Counterfeit Grace

Book Description


Book Description

The deceptions sweeping the church are multiplying, to no surprise. The only thing of relative surprise is the lack of sufficient resources to counter it. There will always be weeds in within the wheat, but we don't have to hand knives and forks to the wolves for their lamb-chops. It's time for the church to stand up, use the sword of the Spirit, and cut off their hand if that is required, to catch the little foxes, or sometimes big fat ones, that are, truly, ruining many vineyards. These are not trivial things, nor are they grey areas. They are outright deceptions and manipulations of the Word, bolstered on charisma and popularity. In the guise of liberty, they bring a seduction of senility that binds people where they are at. True freedom, true grace, brings us to the cross, and bids us "Come ye here and die." True Christianity is not looking up at the cross at our savior, but dying up upon there with Him. As true as it has been in all time, this generation of preachers needs this clarion wake-up call: Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15:34 This book will answer: What is Grace? Is there a false grace? Why is there so much focus on Grace today? What is the place of the Law? What is repentance, and how does it factor into the life of a believer? Is there such a thing as a restoration of Grace happening today? If so, is there a counterfeit? What is the Bible's view on 'Grace'? Does God care about our sin once we're saved? What does the Finished Works of the Cross accomplish? What won't the Finished Works of the Cross do? What is the duty of a Christian once they're saved, and why isn't this a "works salvation"? What are some of the common misconceptions about Grace? When are we born again? What is the nature of hell and is it eternal? Are we by nature good? What are some of the things people actually wrongly teaching about Grace today? How do I keep myself from error? What are the six foundations of the faith and how do they keep me from errors concerning Grace? This book can either be informative on the basics of true Grace in comparison to the many false faces offered today, or it can become a tutorial on how to righteously, yet effectively, and aggressively, confront and challenge the current false Grace teachings. Included are numerous scriptural references on why the Christian should not be afraid to engage in debate with people even in gross error, as well as what not to do, and when to walk away. Reading this book will both equip you to be aware of the deceptions in the wider body of Christ, as well as prime you to effectively and intelligently refute them. Don't think your church is immune to this threat, because it isn't! You will also find references on, Who and what Biblically are heretics and heresies? What is 'Anathema'? Why did Paul use it? When should we? Should we judge? Are we allowed to judge? What are the Biblical guidelines for judgment? How can I expect a discussion with a false-grace advocate to go these days? What are the proper guidelines for talking to someone, especially when they are hostile or twisting the Word of God for their own purpose? How can I expect them to twist scripture? Does God judge us today? What is proper Biblical etiquette for having a conversation? And, what do you do if they don't have it? Expect to be challenged to live a life of bold faith cultivated in a heart of intimacy. Expect a message straight out of "All the Words in Red", as well as a systematic basis for understanding why Jesus' words are the only framework for discussing Christianity. Be prepared see the heart of Jesus reflected in the Sermon on the Mount, and to be challenged to walk in greater love, not only in your personal life, but even when dealing with those who are in error.

Grace Walk

Book Description

Now with a fresh cover! The nearly 200,000-selling Grace Walk has helped thousands of believers leave behind the "manic–depressive" Christian walk: either running around trying to perform to be acceptable to God—or thinking they've failed Him again and wondering if they'll ever measure up. Living the grace walk gets Christians off this religious roller coaster. Using his own journey from legalism into grace, Steve McVey illustrates the foundational, biblical truths of who believers are in Jesus Christ and how they can let Him live His life through them each day. As they experience their identity in Jesus Christ, Christians will come to know "Amazing Grace" as not just a song but as their true way of life.


Book Description

At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep. Claiming to be a new revelation of grace, this teaching is gaining in popularity, but is it true? Or is the glorious truth of grace being polluted by errors, leading to backsliding, compromise, and even the abandonment of faith?


Book Description

A parable of the judgment from best-selling author John Bevere, in the ultimate rescue, life or death is just the beginning.

Grace's Seasons

Book Description

While Grace supports her artist husband, Wellington Holmes, as he recovers fully both mentally and emotionally from a deliberate plane crash, the faith-based power couple now face a new set of seasons in their lives. Grace celebrates the development of a ground-breaking Liquid Art Intelligence product, and Wellington opens the doors to the Wellington Holmes Art Academy. They are the subjects of a new movie; revel in a newfound romance; see delightful, discerning, and renewed family ties with their two children; and facilitate a growing Artist Wife Organization with national members. But it’s evident all is not well in their life seasons. Grace’s secret admirer could get her killed, and evil threats are commonplace. In Grace’s Seasons, author Sharron Bedford-Vines skillfully exploits deep-seated involvements in Grace and Wellington’s lives. In this, the second book, she features the Artist Wife Organization, detectives, an old nemesis, and new arch enemies as they surface from throughout the world disrupting their glamorous and cosmopolitan fine-art, celebrity lifestyle.

Counterfeit Gospels

Book Description

What if the biggest danger to the church of Jesus Christ is not blatant heresy, the moral failures of church leaders, persecution, the rise of Islam or the loss of our rights? What if the biggest threat is counterfeit gospels within the church, ways of thinking and speaking about the good news that lead to a gradual drift from the truth of Scripture? The gospel is like a three-legged stool. There’s the Gospel Story – the grand narrative of Scripture (Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration). Within that overarching framework, we make the Gospel Announcement about Jesus Christ (His perfect life, substitutionary death, resurrection, exaltation). The gospel announcement then births the Gospel Community: God’s church – the embodiment of the gospel, the manifestation of God’s kingdom. A counterfeit gospel is like a colony of termites, eating away at one of the legs of this stool until the whole thing topples over. This book exposes six common counterfeits (Therapeutic, Judgmentless, Moralist, Quietist, Activist, and Churchless) that would get us off track. The goal of Counterfeit Gospels is to so deepen our love for the unchanging gospel of Jesus Christ that we would easily see through the many counterfeits that leave us impoverished. So come, love the gospel, recognize and overcome the counterfeits, and be empowered for ministry!

The Doctrines of Grace

Book Description

An Outdated Gospel

Book Description

This book makes an honest attempt to explain and clarify what many term as the way of the cross. The Cross understood to mean not only the form of death Jesus suffered for us but the place where believers of every age have experienced death to self- preservation, self-serving , a complete undoing of our natural carnal man. This is the meeting place of two wills; ours and Gods and the emergence of only one- Gods. I have come to do Thy will Oh my God This was the mandate that beat in the heart of Jesus; it must become ours as well. For decades now another gospel has been preached across the land and has conveniently set aside the Cross as some outdated piece of furniture tucked away in the attic no longer desired on the main floor. The hundred and one success messages and books all clamouring for our attention to be implemented into our lives have after some thirty plus years left the North American church with little more than vital signs let alone abundant life. We may have learned about His acts, but sadly we have not known His ways. His ways oftentimes lead to trials, adversity and suffering contrary to popular teaching. The vehicle that will transport us into His Presence is so often designed by God to take us via the wilderness places of His choosing. The journey begins with our entrance as spiritual infants into the Kingdom. However, where we end up and how long it takes us to mature are our choice and the consequences of our choice alone. This is to be sure called the narrow road, albeit narrow it is however the road that leads to our transformation into the full grown mature sons and daughters of God. This is the Hebrews 12 roadmap to remove our illegitimacy, and to be brought near to the Father Himself. There are no other roads. If you are tired of circling the mountains never being able to breakthrough into true communion with God, then its time to embrace the cross in your life and let it transport you into His Presence. There is no mystical formula that leads to life in and maturity in Christ. Our brokenness before God releases the Anointing and character of Christ so often preached but rarely manifested. This book will not reveal new answers or keys to help you on your journey. You will find however, Biblical truth that will ring its witness in your spirit that will be confirmed with scripture and by the Spirit of God. Let us all individually as well as corporately return to the Cross, may it once again be taught, embraced and lived out in the Christian Church and maybe then the glory of God will fill the House.