Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Problems in Hydraulic Fracturing

Book Description

Hydraulic fracturing is a stimulation technique in which fluid is injected at high pressure into low-permeability reservoirs to create a fracture network for enhanced production of oil and gas. It is the primary purpose of hydraulic fracturing to enhance well production. The three main mechanisms during hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas production which largely impact the reservoir production are: (1) fracture propagation during initial pad fluid injection, which defines the extent of the fracture; (2) fracture propagation during injection of proppant slurry (fluid mixed with granular material), creating a propped reservoir zone; and (3) shear dilation of natural fractures surrounding the hydraulically fractured zone, creating a broader stimulated zone. The thesis has three objectives that support the simulation of mechanisms that lead to enhanced production of a hydraulically-fractured reservoir. The first objective is to develop a numerical model for the simulation of the mechanical deformation and shear dilation of naturally fractured rock masses. In this work, a two-dimensional model for the simulation of discrete fracture networks (DFN) is developed using the extended finite element method (XFEM), in which the mesh does not conform to the natural fracture network. The model incorporates contact, cohesion, and friction between blocks of rock. Shear dilation is an important mechanism impacting the overall nonlinear response of naturally fractured rock masses and is also included in the model--physics previously not simulated within an XFEM context. Here, shear dilation is modeled through a linear dilation model, capped by a dilation limiting displacement. Highly nonlinear problems involving multiple joint sets are investigated within a quasi-static context. An explicit scheme is used in conjunction with the dynamic relaxation technique to obtain equilibrium solutions in the face of the nonlinear constitutive models from contact, cohesion, friction, and dilation. The numerical implementation is verified and its convergence illustrated using a shear test and a biaxial test. The model is then applied to the practical problem of the stability of a slope of fractured rock. The second objective is to develop a numerical model for the simulation of proppant transport through planar fractures. This work presents the numerical methodology for simulation of proppant transport through a hydraulic fracture using the finite volume method. Proppant models commonly used in the hydraulic fracturing literature solve the linearized advection equation; this work presents solution methods for the nonlinear form of the proppant flux equation. The complexities of solving the nonlinear and heterogeneous hyperbolic advection equation that governs proppant transport are tackled, particularly handling shock waves that are generated due to the nonlinear flux function and the spatially-varying width and pressure gradient along the fracture. A critical time step is derived for the proppant transport problem solved using an explicit solution strategy. Additionally, a predictor-corrector algorithm is developed to constrain the proppant from exceeding the physically admissible range. The model can capture the mechanisms of proppant bridging occurring in sections of narrow fracture width, tip screen-out occurring when fractures become saturated with proppant, and flushing of proppant into new fracture segments. The results are verified by comparison with characteristic solutions and the model is used to simulate proppant transport through a KGD fracture. The final objective is to develop a numerical model for the simulation of proppant transport through propagating non-planar fractures. This work presents the first monolithic coupled numerical model for simulating proppant transport through a propagating hydraulic fracture. A fracture is propagated through a two-dimensional domain, driven by the flow of a proppant-laden slurry. Modeling of the slurry flow includes the effects of proppant bridging and the subsequent flow of fracturing fluid through the packed proppant pack. This allows for the simulation of a tip screen-out, a phenomenon in which there is a high degree of physical interaction between the rock deformation, fluid flow, and proppant transport. Tip screen-out also leads to shock wave formation in the solution. Numerical implementation of the model is verified and the model is then used to simulate a tip screen-out in both planar and non-planar fractures. An analysis of the fracture aperture, fluid pressure, and proppant concentration profiles throughout the simulation is performed for three different coupling schemes: monolithic, sequential, and loose coupling. It is demonstrated that even with time step refinement, the loosely-coupled scheme fails to converge to the same results as the monolithic and sequential schemes. The monolithic and sequential algorithms yield the same solution up to the onset of a tip screen-out, after which the sequential scheme fails to converge. The monolithic scheme is shown to be more efficient than the sequential algorithm (requiring fewer iterations) and has comparable computational cost to the loose coupling algorithm. Thus, the monolithic scheme is shown to be optimal in terms of computational efficiency, robustness, and accuracy. In addition to this finding, a robust and more efficient algorithm for injection-rate controlled hydraulic fracturing simulation based on global mass conservation is presented in the thesis.

Numerical Simulation in Hydraulic Fracturing: Multiphysics Theory and Applications

Book Description

The expansion of unconventional petroleum resources in the recent decade and the rapid development of computational technology have provided the opportunity to develop and apply 3D numerical modeling technology to simulate the hydraulic fracturing of shale and tight sand formations. This book presents 3D numerical modeling technologies for hydraulic fracturing developed in recent years, and introduces solutions to various 3D geomechanical problems related to hydraulic fracturing. In the solution processes of the case studies included in the book, fully coupled multi-physics modeling has been adopted, along with innovative computational techniques, such as submodeling. In practice, hydraulic fracturing is an essential project component in shale gas/oil development and tight sand oil, and provides an essential measure in the process of drilling cuttings reinjection (CRI). It is also an essential measure for widened mud weight window (MWW) when drilling through naturally fractured formations; the process of hydraulic plugging is a typical application of hydraulic fracturing. 3D modeling and numerical analysis of hydraulic fracturing is essential for the successful development of tight oil/gas formations: it provides accurate solutions for optimized stage intervals in a multistage fracking job. It also provides optimized well-spacing for the design of zipper-frac wells. Numerical estimation of casing integrity under stimulation injection in the hydraulic fracturing process is one of major concerns in the successful development of unconventional resources. This topic is also investigated numerically in this book. Numerical solutions to several other typical geomechanics problems related to hydraulic fracturing, such as fluid migration caused by fault reactivation and seismic activities, are also presented. This book can be used as a reference textbook to petroleum, geotechnical and geothermal engineers, to senior undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, and to geologists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists and applied mathematicians working in this field. This book is also a synthetic compendium of both the fundamentals and some of the most advanced aspects of hydraulic fracturing technology.

Proppant Transport in Complex Fracture Networks

Book Description

Current hydraulic fracturing practice in unconventional resource development typically involves multiple fracturing stages, each consisting of the simultaneous creation of several fractures from a horizontal well. A large mass of proppant, often millions of pounds per well, is injected with the fluid to provide post-closure conductivity. Despite the large quantity of proppant used and its critical importance to well productivity, simple models are often applied to determine its placement in fractures. Propped or effective fracture lengths indicated by modeling may be 100 to 300% larger than the lengths inferred from production data. A common assumption is that the average proppant velocity due to pressure driven flow is equal to the average carrier fluid velocity, while the settling velocity calculation uses Stokes’ law. To more accurately determine the placement of proppant in a fracture, it is necessary to rigorously account for many effects not included in the above assumptions. In this study, the motion of particles flowing with a fluid between fracture walls has been simulated using a coupled computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method (CFD-DEM) that rigorously accounts for the both aspects of the problem. These simulations determine individual particle trajectories as particle to particle and particle to wall collisions occur and include the effect of fluid flow. The results show that the proppant concentration and the ratio of proppant diameter to fracture width govern the relative velocity of proppant and fluid. Proppant settling velocity has been examined for small fracture widths to delineate the effect of several independent variables, including concentration. Simulations demonstrate that larger concentration increases the average settling velocity, in apparent contrast with much of the available literature, which indicates that increased concentration reduces settling velocity. However, this is due to the absence of displacement driven counter current fluid flow. This demonstrates that proppant settling in a hydraulic fracture is more complex than usually considered. A proppant transport model developed from the results of the direct numerical simulations and existing correlations for particle settling velocity has been incorporated into a fully three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing simulator. This simulator couples fracture geomechanics with fluid flow and proppant transport considerations to enable the fracture geometry and proppant distribution to be determined rigorously. Two engineering fracture design parameters, injection rate and proppant diameter, have been varied to show the effect on proppant placement. This allows for an understanding of the relative importance of each and optimization of the treatment to a particular application. The presence of natural fractures in unconventional reservoirs can significantly contribute to well productivity. As proppant is transported along a hydraulic fracture, the presence of a dilated natural fracture forms a fluid accepting branch and may result in proppant entry. The proportion of proppant transported into a branch at steady state has been determined using the CFD-DEM approach and is presented via a dimensionless ‘particle transport coefficient’ through normalization by the proportion of fluid flowing into the branch. Reynolds number at the inlet, branch aperture and the angle of orientation between the main slot and branch, particle size and concentration each affect the transport coefficient. A very different physical process, which controls particle transport into a branch under certain conditions, is the formation of a stable particle bridge preventing subsequent particle transport into the branch. This phenomenon was observed in several simulation cases. The complete set of equations for a three-dimensional formulation of rectangular displacement discontinuity elements has been used to determine the width distribution of a hydraulic fracture and dilated natural fracture. The widths have been determined for several combinations of stress anisotropy, net pressure, hydraulic fracture height and length. The effect of the length, height and orientation of the natural fracture and the elastic moduli of the rock have also been examined. Of the cases examined, many show that natural fracture dilation does not occur. Further, of those cases where dilation is apparent, the proppant transport efficiency corresponding to the natural fracture width is significantly less than one and in many cases zero due to size exclusion. The location and orientation of the natural fracture do not significantly affect its width, while its length and the elastic moduli of the rock substantially change the width.

Numerical Simulation of Proppant Displacement in Scaled Fracture Networks

Book Description

While hydraulic fracturing is recognized as the most effective stimulation technique for unconventional reservoirs, the production enhancement is influenced by several factors including proppant placement inside the fractures. The goal of this work is to understand the proppant transport and its placement process in "T" shaped fracture network through simulations. The proppant transport is studied numerically by coupling a computational fluid dynamic model for the base shear-thinning fluid and the discrete element methods for proppant particles. In the CFD model, the forces on proppants are calculated based on fluid properties, while fluid properties are updated based on the particle concentration at any point and time. In the DEM model, the motion and position of each individual proppant is calculated based on the gravity and drag forces from the CFD model, which makes it possible to reproduce some phenomena that cannot be simulated in continuum concentration-oriented models. A scaling analysis has been performed to scale down the model from field scale to lab scale by deriving relevant dimensionless variables. Different proppant size distributions and injection velocities are considered, as well as the friction and cohesion effects among particle and fracture surface. The simulation results show that in the primary fracture, the injected proppants could divide into three layers: the bottom sand bed zone, the middle surface rolling zone, and the top slurry flow zone. The total number of the proppants do not increase much after the sand dune reach an equilibrium height. A smaller size proppant would benefit the development of sand dune in the secondary fracture, whereas a larger proppant size would benefit the increase rate of the sand dune. The equilibrium height of sand dune in the minor fracture could be greater than the primary fracture, and the distribution of proppant dunes is symmetric. A lower proppant load would amplify the impact of friction as well as the erosion force, which would finally deliver a negative impact on equilibrium height. Two deposit mechanisms have also identified in the bypass fracture network.

New numerical approaches to model hydraulic fracturing in tight reservoirs with consideration of hydro-mechanical coupling effects

Book Description

In this dissertation, two new numerical approaches for hydraulic fracturing in tight reservoir were developed. A more physical-based numerical 3D-model was developed for simulating the whole hydraulic fracturing process including fracture propagation, closure and contact as well as proppant transport and settling. In this approach rock formation, pore and fracture systems were assembled together, in which hydro-mechanical coupling effect, proppant transport and settling as well as their influences on fracture closure and contact were fully considered. A combined FDM and FVM schema was used to solve the problem. Three applications by using the new approach were presented. The results illustrated the whole hydraulic fracturing process well and seemed to be logical, which confirmed the ability of the developed approach to model the in-situ hydraulic fracturing operation from injection start till fully closure. In order to investigate the orientation problem of hydraulic fracturing in tight reservoir, a new approach for simulating arbitrary fracture propagation and orientation in 2D was developed. It was solved by a hybrid schema of XFEM and FVM. Three numerical studies were illustrated, which proved the ability of the developed approach to solve the orientation problem in field cases.

Numerical Modeling of Complex Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Layered Reservoirs with Auto-optimization

Book Description

Hydraulic fracturing brings economic unconventional reservoir developments, and multi-cluster completion designs result in complex hydraulic fracture geometries. Therefore, accurate yet efficient modeling of the propagation of multiple non-planar hydraulic fractures is desired to study the mechanisms of hydraulic fracture propagation and optimize field completion designs. In this research, a novel hydraulic fracture model is developed to simulate the propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures with proppant transport in layered and naturally fractured reservoirs. The simplified three-dimensional displacement discontinuity method (S3D DDM) is enhanced to compute the hydraulic fracture deformation and propagation with analytical fracture height growth and vertical width variation. Using a single row of DDM elements, the enhanced S3D DDM hydraulic fracture model computes the fully 3D geometries with a similar computational intensity to a 2D model. Then an Eulerian-Lagrangian proppant transport model is developed, where the slurry flow rate and pressure are solved within the Eulerian regime, and the movement of solid proppant particles is solved within the Lagrangian regime. The adaptive proppant gridding scheme in the model allows a smaller grid size at the earlier fracturing stage for higher resolution and a larger grid size at the later fracturing stage for higher efficiency. Besides the physical model, an optimization module that utilizes advanced optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) and pattern search algorithm (PSA) is proposed to automatically optimize the completion designs according to the preset targets. Numerical results show that hydraulic fracture propagation is under the combined influence of the in-situ stress, pumping schedule, natural fractures, and cluster placement. Hence, numerical simulation is needed to predict complex hydraulic fracture geometries under various geologic and completion settings. The complex hydraulic fracture geometries, together with fracturing fluid and proppant properties, also affect proppant placement. Moreover, the stress contrast at layer interfaces can cause proppant bridging and form barriers on the proppant transport path. The optimized completion designs increase effective hydraulic and propped areas, but they vary depending on the optimization targets. The developed hydraulic fracture model provides insights into the hydraulic fracturing process and benefits unconventional reservoir development

Integrated 3-dimensional Modeling of Proppant Transport Through Hydraulic Fracture Network in Shale Gas Reservoir

Book Description

Hydraulic fracturing is one of the most successful and widely applied techniques that ensure economic recovery from unconventional reservoirs. Oil and gas bearing formation has pre-existing natural fractures and possesses a large proportion in hydrocarbon resources. Distinct fracture propagational behavior and operational variation both affect the entire hydraulic fracturing treatment. Proppant transport and fracture network conductivity are the most significant factors determining the effectiveness of a treatment. The concept of stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) is used to characterize the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing treatment. However, the unpropped fracture will close after the well starts to produce without contributing hydrocarbon recovery. Only the propped open section of fracture contributes to the hydrocarbon recovery. Therefore, the concept of propped open stimulated reservoir volume (PSRV) is proposed to characterize the effectiveness of the treatment. Physics of proppant transport in a complex fracture network is unclear to the engineers. Most of the model simulates using simplified physics. In this work, we first identified the patterns of proppant transport and we developed equations to quantify the governing physics in each pattern, in order to capture the proppant transport process accurately. To quantify the PSRV, a dynamic 3-D, finite-difference, proppant transport model is developed and linked to a hydraulic fracture propagation model to simulate the process of proppant transport through the hydraulic fracture network. The actual propped open stimulated reservoir volume (PSRV) and fracture network conductivity can be quantified by utilizing the model. The goal of this study is to generate guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of the hydraulic fracturing treatment. Hence, a systematic parametric study was conducted to investigate the relation among engineering factors, geomechanical and reservoir properties. The effect of each parameter on PSRV, PSRV/SRV efficiency ratio, and average fracture conductivity during pressure pumping, flowback and shut-in is evaluate and quantified. Guidelines to optimize the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing treatment for different scenarios are established based on the systematic parametric study.

A Model for Hydraulic Fracturing and Proppant Placement in Unconsolidated Sands

Book Description

Hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated or poorly consolidated formations has been used as a technique for well stimulation and for sand control. Although a large number of hydraulic fracturing operations have been performed in soft formations, the exact mechanisms of failure and fracture propagation remain an unresolved issue. Conventional hydraulic fracturing models based on the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) consistently predict lower net fracturing pressure, smaller fracture widths and longer fracture lengths in soft formations than observed in the field. Operators who want to design and analyze frac-pack treatments routinely use a hard rock model and need to calibrate and often manipulate input parameters beyond a physically reasonable range to match the net fracturing pressure and well performance data. In this dissertation, we have developed a fully-coupled, three-dimensional hydraulic fracture model for poro-elasto-plastic materials and fluid flow coupled with proppant transport. A computational framework for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) based on finite volume method was developed for modeling of hydraulic fracturing and proppant placement in soft formations. Two separate domains, a fracture and a reservoir domain, are discretized individually, separate equations are solved in the two domains, and their interactions are modeled. The model includes the fully coupled process of power-law fluid flow inside the fracture with proppant transport, fluid leak-off from the fracture into the porous reservoir, pore pressure diffusion into the reservoir, inelastic deformation of the poro-elasto-plastic reservoir, and fracture propagation using a cohesive zone model along with a dynamic meshing procedure. Fully-coupled processes between the two domains, and pressure, flow and displacement coupling within each domain are modeled by an iterative and segregated solution procedure, where each component of the field variable is solved separately, consecutively, and iteratively. We verified the essential components of the model by comparing our simulation results with several well-known analytical solutions (elastoplastic deformation and failure problem, KGD model in a 2-D elastic domain, and KGD model in storage-toughness dominated regime). We applied the model to design and analyze frac-pack operations conducted in a Gulf of Mexico oilfield. Our model is capable of capturing the high net fracturing pressure commonly observed during frac-packing operations without adjusting any input parameters. The model shows quantitatively that plasticity causes lower stress concentration around the fracture tip which shields the tip of the propagating fracture from the fracturing pressure, and retards fracture growth. Our model predicts shorter fracture lengths and wider widths compared to a hard rock model. Shear failure around the fracture and ahead of the tip are modeled. Low cohesion sands tend to fail in shear first then in tension if sufficient pore pressure builds up. We investigated the effect of fluid viscosity, injection rate, and proppant diameter on fracture growth and proppant placement using sensitivity studies. Higher apparent fluid viscosity and injection rate results in wider fractures with better proppant placement, when the fracture is expected to be contained within the payzone. Utilizing larger diameter of proppant leads to settling-dominant proppant placement resulting in the formation of a proppant bank at the bottom of the induced fracture. The new frac-pack model for the first time allows operators to design and analyze hydraulic fracturing stimulations in soft, elastoplastic formations when complex fracturing fluids are used. Our results also provide guidelines for the selection of fracturing fluid rheology, proppant size, and injection rates.