Counterfeit Christianity

Book Description

Historic heresies didn’t die or fade away. Each generation boasts its own. Even while these counterfeit teachings remain outside the accepted bounds of Christianity, modern-day versions plague churches.So how does a church leader or pastor understand and deal with these age-old controversies when they pop up in the congregation? In this book, Roger Olson describes the curses but also gifts that heresies bring the Church. While heresies can occasionally correct a version of orthodoxy, they are not simple confusions or misunderstandings about impenetrable mysteries of divine revelation. Instead they undermine the faith and are dangerous distortions. The author describes major heresies and how the church dealt with them, the players, and what pastors can do to address these faith issues in order to educate congregations about Jesus, God, and salvation. Also included are questions for individual or group study. Also available - a Leader guide with DVD in which Adam Hamilton hosts on-screen conversations with Roger Olson (9781501806360)

Counterfeit Gods

Book Description

The issue of idolatry has been with the human race for thousands of years; the subtle temptation is always to take what is good and turn it into the ultimate good, elevating it above all other things in the search for security and meaning. In this timely and challenging book, New York pastor Timothy Keller looks at the issue of idolatry throughout the Bible -- from the worship of actual idols in the Old Testament, to the idolatry of money by the rich young ruler when he was challenged by Jesus to give up all his wealth. Using classic stories from the Bible Keller cuts through our dependence on the glittering false idols of money, sex and power to uncover the path towards trust in the real ultimate -- God. Today's idols may look different from those of the Old Testament, but Keller argues that they are no less damaging. Culturally transforming as well as biblically based, COUNTERFEIT GODS is a powerful look at the temptation to worship what can only disappoint, and is a vital message in today's current climate of financial and social difficulty.

Counterfeit Gospels

Book Description

What if the biggest danger to the church of Jesus Christ is not blatant heresy, the moral failures of church leaders, persecution, the rise of Islam or the loss of our rights? What if the biggest threat is counterfeit gospels within the church, ways of thinking and speaking about the good news that lead to a gradual drift from the truth of Scripture? The gospel is like a three-legged stool. There’s the Gospel Story – the grand narrative of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Within that overarching framework, we make the Gospel Announcement about Jesus Christ (His perfect life, substitutionary death, resurrection, exaltation). The gospel announcement then births the Gospel Community: God’s church – the embodiment of the gospel, the manifestation of God’s kingdom. A counterfeit gospel is like a colony of termites, eating away at one of the legs of this stool until the whole thing topples over. This book exposes six common counterfeits (Therapeutic, Judgmentless, Moralist, Quietist, Activist, and Churchless) that would get us off track. The goal of Counterfeit Gospels is to so deepen our love for the unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ that we would easily see through the many counterfeits that leave us impoverished. So come, love the gospel, recognize and overcome the counterfeits, and be empowered for ministry!

The Church Jesus Built

Book Description

Jesus Christ said that He would build His Church and that it would never die out. Is today's Christianity, with its hundreds of denominations with widely differing beliefs and practices, the Church Jesus promised that He would build? -- Inside this Bible study aid booklet: -- A People Special to God -- The Historical Background of the Term Church -- 'Church' and 'Congregation' in the Scriptures -- A Spiritually Transformed People -- The Apostles: A Case Study in Conversion -- The Responsibility and Mission of the Church -- What is the True Gospel? -- Is Today the Only Day of Salvation? -- The Rise of a Counterfeit Christianity -- Changes in Christian Scholars' Perspective on God's Law -- Early Trends That Affected the Future of the Church -- The Church of God Today -- What Did the Early Church Believe and Practice? -- The Church as the Bride of Christ

Confronting: the Kingdom of Cults, Counterfeit Christianity, and Hategroups

Book Description

Characterizing a faction as a religious gathering which claims approval by Christ and the Bible yet dismisses or mutilates the Gospel, Dr. Wylie talks about an assortment of religions, loathe gatherings, and fake Christianity. Recognizing cliques and detesting gatherings, fake Christianity is the thing required for clergy and lay people who will stand up to individuals from such religions. Inquiries in the content for every section make this a fundamental instrument for individual and gathering dialogues. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

World Religions and Cults Volume 1

Book Description

Religions in today’s culture seem to be multiplying. Have you ever wondered why certain religions believe and practice what they do? Or how they view the Bible? This volume delves into these and other engaging questions, such as: How can a Christian witness to people in these religions? Do these other religions believe in creation and a Creator? How do we deal with these religions from a biblical authority perspective? Many religions and cults discussed in this first volume openly affirm that the Bible is true, but then something gets in their way. And there is a common factor every time—man’s fallible opinions. In one way or another the Bible gets demoted, reinterpreted, or completely ignored. Man’s ideas are used to throw the Bible’s clear teaching out the window while false teachings are promoted. This book is a must for laymen, church leaders, teachers, and students to understand the trends in our culture and around the world where certain religions dominate, helping you discern truth and guard your faith. When you understand a religion’s origins and teachings, you are in a better position to know how to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as you take the good news to those in false religions.

The Gospel of Deception

Book Description

The twenty-first century Church seems to be abandoning its holy and anointed role of keeping watch over the souls of those who are followers of Christ. Succumbing to the lure of deceptive teachings, many church leaders are feeding their flock with Satan's counterfeits to authentic Christianity. With a power-packed, Biblical message that will shake the Church to its core, The Gospel of Deception exposes these counterfeits, and warns believers of the dire eternal consequences if they fail to wake up and repent. With global End Times signs escalating at a phenomenal rate, Jesus could return at any moment, but His Bride seems far from ready. The Gospel of Deception is a 'Midnight Cry' for the Bride of Christ to wake up and return to her First Love before it's too late...but will she respond?

Jesus Christ the Counterfeit Christian Messiah - Incorporating "What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden" and God, Genes and Evil

Book Description

Lionel Attwell, a former highly successful national newspaper reporter, spent seven years investigating the Christian Church and discovered that it was built on a premeditated perversion of the original Hebrew/Greek Scriptures ingeniously mutated to fit its warped agenda and erroneous doctrines. In the process it created a pagan counterfeit Christianized Messiah. His research also reveals the incredible events which actually occured in the Garden of Eden: the forbidden fruit was a narcotic and aphrodisiac; when "high" Eve was seduced by Satan and gave birth to a child with mutated genes subsequently inherited by the whole of mankind. He also explains the causes of human disasters and suffering. This book will change your life.