Costs in Arbitration Proceedings

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This revised text provides a practical guide to the law relating to all aspects of costs in arbitration proceedings. The Arbitration Act 1996, has made significant changes to the law on arbitration costs. These have, among other things, made arbitrators responsible for the cost-effective management of cases, and given them new powers to help them achieve this. In its second edition, "Costs in Arbitration Proceedings" has been updated to include sections on: agreements as to costs; the arbitrator's power to limit costs; and forms and precedents. It sets out the law of costs for the parties and of the parties, the arbitrators' fees, taxation of costs, and security for costs, costs implications of offers of settlement and application to the court in repect of costs. It is suitable for professional arbitration lawyers and also for the new or lay arbitrator.

Costs in International Arbitration

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Arbitration Costs

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Investment treaty arbitration (sometimes called investor-state dispute settlement or ISDS) has become a flashpoint in the backlash against globalization, with costs becoming an area of core scrutiny. Yet "conventional wisdom" about costs is not necessarily wise. To separate fact from fiction, this book tests claims about investment arbitration and fiscal costs against data so that policy reforms can be informed by scientific evidence. The exercise is critical, as investment treaties grant international arbitrators the power to order states-both rich and poor-to pay potentially millions of dollars to foreign investors when states violate the international law commitments made in the treaties. Meanwhile, the cost to access and defend the arbitration can also climb to millions of dollars. This book uses insights drawn from cognitive psychology and hard data to explore the reality of investment treaty arbitration, identify core demographics and basic information on outcomes, and drill down on the costs of parties' counsel and arbitral tribunals. It offers a nuanced analysis of how and when cost-shifting occurs, parses tribunals' rationalization (or lack thereof) of cost assessments, and models the variables most likely to predict costs, using data to point the way towards evidence-based normative reform. With an intelligent interdisciplinary approach that speaks to ongoing reform at entities like the World Bank's ICSID and UNCITRAL, this book provides the most up-to-date study of investment treaty dispute settlement, offering new insights that will shape the direction of investment treaty and arbitration reform more broadly.

Procedural Issues in International Investment Arbitration

Book Description

"Procedural issues are an area of increasing complexity and concern in modern investment arbitration, and one in which very little guidance currently exists. Indeed, there are a number of important points of departure from the procedural rules commonly adopted in the context of international commercial arbitration. [This book]...address this gap, examining the most prevalent and controversial procedural issues that arise in investment arbitrations conducted under the ICSID, UNCITRAL, and other arbitral rules...[This] book takes the reader through an investment arbitration in chronological order, identifying each key procedural issue in turn and providing details of the relevant precedents. It charts the process of an arbitration from applicable law and first sessions right through to post-hearing applications and costs."--

International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

The second edition of Gary Born's International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative 4,408 page treatise, in three volumes, providing the most comprehensive commentary and analysis, on all aspects of the international commercial arbitration process, that is available. The first edition of International Commercial Arbitration is widely acknowledged as the preeminent commentary in the field. It was awarded the 2011 Certificate of Merit by the American Society of International Law and was voted the International Dispute Resolution Book of the Year by the Oil, Gas, Mining and Infrastructure Dispute Management list serve in 2010. The first edition has been extensively cited in national court decisions and arbitral awards around the world. The treatise comprehensively examines the law and practice of contemporary international commercial arbitration, thoroughly explicating all relevant international conventions, national arbitration statutes and institutional arbitration rules. It focuses on both international instruments (particularly the New York Convention) and national law provisions in all leading jurisdictions (including the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration). Practitioners, academics, clients, institutions and other users of international commercial arbitration will find clear and authoritative guidance in this work. The second edition of International Commercial Arbitration has been extensively revised, expanded and updated, to include all material legislative, judicial and arbitral authorities in the field of international arbitration prior to January 2014. It also includes expanded treatment of annulment, recognition of awards, counsel ethics, arbitrator independence and impartiality and applicable law. Overview of volumes: Volume I, covering International Arbitration Agreements,provides a comprehensive discussion of international commercial arbitration agreements. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for enforcing international arbitration agreements; the separability presumption; choice of law; formation and validity; nonarbitrability; competence-competence and the allocation of jurisdictional competence; the effects of arbitration agreements; interpretation and non-signatory issues. Volume II, covering International Arbitration Procedures, provides a detailed discussion of international arbitral procedures. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for international arbitral proceedings; the selection, challenge and replacement of arbitrators; the rights and duties of international arbitrators; selection of the arbitral seat; arbitration procedures; disclosure and discovery; provisional measures; consolidation, joinder and intervention; choice of substantive law; confidentiality; and legal representation and standards of professional conduct. Volume III, dealing with International Arbitral Awards, provides a detailed discussion of the issues arising from international arbitration awards. It includes chapters covering the form and contents of awards; the correction, interpretation and supplementation of awards; the annulment and confirmation of awards; the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards; and issues of preclusion, lis pendens and staredecisis.

The International Arbitration Rulebook

Book Description

The numerous arbitral regimes around the world differ in subtle yet complex ways. These variations can have a profound effect on the procedural rights and obligations of the parties. Broadly speaking, the choice of regime will impact the way in which an arbitration is conducted; its duration and expense; the outcome of the dispute; and the ultimate enforceability of the award. To inform the parties’ choice, this book is the first to deal specifically and in depth with a broad range of institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules on a comparative basis. It provides a practical guide to the rules in one book—a one-stop shop—from a distinctly “rule” and “guide” point of view. This book has its genesis in the authors’ experience as practitioners and educators in international commercial and investor-state arbitration—and as advisers to, and trainers for, arbitral institutions, arbitrators, judges and government officials around the world. This comprehensive, descriptive and analytical “road map” covers the broad range of issues addressed in nine representative major sets of arbitration rules. The authors detail the distinct ways in which rules governing such important issues as the following may differ among the various arbitral regimes: the governance structure and role of the administering institutions in the arbitration, including case management and administrative support; the critical and recommended issues to be established in the agreement to arbitrate, such as the place of arbitration and the governing law among others; the requirements and best practices for starting the arbitration on the right foot; the procedures for selecting, appointing and challenging arbitrators; the impact of the initial procedural conference on the proceedings; the rules on presenting the case in chief: written submissions, documentary evidence, witness and expert testimony and more; the costs and fees of leading institutions; the procedures and standards for award scrutiny and enforceability; and a range of special and innovative procedures such as expedited proceedings, interim relief and consolidation of proceedings. The comparative analysis is organized around the chronological phases of an international arbitration and supported by rule comparison tables and clear explanations of each step of the process. With this eminently practical book, contract negotiators, counsel and arbitrators can confidently navigate any international arbitration. Thorough coverage of the applicable rules and guidelines enables parties and/or the tribunal to design bespoke arbitration procedures based upon the various rules of leading regimes. Arbitral institutions can survey the different approaches and identify emerging best practices in the design and drafting of arbitral regimes. All in all, this volume is a useful guide and comprehensive framework of rules for both arbitration practitioners and users of arbitration services, as well as for students and teachers of international arbitration.

The Costs of Arbitration

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A Guide to the SCC Arbitration Rules

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The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) is one of the world’s leading arbitral institutions, registering about 200 new cases each year, approximately half of them being international cases in commercial and investment treaty disputes. True to the SCC tradition of offering a cost-efficient and flexible procedure, the SCC’s current Arbitration Rules, which came into force in 2017, introduced important new mechanisms enhancing the efficiency of the proceedings. This guide to the SCC Arbitration Rules, the first and only available commentary in English, addresses the Rules and their appendices article by article in the order in which they appear in the Rules. Focusing primarily on how the Rules are applied in practice, the authors bring together their combined extensive experience of conducting SCC arbitrations as counsel, arbitrators and members of the SCC Board and Secretariat, to provide thorough and user-friendly guidance on the SCC proceedings from start to finish, including the new features introduced in 2017 such as summary procedure, joinder and multiple-contract arbitrations, as well as the new appendix addressing certain aspects specific to investment treaty arbitration. Covering all the general issues such as appointment and removal of arbitrators, the proceedings before the arbitral tribunal, making of awards and decisions, the following issues are also addressed: emergency arbitrator proceedings; consolidation of cases; the appointment of an administrative secretary; particular characteristics of investment treaty disputes; and costs of the arbitration. This guide is sure to appeal to arbitrators, external counsel and party representatives who choose to adopt the SCC Arbitration Rules, whether they are based in Sweden or elsewhere. Practitioners will confidently approach any case under the SCC Arbitration Rules with full awareness of applicable rules of procedure and practice.

A Guide to the NAI Arbitration Rules

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The Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI) is the most prestigious institute in the Netherlands for the arbitration of commercial disputes. While NAI arbitration is the dispute resolution mechanism of choice of many Dutch corporations and public entities, it is increasingly agreed on by foreign parties selecting the Netherlands as a neutral venue for their potential disputes. This excellent volume, a rule-by-rule guide to the NAI Arbitration Rules, is not only the first such handbook in English, but the most comprehensive and detailed in any language. In addition, it provides a unique commentary in English on important elements of Dutch arbitration law. Drawing on case law from arbitral tribunals and state courts and on extensive personal experience, members of the arbitration team of the Dutch law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V. provide in-depth commentary on each provision of the NAI Arbitration Rules and on arbitration-related court proceedings in the Netherlands under the Dutch Arbitration Act. Focusing on disputes arising from (among others) share purchase agreements, joint venture agreements, licence agreements, franchise agreements, finance agreements, contractor agreements, distribution agreements, and agreements for the sale of goods, the analysis covers such crucial factors of the NAI system as the following: the use of the list procedure for the appointment of arbitrators; the central role of the Administrator; the Dutch concept of binding advice; contractual relationships and exclusion of liability; the separability of the arbitration agreement; freedom in determining and applying rules of evidence; the mechanisms for parties to seek relief in summary arbitration proceedings; costs of arbitration; and the arbitral award, including the possibility of rectifying, supplementing and setting aside this award. The provision-by-provision analysis also compares the NAI Rules with both relevant proceedings in the Dutch state courts and, inter alia, ICC and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and to practice under such other rules. The authors of this matchless book have faced many questions on the NAI Arbitration Rules, advised on the interpretation and correct application of those Rules, and defended such interpretation before tribunals and courts. In this book they share their experience, insights, and expertise. Counsel for corporate clients and public entities contemplating arbitration proceedings and– as well as counsel to parties in NAI proceedings or related court proceedings and– will find here an incomparable guide to the NAI system and Dutch arbitration law.

Third-party Funding in International Arbitration and Its Impact on Procedure

Book Description

Introduction --The Various Forms of Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration --Litigation Funding in International Arbitration --Disclosure of Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration Proceedings --Privilege Protection of Documentary Evidence and Third-Party Funding --Jurisdictional Issues and Third-Party Funding --Impartiality and Independence of Arbitrators and Third-Party Funding --Confidentiality in International Arbitration Proceedings and Third-Party Funding --Security for Costs and Third-Party Funding --Awarding of Costs and Third-Party Funding --Summary of Part I and Part II --Concluding Remarks.