Counsel as Client’s First Enemy in Arbitration?

Book Description

COUNSEL AS CLIENT’S FIRST ENEMY IN ARBITRATION? is not a legal book, nor a book dealing with “ethics” of the arbitration. This book is about cases where counsel occasionally abuse or misuse their right to defend their clients in international arbitrations, with potential adverse effects on the latters. This is a subject on which with some notable exception, not much has been said. By contrast, literature abounds about the duty of the arbitrators and the consequences for them if they do not observe such duties. In sum, this book is aimed at discussing, in the most pragmatic way, certain behaviors by counsel occasionally encountered in the international arbitration practice that the author considers pathological, not physiological. The discussion is supported by real life anecdotes, appropriately redacted and sanitized. Given the author's years of experience and wealth of knowledge, this publication is a valuable resource to anyone that is serious about arbitration.

Taming the Guerrilla in International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

The book explores the definition and nature of guerrilla tactics in international commercial arbitration. It analyses various such tactics deployed (pre-Covid and during Covid times) and portrays them in a way that enables one to visualise how, and possibly why, they might be deployed. Attempts to codify ethical standards and rules regulating the behaviour of legal representatives in international arbitration are examined. The book covers a range of culture clashes, addresses several elephants in the room, and looks at factors inherent in the arbitral process that create opportunities and increase temptations to misbehave. It considers the remedies and sanctions available in international arbitration and compares them to those available to the courts in civil litigation. In addition to recommendations for future research, the book offers solutions to curb the problem in line with party autonomy and with a critical analysis. “This manuscript is an essential solutions-based text that not only addresses a comprehensive range of modern-day guerrilla tactics in international commercial arbitration but also offers thoughtful methods to deal with the shenanigans that parties may bring to the arbitral process.” - Chiann Bao, Independent Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers and Vice President of the International Chamber of Commerce, Court of Arbitration “Dr. Ahuja’s book is a thoughtful and highly practical contribution to the study of procedures in international commercial arbitration. It is replete with scholarly analysis, careful treatment of authority, pragmatic insights and policy discussions. Any practitioner or student of international arbitration would benefit from this volume.” - Gary Born, Author, International Commercial Arbitration (3d ed. 2021) “A highly readable and informative book which identifies and analyses the numerous guerrilla tactics parties may attempt to deploy in international commercial arbitration, the factors which may encourage such behaviour, and practical mechanisms to keep the proceedings on track. Both erudite and practical, this book is a must-read for parties, counsel and arbitrators alike.” - Prof. Benjamin Hughes, Independent Arbitrator, The Arbitration Chambers “Guerrilla tactics are a pertinent problem in arbitration. Dr. Ahuja’s well written book not only describes the various tactics in a succinct way but provides extremely useful guidance on how to tackle them. It will be a primary source of reference for every practitioner faced with such tactics.” - Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) “Taming the Guerrilla in International Commercial Arbitration offers a refreshingly candid and balanced discussion of ‘sharp practices’ in international arbitration. The book collects a wealth of information on guerrilla tactics previously only available in separate survey reports, articles, and guidelines on the topic. It additionally includes a chapter addressing tactics deployed in virtual or remote arbitrations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The comprehensive research and analysis presented in this book make it a valuable resource to counsel, parties, arbitrators, academics, and those who deliver practical arbitration training. A must-read for those who want to better understand the practices that may lead some to disfavor arbitration and ways the arbitration community can respond to guerrilla tactics to improve the arbitration process for all participants.” - Dana MacGrath, Independent Arbitrator, MacGrath Arbitration “From an unreasoned fiat of a wise man who left both sides equally unhappy but resolved the disputes effectively, arbitration has evolved into a full-scale trial before a party chosen tribunal. Its informality and expedition puts in peril the fundamental right of the recalcitrant to delay proceedings. Dr. Ahuja has assiduously articulated the measures, aptly christened Guerrilla Tactics, used to disrupt and derail arbitrations. An indispensable read for the practitioner and an insightful treatise for the policy maker.” - Harish Salve SA QC, Blackstone Chambers “This book shines a spotlight on arbitration’s dark arts - guerrilla tactics. Dr Ahuja illuminates this shadowy world with excellent (and much needed) scholarship that is practice-based and useful for all stakeholders in arbitration. His examination of the root causes of this problem, recommendations on how to control it, comparisons with litigation practice and suggestions for future research marvellously combine to make this a work that is required to be consulted by all serious counsel, arbitrators, institutions and academics in the field of arbitration.” - Romesh Weeramantry, Head, International Dispute Resolution, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore

International Arbitration in England

Book Description

There is no question that in recent years, the case law, practice and legal environment in which international arbitration in England is practised have all evolved and adapted to a changing world and continue to do so. In this book, a diverse range of practitioners chart this development with detailed consideration of the challenges and opportunities for the future of international arbitration in England. The topics chosen often reflect and explore preoccupations of our times, including such aspects of arbitral practice as the following: challenges to arbitrators, with particular attention to the Supreme Court’s findings in Halliburton v. Chubb; virtual hearings; diversity in international arbitration; climate change arbitration; ‘green arbitration’ practices; developing jurisprudence regarding enjoining foreign states in English proceedings; recovery of in-house costs in English-seated international arbitrations; overlapping sanctions regimes and their application to arbitral disputes in England; and the role and future of third-party funding. The fact that the essays were all written during the COVID-19 pandemic is reflected in the procedural issues which form the focus of some chapters, reminding us that when it comes, change can come quickly. For this reason, the deeply informed insights in this volume, intended as they are to ensure the continued evolution and success of international arbitration in England, will prove of immeasurable value for any practitioner making submissions before an arbitral tribunal. Jurists, academics and students will gain invaluable perspectives on the future trajectory of the field.

Ex Aequo et Bono as a Response to the ‘Over-Judicialisation’ of International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

Despite its many distinguished proponents over time, ex aequo et bono – the idea of deciding disputes on the basis of what an adjudicator regards as fair and equitable – has failed to take hold in international commercial arbitration (ICA). Formalisation and fossilisation of arbitral procedure, as manifested in the increasing use of litigation-style practice, unfortunately reign instead. This bold and challenging book argues that parties to an arbitration should be more willing for their cross-border disputes to be decided (and arbitrators should be more prepared to decide those disputes) in accordance with broad principles of equity and fairness, rather than by strict adherence to technical rules of law. Putting forward suggestions based on extensive research and doctrinal considerations, this book invites us to confront what ICA was supposed to be, what it now is and what it can be. In particular, Dr Teramura discusses how, by resorting to ex aequo et bono, arbitrators can: construe contractual terms, including the limits; apply trade usages; deal with mandatory rules of a given forum or place of performance; minimise the cost and length of time that arbitration takes; avoid the abuse of discretion; and ensure predictable results. The book examines significant differences in the way that ex aequo et bono arbitration is understood among various state and international institutions. It attempts to identify a ‘common core’ of universally accepted concepts underlying those different understandings. The book argues that ex aequo et bono has the potential to reform ICA without undermining its positive aspects. Along the way, it discusses the implications of ex aequo et bono arbitration on the now widely used UNCITRAL Model Law on ICA. It should thus appeal to lay business persons and commercial law practitioners who are looking for an economical and efficient way to solve business disputes within a globalised arbitration framework.

Festschrift Ahmed Sadek El-Kosheri

Book Description

With this Festschrift, the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (BCDR-AAA) is starting a tradition of honoring Arab scholars and practitioners who promote international arbitration and international law. Over the last few decades, international arbitration institutions and international law societies have generously acknowledged the work of leading scholars and practitioners from the region. The time has come, however, for these individuals to be honored by institutions within the region. It should come as no surprise that the BCDR-AAA is dedicating this first Festschrift to Professor Dr. Ahmed El-Kosheri. His immense contributions to international commercial arbitration, international investment arbitration, and international law more broadly, as well as his significant influence on a generation of lawyers and students from the Arab region and beyond, fully justify this choice. As a testament to Dr. El-Kosheri's remarkable career, broad intellectual horizons and extensive geographical reach, the Festschrift includes contributions from forty-six authors-judges, arbitrators, practitioners and scholars-representing twenty-one nationalities from the Middle East, North and Western Africa, East Asia, Europe, and North and South America, who wrote on topics as diverse as international arbitration and ADR mechanisms, international investment law, public international law (including international administrative law), and private international law in Arabic, English, and French. One can hardly think of another Arab figure who has done more than Dr. El-Kosheri to strengthen international law while bridging legal-cultural divides between the Arab region and the rest of the world. He will undoubtedly continue to inspire many generations to come.

What Counsel in Arbitration Can Do, Must Do Or Must Not Do?h[ressource Électronique]

Book Description

This book regroups the presentations rendered at the CEPANI40 conference on 20 October 2015 putting the spotlight on counsel as one of the crucial actors/interlocutors in arbitration. The book and conference continue a tradition started by its co-founders in 2006 of focusing in a very practical manner on various trending aspects of the arbitral process. 00Most recently the interest in and attention to counsel behavior in arbitration emerged, notably from an ethical point of view. This not surprising considering the multifaceted nature of this legal profession, in which counsel bear legal, professional and moral responsibility vis-à-vis clients, the arbitral tribunal, colleagues, the legal community and society at large. The first part of this book is therefore specifically dedicated to ethical questions regarding counsel conduct in arbitration. 00CEPANI40 however also remains true to its mission statement of providing insight and practical advice to young(er) arbitration practitioners. As such the second subtopic of the book deals with various aspects of client representation prior to, throughout and subsequent to the arbitral proceedings: from identifying the right forum for the clients claims, over assisting the client in drafting arbitration clauses, to effectively enforcing arbitral awards. 00Finally, a panel of four seasoned and renowned arbitration practitioners has accepted to share their experiences, each from their own point of view as international arbitrator, counsel, arbitral institution and in-house counsel, by providing hands on practical tips and tricks on how a counsel in arbitration should (not) act.--Résumé de l'éditeur.

The Client's Guide to Mediation and Arbitration

Book Description

Written for business owners who need to engage in mediation or arbitration who may not be familiar with the concepts or legal aspects of the process. This book will give the business executives the tools they need for their business to win through mediation and arbitration, and save lawyers involved in the process a lot of background and explanation.

Bias Challenges in International Commercial Arbitration

Book Description

Shows how 'dirty' challenge tactics are made viable primarily by the prevalence of a judicially derived test for bias which focuses on appearances, rather than facts and He argues that the most commonly used test of bias, the 'reasonable apprehension' test, makes it easy to allege a lack of impartiality and independence.