprises a significant portion of the entire Omnidoxy, just under one quarter of the entire text and is classified as the Peripheral Omnidoxy alongside the Preppendix of the Omnidoxy which resides before The Twelve Grand Disquisitions.

Dynamics of Islam in the Modern World

Book Description

Dynamics of Islam in the Modern World scrutinizes and analyzes Islam in context. It posits Muslims not as independent and autonomous, but as relational and interactive agents of change and continuity who interplay with Islamic(ate) sources of self and society as well as with resources from other traditions. Representing multiple disciplinary approaches, the contributors to this volume discuss a broad range of issues, such as secularization, colonialism, globalization, radicalism, human rights, migration, hermeneutics, mysticism, religious normativity and pluralism, while paying special attention to three geographical settings of South Asia, the Middle East and Euro-America.

Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants in Early 20th Century German Culture

Book Description

In Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants, Janet Janzen traces the motif of the “dynamic plant” through film and literature in early 20th century German culture. Often discussed solely as symbols or metaphors of the human experience, plants become here the primary focus and their role in literature and film is extended beyond their symbolic function. Plants have been (and still are) seen as closer to static objects than to living, moving beings. Making use of examples from film and literature, Janet Janzen demonstrates a shift in the perception of plants-as-objects to plants-as-living-beings that can be attributed to new technology and also to the return of Romantic and Vitalistic discourses on nature.

Silence Whispers

Book Description

The Muse has a great sense of humor. She had been speaking to me when I awoke in the morning, so I promised her that when I awoke with her words in my head, I would write them down. She began awaking me at two and three a.m. I kept my promise. The writings here are the result. She spoke to me of the story of The Grand Empt and his invitation to the great adventure, of stories from the Bible, of unseen birds singing, and of the temptations of spiritual candy. She spoke to me of the Voodoo Zombie World, of Endarkenment, and of prayers to circumvent their effects. She gave me words of delight, like "transuniversalphilosynthesis" and "spermeggo". She spoke to me of transformations of consciousness, of spiritual intelligence, of falling to pieces, and of the bone of karma. She spoke to me of naked water flowing, of the essence of healing, and of Jonah and the Worm. The Muse kept her promise and I kept mine. The rest is up to you.

Ontology of Consciousness

Book Description

Scholars from many different disciplines examine consciousness through the lens of intellectual approaches and cultures ranging from cosmology research and cell biophysics laboratories to pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in a volume that extends consciousness studies beyond the limits of current neuroscience research. The "hard problem" of today's consciousness studies is subjective experience: understanding why some brain processing is accompanied by an experienced inner life. Recent scientific advances offer insights for understanding the physiological and chemical phenomenology of consciousness. But by leaving aside the internal experiential nature of consciousness in favor of mapping neural activity, such science leaves many questions unanswered. In Ontology of Consciousness, scholars from a range of disciplines—from neurophysiology to parapsychology, from mathematics to anthropology and indigenous non-Western modes of thought—go beyond these limits of current neuroscience research to explore insights offered by other intellectual approaches to consciousness. These scholars focus their attention on such philosophical approaches to consciousness as Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, North American Indian insights, pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilization, and the Byzantine Empire. Some draw on artifacts and ethnographic data to make their point. Others translate cultural concepts of consciousness into modern scientific language using models and mathematical mappings. Many consider individual experiences of sentience and existence, as seen in African communalism, Hindi psychology, Zen Buddhism, Indian vibhuti phenomena, existentialism, philosophical realism, and modern psychiatry. Some reveal current views and conundrums in neurobiology to comprehend sentient intellection. Contributors Karim Akerma, Matthijs Cornelissen, Antoine Courban, Mario Crocco, Christian de Quincey, Thomas B. Fowler, Erlendur Haraldsson, David. J. Hufford, Pavel B. Ivanov, Heinz Kimmerle, Stanley Krippner, Armand J. Labbé, James Maffie, Hubert Markl, Graham Parkes, Michael Polemis, E Richard Sorenson, Mircea Steriade, Thomas Szasz, Mariela Szirko, Robert A.F. Thurman, Edith L.B. Turner, Julia Watkin, Helmut Wautischer