Methane Recovery from Hydrate-bearing Sediments

Book Description

Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds made of gas and water molecules. Methane hydrates are found in marine sediments and permafrost regions; extensive amounts of methane are trapped in the form of hydrates. Methane hydrate can be an energy resource, contribute to global warming, or cause seafloor instability. This study placed emphasis on gas recovery from hydrate bearing sediments and related phenomena. The unique behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments required the development of special research tools, including new numerical algorithms (tube- and pore-network models) and experimental devices (high pressure chambers and micromodels). Therefore, the research methodology combined experimental studies, particle-scale numerical simulations, and macro-scale analyses of coupled processes. Research conducted as part of this project started with hydrate formation in sediment pores and extended to production methods and emergent phenomena. In particular, the scope of the work addressed: (1) hydrate formation and growth in pores, the assessment of formation rate, tensile/adhesive strength and their impact on sediment-scale properties, including volume change during hydrate formation and dissociation; (2) the effect of physical properties such as gas solubility, salinity, pore size, and mixed gas conditions on hydrate formation and dissociation, and it implications such as oscillatory transient hydrate formation, dissolution within the hydrate stability field, initial hydrate lens formation, and phase boundary changes in real field situations; (3) fluid conductivity in relation to pore size distribution and spatial correlation and the emergence of phenomena such as flow focusing; (4) mixed fluid flow, with special emphasis on differences between invading gas and nucleating gas, implications on relative gas conductivity for reservoir simulations, and gas recovery efficiency; (5) identification of advantages and limitations in different gas production strategies with emphasis; (6) detailed study of CH4-CO2 exchange as a unique alternative to recover CH4 gas while sequestering CO2; (7) the relevance of fines in otherwise clean sand sediments on gas recovery and related phenomena such as fines migration and clogging, vuggy structure formation, and gas-driven fracture formation during gas production by depressurization.

Oceanic Methane Hydrates

Book Description

Methane hydrates are still a complicated target for today’s oil and gas offshore engineers, particularly the lack of reliable real field test data or obtaining the most recent technology available on the feasibility and challenges surrounding the extraction of methane hydrates. Oceanic Methane Hydrates delivers the solid foundation as well as today’s advances and challenges that remain. Starting with the fundamental knowledge on gas hydrates, the authors define the origin, estimations, and known exploration and production methods. Historical and current oil and gas fields and roadmaps containing methane hydrates around the world are also covered to help lay the foundation for the early career engineer. Lab experiments and advancements in numerical reservoir simulations transition the engineer from research to practice with real field-core sampling techniques covered, points on how to choose producible methane hydrate reservoirs, and the importance of emerging technologies. Actual comparable onshore tests from around the world are included to help the engineer gain clarity on field expectations.Rounding out the reference are emerging technologies in all facets of the business including well completion and monitoring, economics aspects to consider, and environmental challenges, particularly methods to reduce the costs of methane hydrate exploration and production techniques. Rounding out a look at future trends, Oceanic Methane Hydrates covers both the basics and advances needed for today’s engineers to gain the required knowledge needed to tackle this challenging and exciting future energy source. Understand real data and practice examples covering the newest developments of methane hydrate, from chemical, reservoir modelling and production testing Gain worldwide coverage and analysis of the most recent extraction production tests Cover the full range of emerging technologies and environmental sustainability including current regulations and policy outlook

Numerical Investigations of the Fluid Flows at Deep Oceanic and Arctic Permafrost-Associated Gas Hydrate Deposits

Book Description

Methane hydrate is an ice-like solid which sequesters large quantities of methane gas within its crystal structure. The source of methane is typically derived from organic matter broken down by thermogenic or biogenic activity. Methane hydrate (or more simply, hydrate) is found around the globe within marine sediments along most continental margins where thermodynamic conditions and methane gas (in excess of local solubility) permit its formation. Hydrate deposits are quite possibly the largest reservoir of fossil fuel on Earth, however, their formation and evolution in response to changing thermodynamic conditions, such as global warming, are poorly understood. Upward fluid flow (relative to the seafloor) is thought to be important for the formation of methane hydrate deposits, which are typically found beneath topographic features on the seafloor. However, one-dimensional models predict downward flow relative to the seafloor in compacting marine sediments. The presence of upward flow in a passive margin setting can be explained by fluid focusing beneath topography when sediments have anisotropic permeability due to sediment bedding layers. Even small slopes (10 degrees) in bedding planes produce upward fluid velocity, with focusing becoming more effective as slopes increase. Additionally, focusing causes high excess pore pressure to develop below topographic highs, promoting high-angle fracturing at the ridge axis. Magnitudes of upward pore fluid velocity are much larger in fractured zones, particularly when the surrounding sediment matrix is anisotropic in permeability. Enhanced flow of methane-bearing fluids from depth provides a simple explanation for preferential accumulation of hydrate under topographic highs. Models of fluid flow at large hydrate provinces can be constrained by measurements of naturally-occurring radioactive tracers. Concentrations of cosmogenic iodine, 129-I, in the pore fluid of marine sediments often indicate that the pore fluid is much older than the host sediment. Old pore fluid age may reflect complex flow patterns, such a fluid focusing, which can cause significant lateral migration as well as regions where downward flow reverses direction and returns toward the seafloor. Longer pathlines can produce pore fluid ages much older than that expected with a one-dimensional compaction model. For steady-state models with geometry representative of Blake Ridge (USA), a well-studied hydrate province, pore fluid ages beneath regions of topography and within fractured zones can be up to 70 Ma old. Results suggest that the measurements of 129-I/127-I reflect a mixture of new and old pore fluid. However, old pore fluid need not originate at great depths. Methane within pore fluids can travel laterally several kilometers, implying an extensive source region around the deposit. Iodine age measurements support the existence of fluid focusing beneath regions of seafloor topography at Blake Ridge, and suggest that the methane source at Blake Ridge is likely shallow. The response of methane hydrate reservoirs to warming is poorly understood. The great depths may protect deep oceanic hydrates from climate change for the time being because transfer of heat by conduction is slow, but warming will eventually be felt albeit in the far future. On the other hand, unique permafrost-associated methane hydrate deposits exist at shallow depths within the sediments of the circum-Arctic continental shelves. Arctic hydrates are thought to be a relict of cold glacial periods, aggrading when sea levels are much lower and shelf sediments are exposed to freezing air temperatures. During interglacial periods, rising sea levels flood the shelf, bringing dramatic warming to the permafrost- and hydrate-bearing sediments. Permafrost-associated methane hydrate deposits have been responding to warming since the last glacial maximum ~18 kaBP as a consequence of these natural glacial cycles. This `experiment, ' set into motion by nature itself, allows us a unique opportunity to study the response of methane hydrate deposits to warming. Gas hydrate stability in the Arctic and the permeability of the shelf sediments to gas migration is thought to be closely linked with relict submarine permafrost. Submarine permafrost extent depends on several environmental factors, such as the shelf lithology, sea level variations, mean annual air temperature, ocean bottom water temperature, geothermal heat flux, groundwater hydrology, and the salinity of the pore water. Effects of submarine groundwater discharge, which introduces fresh terrestrial groundwater off-shore, can freshen deep marine sediments and is an important control on the freezing point depression of ice and methane hydrate. While several thermal modeling studies suggest the permafrost layer should still be largely intact near-shore, many recent field studies have reported elevated methane levels in Arctic coastal waters. The permafrost layer is thought to create an impermeable barrier to fluid and gas flow, however, talik formation (unfrozen regions within otherwise continuous permafrost) below paleo-river channels can create permeable pathways for gas migration from depth. This is the first study of its kind to make predictions of the methane gas flux to the water column from the Arctic shelf sediments using a 2D multi-phase fluid flow model. Model results show that the dissociation of methane hydrate deposits through taliks can supersaturate the overlying water column at present-day relative to equilibrium with the atmosphere when taliks are large (> 1 km width) or hydrate saturation is high within hydrate layers (> 50% pore volume). Supersaturated waters likely drive a net flux of methane into the atmosphere, a potent greenhouse gas. Effects of anthropogenic global warming will certainly increase gas venting rates if ocean bottom water temperatures increase, but likely won't have immediately observable impacts due to the long response times.

Numerical Modelling: Applications to Marine Systems

Book Description

The thirteen papers presented in this book are based on talks given at the workshop on Numerical Modelling of Marine Systems held at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in February 1986. Several of the articles are a direct outcome of two special sessions held on modelling of Open Boundary Conditions and on the Transport of Pollutants. Other articles in the book cover topics such as numerical modelling of wind-driven flow in shallow seas, sediment transport in estuaries, internal tides and comparison of numerical methods for solving tidal and pollutant transport problems.

Studying Methane Migration Mechanisms at Walker Ridge, Gulf of Mexico, Via 3D Methane Hydrate Reservoir Modeling

Book Description

We have developed a 3D methane hydrate reservoir simulator to model marine methane hydrate systems. Our simulator couples highly nonlinear heat and mass transport equations and includes heterogeneous sedimentation, in-situ microbial methanogenesis, the influence of pore size contrast on solubility gradients, and the impact of salt exclusion from the hydrate phase on dissolved methane equilibrium in pore water. Using environmental parameters from Walker Ridge in the Gulf of Mexico, we first simulate hydrate formation in and around a thin, dipping, planar sand stratum surrounded by clay lithology as it is buried to 295mbsf. We find that with sufficient methane being supplied by organic methanogenesis in the clays, a 200x pore size contrast between clays and sands allows for a strong enough concentration gradient to significantly drop the concentration of methane hydrate in clays immediately surrounding a thin sand layer, a phenomenon that is observed in well log data. Building upon previous work, our simulations account for the increase in sand-clay solubility contrast with depth from about 1.6% near the top of the sediment column to 8.6% at depth, which leads to a progressive strengthening of the diffusive flux of methane with time. By including an exponentially decaying organic methanogenesis input to the clay lithology with depth, we see a decrease in the aqueous methane supplied to the clays surrounding the sand layer with time, which works to further enhance the contrast in hydrate saturation between the sand and surrounding clays. Significant diffusive methane transport is observed in a clay interval of about 11m above the sand layer and about 4m below it, which matches well log observations. The clay-sand pore size contrast alone is not enough to completely eliminate hydrate (as observed in logs), because the diffusive flux of aqueous methane due to a contrast in pore size occurs slower than the rate at which methane is supplied via organic methanogenesis. Therefore, it is likely that additional mechanisms are at play, notably bound water activity reduction in clays. Three-dimensionality allows for inclusion of lithologic heterogeneities, which focus fluid flow and subsequently allow for heterogeneity in the methane migration mechanisms that dominate in marine sediments at a local scale. Incorporating recently acquired 3D seismic data from Walker Ridge to inform the lithologic structure of our modeled reservoir, we show that even with deep adjective sourcing of methane along highly permeable pathways, local hydrate accumulations can be sourced either by diffusive or advective methane flux; advectively-sourced hydrates accumulate evenly in highly permeable strata, while diffusively-sourced hydrates are characterized by thin strata-bound intervals with high clay-sand pore size contrasts.

Application of Transport-reaction Modeling to Constrain Biogeochemical Processes in Marine Sediments

Book Description

Quantifying the mass transport through marine sediments, and the geochemical response to such flow with numerical models has become a common and powerful approach for geochemical data interpretation. In this dissertation, I developed and applied transport-reaction models to unravel complex and interdependent reactions involving carbon, sulfur and silica transformations in shallow marine sediments, and the impact of physical (mass transport deposits) and depositional events (volcanic ash input) on the overall geochemical state of the system. Carbon cycling in the gas hydrate bearing sediments of the Ulleung Basin was quantified using both box and kinetic modeling approaches. The box model balances mass, flux, and carbon isotopes of carbon (Chapter 2), and led to a better understanding of how methane is cycled in the marine sediments of this area. This effort demonstrates the significance of CO2 reduction, a previously overlooked reaction. The picture of reaction network derived from this work serves as the foundation for a transport-reaction model (Chapter 3). The kinetic model results revealed a very different biogeochemistry between two distinct fluid-flow environments. At sites where transport is predominantly diffusive (non-chimney environments), organic matter decomposition is the dominant process driving production of methane, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and consumption of sulfate. In contrast, anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) drives both carbon and sulfur cycles in the advective settings characterized by acoustic chimneys indicative of gas transport. I show that methane produced within the model domain, through CO2 reduction and methanogenesis, fuels AOM in the non-chimney sites while AOM is primarily induced by methane from external sources at the chimney sites. A simulation of the system evolution from a non-chimney to a chimney condition was developed by increasing the bottom methane supply to an originally diffusion-controlled site. Results from this exercise show that the higher methane flux leads to a higher AOM activity, and enhanced organic matter decomposition through methanogenesis. Organic carbon cycling is also affected by changes in the depositional environment, as shown by application of the kinetic model to the sediments from the Krishna-Godavary (K-G) basin along the eastern Indian margin (Chapter 4). Proximity to large rivers results in the widespread occurrence of mass transport deposits (MTD) throughout the basin. In this work, MTD is defined as a fluidized sediment block whose pore water composition is identical to sea water value to reflect the homogenization process during sediment transport. The pore water sulfate and ammonium profiles measured at seven sites drilled in the K-G Basin during the NGHP-01 expedition were simulated to provide a quantitative description of how MTDs can affect geochemistry profiles, not only for sulfate and ammonium but potentially all pore water species. This model provides reliable estimates of the MTDs thickness, the time elapsed after the most recent event, and the organoclastic sulfate reduction rate at these seven sites. A transport-reaction modeling approach was also applied to investigate the silica diagenetic reactions fueled by volcanic ash decomposition in Shikuko Basin, Nankai Trough (Chapter 5). The model developed for this setting reproduces a silica diagenetic boundary (SDB) at each site, which is defined by marked decreases in reactive volcanic ash, pore water silica and potassium. Volcanic ash alteration was constrained by modeling pore water 87Sr/86Sr profiles. Below the SDB, formation of clinoptilolite consumes potassium and regulates the extension of amorphous silica by consuming SiO2(aq). The observed low SiO2(aq) and dissolved potassium in these deep sequences require continuous precipitation of clinoptilolite; however in order to maintain oversaturation of this mineral at the low SiO2(aq) in sediments below the SDB, an increase in pH is required, consistent with pore water observations. Thermal history, rather than temperature alone, controls the inferred reaction network as shown by the convergence of the thermal maturity of sediments at the SDB from all studied sites and is consistent with other locations documented onshore Japan. These results are valuable as we move forward in understanding the mechanisms and consequences of ash alteration in convergent margins worldwide.

The Interdependence of Lithologic Heterogeneity and Methane Migration on Gas Hydrate Formation in Marine Sediments

Book Description

Despite the ubiquity of methane hydrate in the pore space of shallow marine sediments worldwide, the processes governing the transport of methane from source to reservoir are still poorly understood. Methane migration mechanisms constitute important links in the evolution of a natural gas hydrate system because they control how gas hydrate distributes in sediment pore space as well as the quantities in which gas hydrate forms. Without a thorough understanding of methane migration, it is impossible to accurately predict how a methane source interacts with a reservoir, which makes it very difficult to reliably predict where hydrate will form in a given environment. When trying to understand a gas hydrate system as a potential natural gas prospect, as a geohazard, or as an agent of global climate change, it is essential to accurately characterize the distribution and volume of hydrate present. Thus, methane migration mechanisms must be properly understood if a hydrate system is to be evaluated for any of these purposes. The work presented here develops 3D, multiphase, multicomponent fluid transport simulation software to investigate the impact of three different methane migration mechanisms on the transport dynamics and distribution of gas hydrate in marine geosystems: diffusion, short-range advection, and methane recycling. I find that the expressions of gas hydrate systems in nature are sensitive to small-scale heterogeneities in sediment lithology and capillary effects. Properties of a hydrate-bearing unit including pore size distribution, unit thickness, dip, and proximity to other layers in multilayered systems all contribute to preferential flux of methane toward and within certain hydrate-bearing sediment strata, which impact the distribution of hydrate throughout these units. When sediments are overpressured, permeability contrasts can focus methane-charged fluids along high permeability pathways and precipitate hydrate through short-range advection. Capillary phenomena can produce a region near the base of the hydrate stability zone where hydrate, water, and free gas coexist over a range of pressures and temperatures, which can drive recycling of free gas derived from dissociated hydrate back into the hydrate stability zone

Formation of Sub-permafrost Methane Hydrate Reproduced by Numerical Modeling

Book Description

Natural gas hydrates are ice-like crystalline compounds containing water cavities that trap natural gas molecules like methane (CH4), which is a potent greenhouse gas with high energy density. The Mallik site at the Mackenzie Delta in the Canadian Arctic contains a large volume of technically recoverable CH4 hydrate beneath the base of the permafrost. Understanding how the sub-permafrost hydrate is distributed can aid in searching for the ideal locations for deploying CH4 production wells to develop the hydrate as a cleaner alternative to crude oil or coal. Globally, atmospheric warming driving permafrost thaw results in sub-permafrost hydrate dissociation, releasing CH4 into the atmosphere to intensify global warming. It is therefore crucial to evaluate the potential risk of hydrate dissociation due to permafrost degradation. To quantitatively predict hydrate distribution and volume in complex sub-permafrost environments, a numerical framework was developed to simulate sub-permafrost hydrate formation by coupling the equilibrium CH4-hydrate formation approach with a fluid flow and transport simulator (TRANSPORTSE). [...].

Flow and Reactions in Permeable Rocks

Book Description

The formation of ore deposits and the patterns of mineral alteration in rocks frequently involves the transport of large amounts of dissolved solids, sometimes transiently, but often over long periods of time. Knowing or suspecting this, we logically seek to resolve several questions: What are the large- and small-scale patterns of flow in geological materials? What is the direction and rate of flow in a given structure? What factors control the rates of chemical reaction within the rocks? What governs the dissolution of materials in some regions and their deposition in other areas that, over eons, leads to the distribution of minerals we see today? The search for answers to these issues involves a combination of approaches and subjects that includes geochemistry, structural geology, and fluid mechanics. In Flow and Reactions in Permeable Rocks, Dr. Owen Phillips provides the first book-length work that connects these different fields of study and applies them to the problem of flow and flow-controlled reaction in rocks. The author begins by specifying the general physical and chemical principles that govern fluid flow and chemical reactions in rocks. He then develops the theoretical underpinnings for a variety of different patterns of flow and for the three basic types of flow-controlled reaction: fronts, gradient reactions, and reactions in mixing zones. In the next chapter he explores some conditions for stability and instability in fluid flow, for instance the conditions under which one state of flow pattern spontaneously evolves into another. Finally, Dr. Phillips describes in detail the two great driving forces of large-scale fluid circulation in rocks: pressure differences and thermal convection. Typical geological examples are given and, wherever possible, compared to numerical results or field observations. The analytical developments require some familiarity with college-level mathematics, but derivations are easy to follow or may even be skipped by the trusting reader.